Friday, November 10, 2023



Happy Friday Bitches!!!! Are we glad the weekend is here...finally?!?! Just in the knick of time you ask me. This calls for some nice cock-a-tails! How about a Pegu Club Cocktail! One of the chiefs, if unsung achievements of the British colonial era was putting good gin into the hands of people who knew how to use it. And one of the results was this delightful cock-a-tail, born in the 1930's at the Pegu Club, outside Rangoon. Within a decade it became one of the most popular drinks anywhere in the world. The Mistress urges a rediscovery of this forgotten beauty, and is prepared to drink a hundred of them on the capital steps, if need be, to draw attention to my cause.

Pegu Club Cocktail

2 oz Gin, no rubbish

3/4 oz of curacao

1 dash Angostura bitters

1 dash orange bitters

Juice of 1/2 lime, strained of seeds.

Place ingredients in a mixing glass with ice. Stir well and strain into a nice, chilled cock-a-tail glass.

Now, may I present two grande divas to ring in Happy Hour...the fabulous Ella Fitzgerald and the glowing Dinah Shore in this lively clip. Love this! 



  1. You made it Mistress! The cocktail does sound rather delish, I admit...but Ella & Dinah a very special combination....pure sublime...their voices blended to perfection. How perfect for a Friday evening.

  2. You're a classy gent Mistress...on drinks and entertainment! LOVED that video!!!!

    1. They looked like they truly enjoyed each other.

  3. You are so selfless in pursuing a cause!

  4. Perfect afternoon/evening tipple, sweetpea, and with the perfect musical selection! We had BLTs and Manhattans at lunch today! Somehow seemed appropriate to celebrate the end of the SAG/AFTRA strike! The MITM was going for an old school Hollywood luncheon vibe! xoxo

    1. BLTs and Manhattans?!?!?! When is the next lunch served lambchop???

  5. That video was great! I like how Dinah seems a bit reserved at first, as if she fears she may be in over her head appearing alongside Ella, but as she gradually gains confidence, ends up throwing caution to the wind. I mean, she really gets into it! Ella herself seems pleasantly surprised by Dinah's exuberance.

    1. I happened upon this and fell in love with it. It was fun to see Dinah get into this. I was a very wee one when Dinah had a talk show, and I vaguely recall it, Dinah! But I'm sure her original variety show was filled with gems like this one. Otherwise, I know next to nothing about Dinah Shore, other than she also acted, and of course, the now defunct, renamed golf classic she created and named after herself.

  6. Cap Chasen11/11/2023

    Agnes said it...SUBLIME!

    The vocals are wonderful and watching the interaction between the two really makes it out-of-this-world! The two truly seem to enjoy each other. Dinah seems to almost "feed" off Ella's talent and really belts out. Much fun to watch! Now about that cocktail....

  7. Love the cocktail graphic!!!! But the video? Two beautiful women singing and having fun doing it. No vulgarity. No sleaze. No egos. Just pure talent. And, it's almost six minutes of straight singing!!! Not 40 takes spliced together. Most singers today would love just an ounce of their talent and class.

  8. " Early to bed, early to rise, you'll never meet the interesting guys."

    Did you coin that???? LMAO!

    1. No I didn't coin that, but I certainly have met interesting men at night!

  9. Put me in a real good mood hearing this. No auto-tune on these songs....they actually sing, hardly what we have these days :)

    1. I agree. It's interesting to see what we accept as talent these days compared to what we had years ago.

  10. Now that sounds good. As do Ella and Dinah.

  11. Welcome home to the weekend,

  12. I love Ella and Dinah. Perfect for listening while having a lovely drink.


  13. Thanks for Ella and Dinah, as for the drink? Well, I really don't anymore.

  14. "A cocktail in mid-afternoon makes shopping more enjoyable." I'll drink to that! And one for Ella and Dinah...

    Clink, clink, sweetie! Jx

    1. I love drunk shopping, I have done it many a Time. Although my wallet wishes it had a log on it.

  15. I trust you'll have a table set up on the capital steps as I note that "ladies served at tables only". Two chairs, please - I'll be joining you for the company *and* the cocktails!

    1. Wouldn't that be lovely, us sitting on the capitol steps drinking, and judging everybody as they walk past. I'm sure it wouldn't take much to twist John and Ms Scarlet to join us.

      And of course as you're aware most days I would share anything with you and I mean that literally!!

  16. Anything with Curaçao is good with me! Sounds tasty.
    Damn it, I’ve been going to bed way too early lately, which explains a lot.

    1. I do firmly believe in the early to bed early to rise you will lose out on interesting guys, but those late nights and some of those boys have also got me into trouble!

  17. Anonymous11/11/2023

    Tundra Bunny here...

    The Pegu Club's disclaimer of "not responsible for loss of wearing apparel" does sound like your kind of place, Maddie... remember what I told you about gin?! Though I could be tempted by the world's finest martini and champagne after 10 PM too, LOL!

    1. Now you can see why I get into so much trouble.

  18. Congrats on making it to the weekend. I wish I could have the booze, so I'll fake it by sipping a lemon lime Sparkling Ice.

    1. It your choice reminds me of the lemon lime soda we enjoyed in Portofino!!!

  19. Oh, we know you like your highballs high!!!!

  20. I loved the Ella and Dinah clip and know I would enjoy that cocktail. Sounds like a posh Gimlet.

  21. Love Ella and Shore. Sweet. And that cocktail! I wrote a musical called The Happy Hour. Mounted it twice. Never found its feet. Still... I love me a happy hour. Kizzes.

    1. Well, if you mount me twice I'm sure somebody will have a smile on their face! That would be a great title for a musical too wouldn't it?

  22. Oh I do declare. The only thing sublimer than to be in Caroline-r is to listen to Dina, and Ella, singing this swanky, swanky song. What a great video! I have a vague memory of the Dinah Shore show, probably in re-runs. What I remember most about it is my mother, who had impeccable taste in music and theater, always insisting on total silence while it was on. As for the cocktail....hmmm. I am a confirmed whisky drinker, but I could be persuaded....with enough bitters....

    1. I vaguely remember the Dinah Shore talent show but I am certain they were in reruns because when her daytime talk show was on called Dinah... I was a very little wee one then. I was just surprised to hear her voice in this.

  23. I just so happens I am sitting down with something I've just made/never made before: cyar; rum; lime juice; orgeat; elderflower. It's good tiki

    1. Hey it's happy hour so you know I'll try anything.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!