Monday, October 30, 2023


Halloween is my favorite holiday, so you just knew I had a pre-schedule a Monday post. With me being gone abroad, I feel like I'm missing out of the holiday, and since this is pre posted, I will have no idea what kind of Halloween reception we'll get, or if it's even celebrated on the Riveria. But I'm sure I will live. You kids keep up the spirit of the holiday for me...and may things go bump in the night, Bwahahaha haaaaa haaa ha!!!!! 


  1. Anonymous10/30/2023

    I would do Italy any day over Halloween. Hope you are having a fabulous time. Gigi

  2. Love those dark and eerie cakes! And the witch's hat in the first photo!

  3. I hope you're having a fabulous time! Little Wednesday's got he moves!

  4. #8 love this guy!

  5. I hope you're having fun!

  6. If I had a choice, I'd be in Italy celebrating the holiday too. Have fun over there.

  7. Don't eat those cakes; they look full of Deadly Nightshade.

  8. I imagine Hallowe'en's taken much the same turn over there as it has in the UK - all-American commercialism (we'd never have pumpkins (swede's the traditional veg to be carved into a lantern) nor "trick-or-treat" when I was a kid, they're a fairly recent import). However being a Catholic country, everything will be closed on All Saints and All Hallows days... Jx

  9. Oh some of these are creepy Mistress. I sure hope you're having a swell time as I'm sure you are. I agree with Jon, America has such a different take on the holiday. I think to think of it more as the pumpkins and the All-Saints Day myself. I'm sure they will have some kind of incarnation.

  10. While Halloween in Italy does exist, it’s not as widely celebrated as in North America, or anywhere the fanfare or commercialism. There are, however, some surprising crossovers between ancient Italian traditions and more modern Anglo-Saxon ones. Italy, like many other countries, has its own festival of the dead – All Soul’s Day. It is celebrated on November 2nd and is a religious holiday. It came about when the Catholic Church was faced with the problem of pagan festivals, In response to Halloween, Pope Gregory II moved All Saints’ Day to November 1st and established All Souls’ Day, when Italians honor loved ones who have passed and visit their graves on November 2nd.

    I once visited Orsara, Puglia during this time and they celebrate the night of Fucacoste e Cocce Priatorje (‘bonfires and heads of purgatory’). The ‘cocce‘ are carved pumpkins, originally in the shape of a cross, containing lit candles. This festival probably dates back as far as the year 1000. On the ‘Night of Purgatory,’ the night between November 1st and 2nd, pumpkins with the symbol of the cross were left in front of houses to drive the souls of the damned away from the evening banquet, which only good souls could take part in.

    I sure hope you're having a wonderful time! Love the eerie board.

    1. I wonder what they used to carve to make lanterns in Osara before the pumpkin first arrived in Europe in the early 16th century? Pomegranates? Melons, perhaps? It's probably too warm in Italy for turnips or swedes/rutabaga. Jx

  11. While I love Halloween, I will second Gigi!!!! And those cakes are stunning, cut me a piece..

  12. That first picture is BEYOND creepy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope your birthday was a good one sweets.

  13. You find the best pictures! I love the ghost and skeleton gifs.

  14. Hope your travels are treating you well! Looking forward to hearing about them.

    And I'm so not opposed to sleeping with the built "day of the dead" guy. Hell, he can even keep the make up on. I mean look at those huge legs. And Happy Belated Birthday by the way.

  15. You always get us into the sprit!!! And LOVE the Wednesday Adams dancing gif.

    You haven't drank up all the limoncello yet have you????

  16. Love the cakes!
    And yours are not even here!
    Have fun! Do some Tricks and treat those Italians to some good times!


  17. I want those cakes!!!

  18. Yers, being Abroad during Holidays where it isn't Celebrated can be a bit of a drag, but, the Riviera, well, I'm SURE you can find something Sinister to do Mads. *Winks*

  19. Anonymous10/31/2023

    Tundra Bunny here...

    This is a truly spooktacular mood board for All Hallows' Eve, Maddie! The dome-shaped gothic cake looks tempting.... and that photo of a Flying Fox/Australian fruit bat is faboolus too (how did you know Flying Foxes are my favourite bat species???).

  20. Nice display of goodies.

  21. I have no idea who he is but the picture of the guy in grey t-shirt and the nice bulge is the most frightening to me...only because of what he might do to me with whatever is causing that bulge.

  22. An Excellent mood board, very atmospheric.

  23. Why are there Trump supporters in the next to Last picture

    1. Oh Adam your so bad!!!

    2. Heavens! She's back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jx


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!