Friday, September 17, 2021


Before going to P-town two weeks ago, I decided to trade in my Mazda 3 for a 2021 Mazda MX5 . I hadn't planned on getting a new car just yet, but to look... but when I heard what a would get for my trade in, and with what I could put down, it brought my monthly payment lower then my current car. Problem was, with the pandemic and the micro- chip issue, car dealers across the board are empty on new cars, and my dealer told me as soon as new cars come in they are spoken for till spring of 2022!!!! Well, I'm soooo not a SUV person, and I already had two Sport 3 Touring's, it was now or never and I bit the big one and  went with the roadster in steel black. So far I love it!!! Does everything except wipe your ass apparently. I also name cars, and she feels like a Artemis to me. And when I got in the car last night, this came up on my screen....

She is preaching to the choir.


  1. As if anyone here needed to be told. Enjoy the new ride. Share it with someone GGG.

    1. Boy....does this car have some pick up and go.

  2. Yowza, really nice! Enjoy turning heads!

  3. I'm a Subaru kind of guy, you know, the car of gay liberals.

    1. I first ex was a Subaru guy, so when I see them, they remember me of him and he was a PIA.

  4. Nice little car; what's the top speed? But I love my MB black CLS350 more (we have both gone back to Ford's basic principle) - the acceleration is a dream and she is as sexy as hell.

    1. They are nice Helen. Daddy Warbucks had one before trading it for a Maserati. That thing rode like it was on air. Alas, neither one is in my budget...even with a Only Fans! Bwahahahahahahaha

  5. Sexy car, and sexy driver...a match made in heaven.

  6. Gorgeous AND knows you!!!

  7. ROLFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! What the hell!!!!! Lol!!!!! Yep match made in heaven.

    That is a nice car Mistress. I suspect my fat ass wouldn't fit in it.

  8. Great choice, I was reading on how Mazda has some of the highest ratings in many different categories. I have had several, and they are some well made cars for reasonable prices. And it's nice when a car knows it owner.LOL!!!!!

    1. I am very impressed with their ratings and safety features, not to mention gets almost 32 miles per gallon on the highway.

  9. Oooooo. Nice.
    I had far trouble yesterday. Came out of the supermarket and the car wouldn't start. It was serviced a couple of days ago so I did wonder if that was the cause. The green flag guy couldn't fix it so I had to wait three hours for a tow truck. Sigh.
    Turned out that one of the new filters the garage fitted had a split in it......

    1. Three hours?!?!?!?!! That's insane! You poor thing. Thanks heavens it wasn't something major Christina. XO

  10. Very nice!
    Like you, I prefer small cars. I would only get an SUV if I ever get a Bambi. Meanwhile, it's not an option.
    And who said that cars cannot be customized to the extreme? That ride is gonna pimp you!


    1. A Bambi!?!?! See, here we go again....thinking alike. We should get one and go glamp in it!!!!!

  11. LOL. I was going to say that car saw you coming, but saw you cumming seems more appropriate.

    1. Now are bad....but not untrue, lmao.

  12. Oh my God this is so exciting! I love the name you gave her, too. It's a great car, and very popular. It's refined enough for someone to take the top off and go for a weekend drive, and rowdy enough to customize like a muscle car and take it to the track. Enjoy it!

    1. This is the smallest car I've had...and so far love it! I thought it was now or never, and the trade in they gave me was absolutely insane. Dealers are desperate for used cars my car associate told me. So I did it and even got a much lower car payment. I wonder what you might say about this...and this is my third Mazda. They are made so well and I have yet have a major problem with any of them.

      And I love taking my top off!!!!!

  13. OMG, congrats on your new car. BTW, I was suppose to go to P-Town Memorial Day week!! However, some circumstances caused me to cancel. I have never been and do want to go. How exciting that we could have had that chance to meet?

    1. Good thing you didn't go. At Memorial Day, the town had a very serious COVID outbreak. It was a nice crowd two weeks ago, but still not the huge summer crowds they normally get. It is mask everywhere, and every place we went asked for vaccination proof or no entry.

      I think it would be very exciting to have met you!!!!! XO

  14. Welcome to Zoom Zoom world. I've had mine for 25 years. Just be aware when around vans and old Lincoln Towncars. lol.......

    1. The back is small, so there may be no backseat romps!!!!

  15. That car is soooo you, Mistress! Enjoy your new ride(s)....

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  17. Mazda MX5's are beautiful little cars and, as others have said, this one really suits you. And knows you!

    I'm considering a Mazda3 saloon (sedan, I think you call them?) for when Car finally bites the bullet. Although, hopefully it'll get through the next couple of years okay...

    1. Well, I swear by Mazda since I got introduced. My third one. I have yet have a any major problems or issues with them, and they get excellent gas mileage. And the sales and service team where I go, their service is unparalleled. They didn't let me leave till they did a walk over with the car, I knew where everything was and they even got my car set up with my blue tooth and such.

  18. You are going to love that car! It's a sleek black beauty! (to borrow a phrase from Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers.) And it knows how to romance you. That's a rare quality. Keep it well waxed, she winked!

    1. Keep it well waxed! meant the car lambchop.

  19. THAT is a sexy car. And apparently a sexed up car, too.

  20. Well at least it’s as horned up as you are.

  21. That car is sooo you! And you should get Cock Sharing is Caring on a tee shirt.

  22. Congrats. I'm sure you and Artemis will be happy for years to come. Isn't it fun? We get to be like a repulsivecan in respect to their wives... when the old one starts giving us trouble? We just get a new model. Kizzes.

  23. I have always found this so.


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