Wednesday, October 28, 2020


As usual, here at the Casa, we are going through bird seed like crazy. Dear Mahogany Empress emailed and asked about the suspects around here. Not to worry they are still here in full force. Even when I go away for days at a time, and come back and put seed out, it's never more then 30 mins till they are showing up already. Some birds have left for the season and I spotted the first Junco of the season last week. The Blue Jays have been here in numbers. One day I even had about 4 of them on the sill. They are so brilliant blue right now after their molting's.
I was lucky one day that I caught the BlueJay and a woodpecker in the same shot.
This Redbellied Woodpecker had the oddest markings I'd seen. And he is very bold bird. He won't bulge, even when I get close to the window.
A family of house sparrows
I love that the Titmice came out of hiding. I love them...their so cute and dainty.
One of the many doves roosting.....
The of my favorite birds...
A little wren stopped by. He's been back every day since.
The three little fox are still here. This was taken about four weeks ago. They all look strong and healthily, and I'm sure will be leaving soon and staking out their own territories and the vixen will have a new litter next spring. They gave the Mother quite the heart attack in the middle of the night on her visit with their screams in the dead of night.

And then of course there is Bouvier

I guess Bouvier wanted to eat in private, LOL!


  1. You do get quite the variety there. The Jays are my favorite. We get mostly pigeons, grackles, and sparrows. Each fall and spring we have chickadees (and ducks - oy! do we get ducks). Every so often we can see hawks soaring above. It would be great to see more variety.
    Your foxes are adorable. And so is Bouvier. Two more types of critters we don't see around these parts. I have to live vicariously through you! xoxo

    1. Funny you mention hawks. Just the other morning it went dead quite. No bird in sight for some time. Then i noticed a hawk in the tree outside the kitchen window....stalking the little birds and I fear... Bouvier.

  2. Wow. I've never even thought to put bird seed on a window ledge! What a great idea! I think it's very cool that you can see them all up close like that. When I lived in Michigan I used to love all of the cardinals. Since moving to the west I've not seen one. We do have a mountain blue bird out here that's a close second to my cardinals tho. :) Thanks for sharing this wonderful post. I'll be passing on the window ledge tip to everyone I know. Lol.. Seems silly but it's cool.

    1. Thanks Mimi! Our cardinals are year round....but no denying their beauty against the snow in the winter. I also have a few feeders....but they love the sill. Took some time....but now I get them all. I'm on a second i also get to see the birds in the tree top too.

  3. One of my favorite things is sitting in the sunroom, or on the deck, watching the birds and squirrels and deer wander through the yard. There's something so peaceful in your visitors stopping by the window.

  4. Something furry nibbling your nuts? Quel surprise. Jx

  5. Love the little foxes....clever comment by Jon!!!

    1. I want those little foxes in my bed!!!!! There so cute and bigger now. There also getting bushy for winter.

  6. Loverly pictures.
    We just hooked up the bird water
    dish to its heater.
    xoxo :-)

    1. I keep telling my mother to get her's heated.

  7. This brightened my day today. I needed that. I too was wondering how they have all been. I like the little Nuthatch too. I for the first time the other day before leaving for the beach, their little chuckle they make.

    Great pictures. I hope your mother made it off ok?

    1. I heard one for the first time and had no idea what it was. Funny!!!

    2. I love hearing the nuthatch!!!! He's like the clown of the bird world.

  8. Ah the usual suspects. I'm crashing right now, but I had to say thanks for the cuteness. Bouvier especially made me smile. I hope he keeps safe.

  9. This always warms my heart! Thanks. We all need posts like this!

  10. A bright spot in a otherwise world of gloom. You got some great last minute snaps. I love blue jays. And the little wrens is so cute. I can imagine you mother being scared to death of fox screams if you aren't familiar. It's horrifying.

  11. This is so lovely!!! Do you ever put out whole peanuts for the blue jays? I could rehearse while watching birds..

    1. Yes!!!!! They and the larger woodpeckers will take the dismay of Bouvier.

  12. you could start your own nature park. jon's nut nibbling comment was too much LOL!

  13. Do you just Google the pictures or are you an ornithologist at heart?

    1. No... I do take them...I just wish I could get them more clear. But I do study boids informally.

  14. I love your menagerie!

  15. I love how much trust Bouvier has!!! I loved watching him in your hand take you nuts...well you know what I mean.He really trusts you. Love all the birdies.

  16. One of these days you'll do a post like this and end it with... "and this my wood pecker."

  17. What a menagerie! Bouvier is so cute. Squirrelies are the bestest! Although, I must say... I like all your creatures great and small. Hope all is well, dear. Turn Pennsylvania for me!

    1. Im trying...Im trying. My anxiety is through the roof.

  18. lit I love it!
    Having a backyard with access to the woods is fantastic.
    I have thought about keeping bird food in the feeder during winter. My Boo told me that if I put bird food out I’ll have to feed them all through winter.


    1. Winter is the best time to start feeders since with snow...its harder for the birdies to find seed and such. Thats when I first started my sill feeding.

  19. I love seeing Bouvier outside the casa. I'm amazed she is still around all this time. After seeing a cat video online about a year ago I'm surprised they can live this long.

    1. I do worry. I think squirrels live around 14 years. There is actually about 5 squirrels now. But none as tame as Bouvier. They will still come to get peanuts...they just don't take them from me.

  20. What a wonderful view from your window. We have Grey Jay here and usual they show up in January.
    Stay Safe and Coffee is on

    1. Wait till winter...its insane around here.

  21. Oh, no! That nuthatch is about to be attacked by a triffid!!! I hope it managed to escape to feature in a future "Usuaul Suspects"?

    1. LOL!!!!! He survived!!!! Nothing comes between his sill and nuts.

  22. Lovely post. Seeing animals [and birds] doing no more than comfortably living their lives always gives me a fillip - just like when I see a happy dog. And thank you for being so free with your nuts.

    1. Im glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the little chuckle. At the expense of my nuts. Watching the birds has been a treat most days. They have no idea how lucky they are to not have knowledge of these crazy times

    2. Crazy times when it must be a blessing to be ignorant - unless one happens to be a President, when it's a curse.

  23. Looks so lovely where you live - it's good to see - where I live has turned into a swamp! Good to see the birds and foxes, too.

    1. We are currently getting just may be a swamp shortly. Good day to curl up on sofa with horror movies and a good hoy cuppa.

  24. That one lone little dove roosting is so sweet. And the titmouse is so cute. I love the little tuft it has on its head.

    1. I love when bird roost there. I like to think they trust me.

  25. Very lovely pictures as always. I miss many of these birds. I great most to take the mind off the news for your readers in the US. Much needed.


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