Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Alas... these are the last of the summer dahlia, just picked yesterday, with some added basil bloom from the herb garden. With such damp and rainy weather of the last 14 days, we finally have been treated with some warmth and sun, but alas...the garden is shot. I had the first big clean up and pruning back this weekend. While the garden is starting to look barren and leaf riddled, there are still a few delights to be seen in addition to the roses still blooming.

The bees and hummingbirds are still sucking the nectar from the fading salvia. I guess good to the last drop. 

In addition to Sophie arriving, one of Bouvier II's offspring, now a tan squirrel... has become very social over summer. I introduce Nutmeg...enjoying some black sunflower seeds near the woods edge. I know I'm nuts.
In other news and excitement around here, this arrived last week. I will look with pleasure and relish to fill this ballot out!!! It's back in the mail right after this shot was taken!!!!


  1. Begonias, bizzie-lizzies and salvias (and fuchsias; shame yours all got crisped in summer) are the saviours of this late season! As long as there's no frost, there will be flowers... Jx

    1. Your right. Fuchsia don't stand a chance here after mid June. Buy the begonias are still going strong. Our salvias...maybe another two weeks if we're lucky.

  2. Awwww, hand-feeding the wee squirrel -- too friggin CUTE for words!

  3. However do you find the time to take care of your beautiful garden?

  4. I love that you take care of the little critters like Bouvier....


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