Sunday, September 18, 2022


Well, it seems back in August, thanks to Travel Penguin...I went to check how long I've been blogging. Seems we miss the Casa du Borghese's 15th anniversary!!! 

Meanwhile almost 4 mil views, 5,000 posts, and 1,002, 667 comments, makes me wonder who is still reading this ex-drag queen, gay boy's crap all these years?!?! And to think, I was only going to blog for 5 years. I THANK each and every one who has been here since the beginning and over the years!!! Your comments tickle me so. Truth be headers are sometimes as popular as post themselves! Some of the notables from this year.....


  1. Happy belated 15th blogoversary, Mads! So, you were ten when you started this thing, huh? Heh. I do love the headers! My favorite is the hunk on the floating spotted condom. Did you retire my nemesis the mannequin lady? :)

    1. I think she was about two years ago. I still get a good chuckle out of that one. And too think. I started out just commmenting like you for years before I started blogging. I can't believe it's been this long.

    2. I think I remember that one Deedles!

  2. Congrats, sweetie.

  3. Oh how marvelous! 15! I am glad to be part of your Journey. May there be many more.

    1. At the rate blogger is going, I suspect not.

  4. your blog and headers are almost as famous as your other header!

    Meanwhile you mean to say there has been 15 years of smut and sinning.

    1. And I like to think they both bring enjoyment!!!!

  5. I was a lurker for a great part of your journey.

    1. Im glad you came out! So to speak,lol

  6. 15 years!!!!!! Happy Anniversary!!! I wish I'd found you sooner ~~ I adore your blog as much as your head-er.

  7. OH MY! 15 years!!!! Seems like yesterday I found your blog. And I can't tell you how much it make my day and even William would peak. I think I found you from Lance and Jane's blog or Lenore Nevermore I can't remember, but glad I did. You have opened my eye to so many things mainly drag. And that it is alright for us to occasional see your fine butt! Deedles paid me to say that last bit. I hope you will continue. I have had a terrible time accessing blogs this weekend and last week. What's going on?????????

    1. That Deeldes!!!!!!!! Im glad you found me too Agnes!!! Behind yourself Deedles and Anne Marie.... The three of you have my hands full. No idea what is going on with blogger....its not just you. I've been missing post too.

  8. Happiest 15th Blogoversary! How has it been that long???And look we even met out of it. Did you even think your blog would bring about what it did? I know we may not see each other, but I do adore you. It would be dark without you.

  9. What a great year for your blog! That is a long time. I know I only recently found you, but I have in free time, re read posts and I always find something of interests or something simulating!!!! Your quite something.

  10. 15 years of this smut? Jokes aside, the blog world without you would be like Texas without Miss Mona's Chicken Ranch. We will celebrate in Ptown with your arrival.

  11. 15, eh? Congratulations! You'll soon be legal! Or Liesl even, and I'll be Rolf as my blog is 16 going on 17 (in October)

    I can't remember how I found my way here, but I expect I just followed the gin fumes from Jon's or The Very Mistress's. As to your headers, my favourite of this selection is the hourglass dress swishing past the Paris Metro entrance (with Dovima and the elephants in second place).

    1. Im sure it was at Mistress's Mj' of her parties . Lord knows what we caught that year.

  12. Happy anniversary belatedly! So glad you decided to stick around. You are always entertaining and enlightening. Thanks for the gift of your presence!

    1. Who knows how much longer with the way blogger is acting. Im about at my wits end with there damn tinkering

    2. I'm getting annoyed at them too - just posted about my frustrations.

      Not that you'd know, if you relied upon the Blogger Reading List for updates on my blog - as none are showing up... Jx

    3. Well, I'll have to pop over and read it. My reader works fine, it's my blog roll that isn't working, with some blogs, and I can't even access my layout feature on the dashboard, or add or delete blogs on the blogroll to update it. Also, blogs seem to be loading forever, if I can even get on them at all.

  13. Anonymous9/19/2022

    Congratulations Mistress. You continue to bring light to the dark corners of the universe. Keep burning bright, my dear.

  14. Wow! Congratulations my friend! Happy Anniversary, and many more. xx

  15. 15 years!!!!!!!!!!! Already! You have had some dossey post over the years...and one never knows what is coming next. Or who! Bwahahahahahahahah. But yes...your headers are always fun.

    1. You have been with me almost since the beginning!!!!

  16. Happy 15 years of Blogging to you! It's been fun to be here with you too. Your blog is always a nice respite during the day, and often gives us though, or chuckles or some fine or pretty eye candy.

    1. 💋💋💋💋

  17. WOW!!! Now that is a commitment to a hobby! Congrats on 15 years. Like many I always love stopping in and some days wonder what is coming next. And these headers were among some of my favorites. I loved the one with the elephants.

    1. I've been committed to this blog longer than any man so far, lmao!!!!!!!

  18. What can I say? It's been a lot of sex ,men, gin, and trips and sex again. Some days the blog should come with penicillin.

    1. You have obliviously been walking pass the free packets of penicillin all these years at the table in the foyer then?!?

  19. Happy 15th, and please never stop.

  20. Happy Blogoversary and here's to many more! Your headers are indeed unique!

  21. Pat Lark9/19/2022

    I found your blog through CJ's Dark Corner when I first began with my blog, which means I've been following you for about 12 of your 15. Happy Blogoversary!!! It's been such a pleasure and a privilege to get to know you. XOXO

    1. Oh I miss CJ!!!! I sometimes hear from her Pat!

  22. Happy Blogiversary, dear!!! I know you've been doing this for a long time, but I had no idea it was that long. I'm glad you're still doing it after all this time.

    1. And if blogger doesn't quit their tinkering it may be curtains! I don't find Wordpress very user friendly in finding things.

  23. Is that wannabee pilgrim maid protecting the turkey or hiding behind it? 15 years ou're obviously a stayer.

    1. Helen, I gave up asking questions about people manhandling turkeys.

  24. Yay! Happy fifteenth blogaversary, sweetie! Clink, clink. Jx

    PS I passed that milestone mere months before you...

    1. Thank you Jon! Does this mean we are like the Old Guard? Us few dinosaurs must stick together and keep going.

  25. Happy anniversary! I'm a bit late to the party, about 4 years ago I found you. So glad. You bring serious issues, education, beautiful gardens, wildlife but most of all FUN!
    You are part of my life in a way I could never have imagined.
    May you continue. Xx

    1. I am so glad we found each other. Even when not blogging I often think of you... and your comment got me a bit teary eyed! I'm touched. But happy teary eyed!!!!

  26. Happy 15th. Well done! Bare naked guy in heels?!?!? What's not to like about that one?

  27. Yay!
    Happy Blogversary! Your blog is one of my daily stops in the blogsphere. I have no idea how I found you? I'm sure it was because of other blogger. But I'm glad I did!


    1. Im glad we found each other! I adore out blog circle.

  28. Happy Anniversary! You have a great, happy attitude and you always seem to inspire me with something when Im down. So glad I found you Mistress. I just wish you didn't live in the US! Come live here in Amsterdam!

  29. Your one of my newest readers and I'm so glad we found things to share together. With your sense of fashion, I always look forward to hearing what you think of these drag queens and their style.

  30. Congrats on 15 years! I try to never miss a post, but I don't always comment. Such a colorful blog too. I especially like your perseverance with this platform with what all the issues of late. I have tried to comment on blogs all weekend and can't or I can't even get the page to load. I don't know how you blogger's stand it.

  31. How did I miss this post about the blogiversary!!!
    Cheers to this one and many more!!!

    1. Probably all the damn blogger who ha over the weekend!!!!!! O hope there are more toots!!!

  32. Anonymous9/20/2022

    Tundra Bunny here... Happy 15th Blogoversary, Mistress Maddie! I hope you continue to blog for many more years to come! Your headers are always good, though my fave is the Art Nouveau railing as a backdrop to haute couture. You're my favourite drag queen and visiting your blog is always fun!

    1. Thank you Tundra!!!!! You always have so much to add in the comments. I enjoy your knowledge and outlook on things. Thanks for always stopping in.

  33. Congrats on your 15th year, darling. You sparkle like a newbie! How fun. And congrats on all your views and comments, too. People gravitate toward happiness. You spread a lot (ummm, I could stop there...) of happiness and that's what the world needs, little sister! Keep it up! (Oh, look who I'm talking too... jeesh.) Kizzes.

    1. And you've always been a bright spot for me too!!!

  34. Happy Blogaversary, so glad you didn't throw the Towel in at a mere Five or I'd of never gotten to know you.

  35. 15 years!!!!! Blimey!!! And you've only just won the FGES!!!
    Anyhow, Congratulations!! Here's to another 15!

  36. You give great header! I'm behind but still here. I'll stick around if you will.

    1. I have heard about my header. They always say watch the teeth!!!


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!