Friday, April 26, 2024


Last weekend I had gone to Ashcombe Market and Greenhouse to get some of my garden replacements such as the Cassia and the lovely Datura Ballerina plants. I always enjoy going there, and we have been using them since my paternal grandparents went there. The greenhouse offers quite a selection, and garden and bird supplies, but also offers up a small produce market, and homemade baked goods. They at one time even had their own dairy. The place got its named though from the lovely Victoria mansion of the same name. The Aschombe mansion sits atop a small hill all these years later like a well-heeled dowager from last century. I always enjoy seeing it. It is now a wedding venue. But I can recall when I was chosen to remodel a room back in 97 when the Harrisburg Symphony chose the location to have a fundraiser in the form of a Designer Showhouse in it.  I was nervous as it was the first big project for me being right out of schooling. I had gotten the Mrs. Writers Nook, Margarets library and where she did her writing. The inside of the house was just spectacular. The mansion originally served as the summer home for the mistress of the house Margaret Moser, widow of the Honorable Henry G Moser, an iron manufacturer, legislator and county judge. She babied the house and loved her gardens. The family was in it over 90 years. Once the family sold it and moved, Ashcombe's bought the house since they owned all the land leading up to the mansion, but didn't really use it for anything, lived in it briefly, which is how the Harrisburg Symphony committee decided to do a showhouse in it. Shortly after, it was used on NBC's short-lived comedy, Grand, then one Dr Stinckovic and his wife Mira bought it and it tuned into a Bed and Breakfast, who later sold it to the group that owns it now and did a 10 million renovation on it. It is now back in its glory days. The inside had gorgeous hardwood floors, winding Victorian era grand staircases, and many original stained-glass windows, not to mention restored original wallpapers paintings there were discovered all over the house when we did the designer showhouse. The stone facades and the intricate woodwork are a testament to the craftsmanship of the era in which it was built and we most likely will not see again. It rare there isn't something going on there, so I zipped in last week and took these exterior shots. Isn't it just gorgeous?


  1. I love those sprawling, shingle-and-stone homes and I would live on that porch!

  2. Replies
    1. I love that whole area. It's amazing to see the house still in excellent shape. It was starting to crumble during its vacant years.

  3. nice place for sure!

  4. Whoa.
    It's in fantastic condition. And painted wallpaper??? Fabulous.


    1. I can recall the excitement during the design showhouse work...everyone seemed to be finding these hand painted wallpapers. It was a great experience not to mention met some of the areas reputable interior designers.

  5. I thought you were going to tell us that you were moving in this weekend? Shame, no?

    1. Had I had the money all those years ago or had a sugar daddy back then..Id love to live in this house. I will have to post pictures from the inside sometime. The kitchen is spectacular!

  6. That place is wonderful!

  7. I think I could live there --- if I had a trust fund!

  8. Oh my gosh would you believe I actually have seen that house in person? I saw it many years ago when my uncle still lived in the area. It was such a beautiful home I'm so glad to see it is still standing. It was magnificent. And that is so cool that you got to do a design show House. I can imagine your room was gorgeous. What a lovely post today. I just adore Victorian design and architecture.

  9. Now being architectural student and preserver you know absolutely love this house. How great that it's been renovated and preserved. When I first saw the opening picture did immediately reminded me of Helen Mirren in the movie Winchester for some reason. I guess the design of the house. I'm dying to see the inside. You got some great pictures. I could live there.

    1. When you come for a visit, I'll have to swing you by there.

  10. Anonymous4/26/2024

    Tundra Bunny here...

    What a gorgeous mansion! Whoever restored it did a fantastic job -- I love the circular porch. How lovely would it be to have a wedding or special event there? Just sitting on that porch and enjoying champagne, martinis or high tea would be heaven.

    1. It is now Tundra! It's called the Willows at Ashcombe Mansion. It's a party and events space... and wedding partys can stay there, have the event there and they even have a salon for the bride and her party to get their make-up and hair done! And the gents have their own area. I hear the price is outrageous.

  11. That's the sort of sprawling Victorian house that wouldn't look out of place in one of the resorts on the south coast of England, like Torquay, Eastbourne or Bournemouth... Jx

    1. Then I bet those places you named must be breathtaking dear. Seems to me I used to read a blogger from Bournemouth. I miss him.

  12. I love the Victorian I would not mind seeing this place in person. It is stunning. Another fun tidbit to know that you did a room for the showhouse. I can imagine that house was stunning when done. I did google it, and they have quite the events there, and the rooms are very opulent. This old bird also remembers it being used on the show Grand. I think if memory serves it starred John Randolph and Bonnie Hunt.

  13. When I was in my teens this was the type of fantasy home I imagined for myself. Stunning. Do you have any photos of “your” room?

  14. What a world! I can't imagine. It's like something from a night time soap. Alexis Carrington might come for tea. Kizzes.


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