Wednesday, October 4, 2023



As in Sam fabulous and versatile queen...from elegant to edgy. Low key to electric color. Sam Star is the Supermodel of the South, Haus of Taylor Love for the Arts, and in 2022 voted Miss Glamorous Newcomer on the drag circuit. I became familiar with this queen online and Insta during the pandemic, where she only just started drag in 2021 and is one of the favorite and popular queens on the Birmingham, AL drag circuit already. I adore a queen who also looks just as good out of drag. I'm hoping to get this bitch next season for the Woods Icons Show. Show some love to Sam Star on her Instagram. And talent? Sam makes all his own ensembles too.


  1. WOW, stunning in Drag and Handsome out of Drag.

  2. Stunning and and out of drag.

  3. I took a look at his IG profile and I found a great drag queer but a very nice guy! He is very handsome as a man and I definitely prefer him as a man!

  4. That green outfit is something special, while I suspect a number of people would get turned off by the spider one.

  5. Fierce queen and cute Little Nugget out of drag, too!

  6. Yowsa!! And in Alabama, no less, pushing back against the bigotry. Brava!

  7. Quite the looker! (Love your new header.)

  8. Well, it's like you rolled Ariel Versace, Miss Vanjie and Valentina into one and voilà. VERY handsome out of Drag, too. And with so little time in the scene? I see a bright future.


  9. WOW!!!! These queens that are stunning in drag and hot out is quite a feat you ask me. Wouldn't be surprised if he makes drag race one season.

  10. What great looks! And what a beauty and cutie!


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!