Monday, November 27, 2023


My.. can it really be Monday afternoon already? With the social agenda swirling and work being incredibly insane right now with new collections coming in left and right, I'm finding it very hard to find time to even get blog post together. Lately I've just been exhausted when I get home at night and the last thing, I want to do is get on the computer again. And then Miss Moorecock tells me I have eight gentlemen at the door waiting for me. I said honey you're going to send one home I'm exhausted. If this keeps up, I may have to put the blog on hold indefinitely until a later date. Let's hope it doesn't come to that, when I don't get to read blogs, it unnerves me. But I do find some solace and calm of what's left of the autumn. Although after this week I think all the leaves will be completely gone and then it will look like the season of decay again. And I was in the mood for Birds this weekend. When I was doing the last leaf clean-up. not only that I see the red-tailed hawk again, but I also came across an owl which I don't see too frequently around here. So that was kind of cool. How's your Monday going?


  1. "I said honey you're going to send one home I'm exhausted" -- sounds like you need a dose of cod liver oil!

    1. Cod liver oil?!?!?! I was think more like KY, or at least coconut oil.

  2. A cup of tea and a nap might be nice. Then you can get back to blowing those horns and celebrating. (I'm wondering what's in the soil mixture to get that thing to grow so big.)

  3. Oh, you're sending ONE away? Hunny....!
    And I love that vase you propose here. I'd love to have that... flower arrangement in my... living room.
    And you don't worry. You could post mood boards for a month and we'd still be here...


    1. That "vase" belongs to one very hot Dmitri Averyanov from the Candy Shop yesterday. Oh my Lordy child!!!!

  4. I am living for the fall colors, both in nature and in the other photos; so soothing.

  5. I love your autumn colors, especially the dog in the beanie, and I think I saw a nice man playing with a toy in the shower, but it went by too quickly . . . . You can't be away from blogging now because it's FREAKIN' GREEN ELF SHORTS TIME!


    1. YAY!!!!!!!!!!! I look forward to it!!!!!!!!!

  6. More pics of Dimitri, I see.

    1. Yes, I may be getting a wee bit obsessed with him!!!! Whatever it takes to get through the day right?

  7. OWLS!! Love them - never seen one in the wild (just tamed ones), but I used to hear them echoing around the valley where I grew up.

    Men, on the other hand? I've - ahem - seen a few... Jx

    1. I think they are around here, but it's rare to see them. On a rare occasion some nights I can sometimes hear them, so I know they must be around.

  8. You really do capture the best of each season in these posts. Another perfect Mood Board. I adore the owls, such beautiful birds. You also have me in the mood now to do a little acorn tree for next autumn. I think it's adorable.

  9. I wrote a chapter today, so I'm officially back on the writing horse. I know you're busy at work, which means eventually we're going to see pictures of your wonderful displays. I look forward to them.

  10. The man with the plant. It may be fall but I'm sprung!

    1. Then see Sundays''ll really make a mess then. Wet Wipes are by the door.

  11. A post a day, keeps the blues away.

  12. Are you crazy? You can't go anywhere, you'd be missed! Gorgeous mood board.

  13. The doggie in the hat and the little acorn tree are precious.

  14. Love owls.... If I could, i'd have one; one of the little white snow owls.

  15. Sweetie don't tell me how tired you are! I had that hip op which sent the ME into overdrive, then I had the Norovirus (again) which kicked off the chronic fatigue. Then there were two teeth causing problems. Keep going if only to show you have more energy than a little old lady!

    1. Mine pales in comparison. I can go and go an go...but I know when my body has had enough. I just can't seem to find the time to blog and read blogs much at the moment.

  16. I say take care of yourself as you see fit. We'll still be here, waiting... waiting...

  17. Love the photo of the typewriter. Kizzes.

  18. love fall colours so much!

  19. Well, that's a mood board to banish the Monday Mood. Yes, I know it's Thursday now - had I seen this on Monday my mood wouldn't have lasted until now ;)


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!