The fabulous Dagny!!!!

Dagny it has been great fun getting to know you,hearing you point of view on things, and sharing all kinds of stories,especially on Boris and Natasha plus all the thoughts and the goings ons in your life. Boris and Natasha are Dagny's beautiful cats, who I believe think they were the stars of the shows. Well, Dags I want you to know you can contact me at anytime to talk and share stories,and also don't forget about our spa day at at the Claremont,and please stop in to have some tea or at least a Sapphire and Tonic here with the Mistress whenever you wish. Please take good care and I hope you find all the good things in life your searching for. Thank-you for sharing. If y'all haven't viewed Dagny's Empire you can still read of her life by clicking on her blog in my blog list!
the Mistress
PS-Starrbooty also sends her regards!
Aw gee shucks. Thanks. And of course you're still on my email list. Still reading -- for now -- just not writing. And Natasha says hi to Starbooty, from one supermodel to another.