Monday, April 22, 2024


Here we are on Monday!!!! Happy Earth Day!!!!! When I was little I was always brought up by my parents and aunt and uncle to respect the Earth and nature and was always encouraged to do things outdoors and give back when I can. And it can be done with huge effort or even smaller things you wouldn't even think of. We can all pledge to avoid using those damn, noisy and weak plastic bags from the grocery stores. I now have upwards of 20 reusable bags! It took me a few weeks when I started using them, because I'd forget to take them when I might have an impromptu stop at the grocery or market. So now, I keep a stash in my car trunk at all times, or if you don't have many, get in the habit of taking them back out to your car once unpacked. We can avoid using plastic in the home, Go on nature walks, make lifestyle changes that reduce your carbon footprint, like turning off lights or tv if you're not in the room. We can educate friends and family on ways to save the environment. We can also initiate ways to get waster better recycled where we work. I'm proud of the job my company does with waste. Everything get separated in the back by cardboard, Styrofoam and regular paper waste and is then send back on our own trucks to recycle centers. When I worked with the Dame at the flowers shop. I got him to talk to his floral wholesalers to take back the ample number of boxes he'd get at the shop, and they did...and it saved them money from getting more boxes made. He told me they now make all the florist they serve do it. So you never know where a little gesture might take you and the good it will do. Today I and some others from our sister stores, are taking a half day to collect litter on roads and byways. Another small thing we can do is loosen the soil and sprinkle and sow some wildflowers seeds. They make a great habitat for bees and butterflies. Supply a water bath for birds and you'll find the bees use it too. But we have to remember reducing, reuse and recycle.

🌳Happy Earth Day🌳


  1. Great images for Earth Day! Love the final one in particular!

    1. absolutely brilliant & genial!

  2. I love using reusable bags, and I shall celebrate by purchasing the smaller ones meant specifically for produce.

  3. Terrific and beautiful!

  4. Just fed the birds, the water feature is in full flow and we have to sort out our rubbish - garden/recyclable and an everything else bin. Plus there's the glass bin.

    1. Fed the birds! I have to have my bird seed sent in we go through so much. Our local nursey where I get drops it off when I place in an order.

  5. The hummingbird & bees! 💚 💚 💚

    1. Now I know it's Earth Day....Mr Device has sprung up!!!

  6. Nice to see the hummingbird and the bees coexisting peacefully. I'm sure if I got to close, the hummingbird would fly away, and the bees, well, you know: OUCH! Given what us humans can be like, I'm not sure I'd blame either species.

    1. We have two hummingbirds here, that will arrive when the salvia get big...but good luck catching a picture...they are too quick.

  7. What an absolutely stunning post. This made me so happy, all the pictures not to mention your message. You were brought up right, ashamed more people aren't so thoughtful of the Earth. And kudos to your company for being environmentally responsible. And make sure you don't get hit by cars today. I love the little cartoon trees moving. Happy Earth Day to everybody!

  8. a role model you are. and here I thought you only recycled boys?

    1. You know i have that on a tee short right? The orange one!!

    2. O love that tee shirt when you wore it here. And yet so fitting for you too dearie.

  9. Happy Earth Day, Mads...

  10. YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Mother Earth, Yasssssssssss!

  11. Love this post!
    We all should do our part to conserve, recycle and upcycle. I've been using reusable bags for years! I used to get looks at some stores, but the people at Aldi got me used to them.


    1. I use reusable bags just about everywhere I go now.

  12. Anonymous4/22/2024

    Tundra Bunny here...

    Great post -- Happy Earth Day, Maddie!

    I know it's discouraging and depressing at times to recycle, but when it comes to the environment, it's the cumulative impact that counts -- be it positive or negative. Proper disposal of alkaline batteries, plastics, electronics and household hazardous wastes is great, but LESS overall consumerism of plastic junk from Amazon (China), fast fashions and the endless crap we really don't need is a big part of the solution too!

    1. Don't forget....CROCS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, you did mention plastic junk.

  13. You certainly are a wonderful advocate for mother nature. I teach my grandchildren just as I taught my children to respect nature. We do not have the right to abuse nature for our own ends. It has to be a symbiosis, a partnership. Everything is suddenly very green here!

    1. Same here seems everyday something is blooming or exploding quickly. I find the flowering trees so pretty but they are often the most short lived.

  14. What a beautiful post and an inspiring one. Even the smallest of things help to contribute to a better world.

  15. I LOVE this post. I admit I need to be better about the recycle thing and research more how to dispose of certain things. This is a great post, nice message and the picture give hope and made me happy, especially the last one.

  16. I think I liked each picture more and more as the progession went. The first and last images were my favorites.

  17. Here! Here! If we don't wake up soon...we will be wearing mask like in that one picture permanently.

  18. Amazing photos to celebrate Earth Day


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