Well dear readers, big news, big news! On Saturday the Mistress and the Boy-Toy became the proud parents of a new dog
Buster Borghese! And doesn't he look like a hand full from the picture above? Just like the Mistress. I think we are going to get along fine. This has been in the works for some time. Since the passing of our dearly beloved Starrbooty the cat, we waited a while to get another pet. We had been on contact with a few shelters and have told the good people what we were looking for a dog and it had to be a good breed for a apartment since that's the abode we live in. Last week the lady from the one shelter called and said she thought she had the perfect dog for us (a dachshund-beagle mix). The picture she sent was just adorable. She told us we could go to the foster home where he was being cared for to see him and spend some time with him. So on Saturday we were off to southern New Jersey, to a beach community in Ocean County. When we got there it was love at first sight! All kinds of kisses and licks and all the other good stuff. It was pretty obvious he was coming home with us. So far the whole weekend he has been just good as gold. We stopped at a friend's home to show them Buster, then PetSmart to get some provisions, and then a nice walk before heading home. Last night he was just plain tuckered out.

He slept in the living room but in the middle of the night he came to the boudoir and went in his crate. Today we had a lovely walk up at the lake. It was so beautiful all weekend.

Buster is just the sweetest dog. He is very lovable. He rides very nice in the car and is housebroken. He even knows some commands, that his foster mom worked with him on. And when our dinner was delivered last night he didn't even bark. Too good to be true! Well, until tonight. :) We wanted to see what he would do when we leave for work tomorrow. We put him in the bedroom in the crate and he just barked and howled and carried on something terrible! He is extremely social and I think it is separation anxiety. How we will break this I don't know (probably splitting up the time he spends alone). Buster is a year old and for the last couple weeks at the foster home, the lady was home all day. Now the Boy-Toy comes home for lunch and can sometimes take Buster to work...but he's going to have to be alone for a few hours at some point! Do any of you dog owners have any lovely advice to muster to the Mistress? I would be forever indebted. Ahhhh look at that face!