Friday, November 24, 2023



Hope everyone had a great and filling Thanksgiving Day? Of course, I over indulged... and at this moment still feel as though I may burst. I'm stuffed to say the least. Everything tasted so good. My fifth time to do the dinner now and I think I may have it down now. Well, today is Black Friday and for those across the pond it means here , people go insane with retail therapy and probably spending money they don't have, or spending money on gifts the poor recipient may never use. Many stores here now run the Black Friday sale all month now, so the last two years, for me now, haven't worked a Black Friday. Are they still insane? My last two positions were with luxury retailers, so we had people, but not like those cattle herds busting down doors in stretchy pants worn after such big meals!!! Back in my youth I can recall all out fights breaking out to get hard to find and sought after items. Now one can just watch The Real Housewives shows! Anyone brave enough to start the holiday shopping today? As always, I'm off and will stay away from the madness...err, being trampled by mobs of sweatpants wearing shoppers. I 'll be doing another raking of leaves into the garden to insulate the plants for winter, and the leaves make a great compost for the perennials. I'll start to decorate for Christmas very soon, maybe another two weeks, not to early, which means I'll be in the basement getting and opening boxes marked spiders please!

So I'll just enjoy this type of Black Friday....I love black.


  1. I have no idea, since I went part-time, I haven't work a Black Friday either. Interesting bit: even though we've been running sales, as you said, all month long, for a box store, our plan was still over the top.

    1. Even though the stores that I work for whenever crazy or busy, I sure do not miss being out in all that traffic.

  2. 'Twas a pretty quiet day around here. 5 folks and we didn't overindulge for a change. No Black Friday shopping for us. We never have and never will. Black, of course, is a daily, you know.

  3. I so agree with you. One can call me snob if they want, but navigating crowds of people in sweatpants, stinking of D&G so-called eau de toilette over their body odors? Definitely not my thing.
    As aforementioned on W&R I did some blackfriday'ing while comfy on my couch, with a glass of Riesling at hand, ordering woolen scarves that’ll fit just fine with my Burton's coat (yes my collection needed this orange/chestnut/stormy-sky scarf, and that other one with large tartan checks of autumn colors too... ; - )
    Anyway, I love your choice of photographs for this post. And I wish you the finest of holidays.
    Hug you. L.

    1. Unlike yourself I am unfortunately not an online shopper either... with exception to a few things. Boy did you hit the nail on the head with the scene on Black Friday. You're right nothing but sweatpants and people trying to get free squirts!

  4. I'd give good money (to charity) to see someone dressed in the 10th pic walk without falling over! And the taint of Black Friday has come over the pond. The good news is that Amazon workers are on strike today - they want to unionise and they damn well need to if all I have heard about working conditions in Amazon warehouses are true - treated pretty much like slaves.

    1. Get you money ready!!!! I could walk in that dress with high heels darling.

    2. Now we only fight over which charity receives the money!

  5. I too avoid Black Friday mobs. One year The Young Prince begged me to join him, it was a first and last experiencer, hated it and got injured!!! People were insane and there is absolutely no object I want badly enough to throw down for it, honestly... it was Too Much! Glad your Thanksgiving Feast went so well, we enjoyed no mess and no work dining at the Cracker Barrel and The Son paid for it all, so, Win-Win.

    1. I will admit it is fun to watch all the chaos of Black Friday from the television thought!!!!! I think Black Friday as we knew will be a thing of the pass before long, what with the sales now running all month long. I guess some just get off on it.

  6. Anonymous11/24/2023

    Last night,....I ordered tube socks for the homeless people I encounter while stopped at traffic lights.
    Shopping done!

  7. I was slinging cell phones the last time I worked a Black Friday, and the phone store was the last place anybody wanted to be on that day. But back then, we didn't have Wally World discounting cheaply made TVs yet so shoppers still had a bit of civility.

    1. I can't even imagine the shenanigans at Wal-Mart on a day like Black Friday. HELLLLLLL NO!!!! I don't even go near one on a regular day!!!! Too much coin slot showing.

  8. A beautiful collection... such a classic look... eternal. Kizzes.

  9. Enjoy your kind of Black Friday!

  10. I can see Bubble from Ab Fab inspired Pic #3's outfit. Probably not from the sale rail.

    I would brave the leggings & sweatpant-clad crowds in order to snap up #7 and #12. I'd even pay full price!

  11. People on this side of the pond have taken to Black Friday, too. Although most have no clue what it is other than a day for sales. Actually, it's not just a DAY for sales. We have Black Friday Week and Black Friday Month, too. Bizarre. We found the same phenomenon in London last week.

    1. Oh dear. The United States seems to be a bad influence on many other places huh?

    2. I was just going to make a similar comment. The UK in particular seems to have taken on loads of what were once strictly American "things" - like the "High School Prom" (we used to have the "School Disco", which didn't involve expensive outfits or limos), "Trick-or-Treat" (Hallowe'en was all about bobbing for apples and ghost stories, and more-or-less merged with Bonfire Night so there was always baked potatoes and food charred to a cinder), and for some incomprehensible reason that most incomprehensible of "sports" American "Football" (a load of blokes in armour pushing each other for about ten minutes, then a break, ad infinitum, and an occasional ball making an appearance; not exactly the mud-and-blood-and-thrill of Rugby, tbh). "Black Friday" is just the latest money-making gimmick, really, to get the chavs fighting over cut-price tellies and take their minds off the forthcoming election. Jx

      PS "Why do I always wear black? It matches my soul. The night sky doesn't always need shining stars to look beautiful, and a black dress any jewellery. The magic and mystique of black never fails to amaze me. A black dress is to fashion what red roses are to romance. Black, like white, is the best colour!" - Karl Lagerfeld

    3. Jon...Karl is right!!!!

      And I love Hallowe'en, and I have more or less embraced your way of thinking about Hallowe'en. And love the thrill of spook stories and the feeling of dark menaces around each corner. And as far as Football...could care less....I don't get it much wasted time for what seems like seconds of play. Unless the "other balls and buns" are making an appearance, I isn't interested.

      Hence why I must like the South Americans playing rugby...with their bulging muscles, thick thighs, cock and balls "slipping out" moments, the guys grabbing at each other, exposed asses at times, the ripping of hugs

      what were we talking about???

    4. Ha, Maddie! As I read your response to Jon, I was about to ask you the same thing!

      As for Americanising Europe, it concerns me. The Orange Menace has had an awful influence here.

  12. Anonymous11/24/2023

    Tundra Bunny here...

    "Life may be in colour, but black and white is more realistic." -- Martin Scorcese

  13. Loved this post, as I love Black. We have nothing insane like this Black Friday you speak of here.

  14. I much more prefer your 'black' Friday Mistress!!! No way did I ever go out on Black Friday either. Here in is very quiet. Just the ocean sound. The family just left from our Thanksgiving visit.

  15. I'm currently working in retail, and yes, I worked on Black Friday. Fortunately, I spent most of the time in the back room, but every now and then I had to go out into the store to replenish some item that had just run out, and, damn, more people than you see at Disneyland during peak season. Everybody seemed well behaved, I will say that.

  16. Black is so slimming, don't you think?

  17. I met friends for a drink yesterday, who flew in to go shopping, they described it as "absolutely horrendous," they are glad they did it, and will never do that again. I won't go near a shopping mall until after New Years (one exception, I need to pick up a new glasses I ordered two weeks ago.)

  18. That is the only Black Friday I can enjoy!
    Our day went off without a hitch; 10 guests and everyone was stuffed and comfy and cozy and having a wonderful time!

  19. Anonymous11/27/2023

    Well Devil in Prada eat your heart out, among other things :)


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!