Saturday, October 14, 2023



While I'm away, I left Ms. Moorecock to get the Candy Shop open, and this week we have a real HOT DISH! Peruvian model, turned chef Franco Noriega, who used to be the naked chef and recently landed his own Food Network show, Hot Dish with Franco. I never miss it on Saturday mornings when home. Mind you, he is not toting around the kitchen in grey trunks like on The Naked Chef, that literally looked to be struggling to contain his large cock...but he is none the less in often tight clothing, using words like it's creamy, split it open, mine is mouthwatering, it's lickable and grip the end.  Even on the cloudiest days, this chiseled chef reassured all the world that at least something will still rise!! Franco loves to entertain and the world class chef and now restaurateur, whips up simple crowd-pleasing plates and recipes inspired by his Peruvian roots and travels on the show, and in his dining establishments in New York, two of which I have been too, and both did not disappoint. Tivoli and Baby Brasa. But before his chef days he was a very hot model and I suspect may have dabbled in some soft solo porn, as his pics are out there if you search deep enough. But I love his unabashed side to not be afraid to reveal all, I mean every mouthwatering inch by inch of this perfectly sculpted man!!!

And people wonder why I can't break my love chain of South American men!!!


  1. Meow! I have a pussy (that may or may not be a cat) that needs his attention.


  2. Never moss his show. I'm buying whatever Chef Franco is cooking!!!!

  3. I adore him!!! His sex appeal is through the roof. His webcam shenanigans are hot alright, I remember seeing him on cam a few years back. He's a big boy alright!!!!

  4. SEXY AS HELL! If I go to his restaurants, is he also on the menu???

    Hope you having a great time away this weekend.

  5. GREAT CHOICE!!!! His cookery videos are off the charts. And love his recipes.

  6. I love him too Mistress. He can cook in the kitchen and the bedroom!!!! Who's to complain?

  7. Foreign husband material for sure Mistress!!!

  8. I have had a long-term love affair in my head with Franco; dee-lish!

  9. We love a chef who's good at handling his meat!

    Here's those grey pants working their magic! [Did he prepare some food? I dunno, I never noticed...] Jx

  10. Uhhh... I was too distracted to notice he's a chef.

  11. Oh, gods, that first photo! I'm usually a fussy eater but I'd gobble down ANYTHING he put in front of me!

  12. I bet your could keep a smile on that pouty face.

  13. Yowsa!!!!!!!! Damn is he handsome. That is a major upgrade for the Food Network. I mean if they had one more show of that idiot Guy Fieri or those damn food challenges and Wars shows I'll scream. I know some of my friends have ate at his restaurants in New York and said they are damn delicious. And like one of your commenters made I do wonder if he's on the menu?

  14. Anonymous10/15/2023

    Oh my Golly Gosh. I am always open to a new culinary experience - Yes please.

    1. Oh I am so sorry, I don't do anything anonymously but we have a web safety widget thingy, I forgot it was on and didn't turn off

  15. Yes! My goodness he’s everything. He can cook me dinner and more!

  16. Cap Chasen10/16/2023

    Yep, he’s angelic;- I'm loving his body hair and tattoo-less body.

  17. Fine af, handsome, tall, In shape and can cook with a great cock! Def bae material henny.

  18. Goddamn! That’s it I think I'm going to have to review my no other meat policy! This man gave me 100% fever and I’m all over it lol!

  19. Oh Jesus, that man is gorgeous. I watch his Hot Dish too....I could listen to him all day and just stare. His recipes are good too. I tried a few.

  20. you can find him also on my blog here

  21. Anonymous10/16/2023

    HuntleyBiGuy: I have to make a dentist appointment…I feel another cavity coming on from this scrumptious man. 🤤

  22. Well, I'd be happy to try We watch cooking shows all the time and I've never seen his. Hmmmmm....


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!