Tuesday, October 1, 2024


 It may surprise some to find out that for a good year and a half I was in a troupe once years back. I can't complain, it was great fun, exciting, and do think its possible to love more than one person at a time. Back then, I didn't really broadcast it, as it was just not understood and as usual, I was ahead of the times, American just wasn't ready to hear the details. And even now some don't get it, but I have found a loophole to explain why it is now acceptable.


  1. Excellent! You had me going.

  2. It's a mood.
    I think Throuples are a good way to take pressure off a monogamous relationship: one person will never be able to give you EVERYTHING you want (neither will two, but hey). A throuple requires maturity and setting boundaries very early on, but I bet it's hot.



Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!