Tuesday, October 3, 2023


It was a lovely weekend to get away after all those days of damp and rain...the weekend in New Hope opened with beautiful sunny skies and nice temperatures....to continue on this week too. It was nice getting back to my old stomping ground and seeing familiar faces and being in the area of very liberal Ds and R's, like-minded folk and colorful residents. I've long said there's no other place I've been that's like New Hope. When you have a community of artists and literaries, mixed with the LGBT community and people interested in the occult and witchcraft it makes for one hell of a community. I went down with the Capitol Street Duo, and my friend Kalen and Mr Hershey. I also had a lovely dinner with my good friend and her daughter and her new fiance. Her daughter's always a hoot and she calls me Aunt Maddie! Here are a few snaps from the weekend, and as you can see my weekend started with a lovely Bee Kind gin drink. I think I down six. And that was just the start of the weekend.

One of my favorite places to dine...in a church ...drinking discussing sex and swearing.

 View looking across the Delaware River towards Lambertville. When I used to live down there I've been known to sit along that dock most of the day just looking at the picturesque scenery.

Another of my haunts...Martines! Loved the dog under his owner out cold. 
A left over canyon and canyon balls from Washington's tour before the crossing of the Delaware....seen at the Logan Hotel.
This place use to be a rundown carriage house....but two gay men bought it and the magic happened!
The original New Hope and Ivyland train still runs!
The Creeper Gallery always has interesting objects and things that are supposedly actually haunted. I found this creepy Mickey Mouse melted mask eerie. There was a goofy and a Donald Duck on either side of it.
The canal! If and when I return these Townhomes are most likely where I would settle.
When I was departing these two are practically right outside my passenger side window. This was taken at the New Hope Solebury High School
At the Cub room one night at the motel in the woods...where I saw this really big cock.
Stopped in at my friend Susan's cigar shop and picked up two or three. She's one of the most entertaining butchiest lesbians I've ever met. And she knows what I like. I've been known to smoke one or two cigars a year.
What a lovely weekend!!!! The views of the river I miss.

And for the inquiring minds, yes, I did see the Lumbersexual!!! He caught up with us Friday night. He somehow ended up in my room that night. That cat was out of the bag.


  1. What a terrific place.

  2. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, according to Freud.

    1. I here I thought when I smoked those big long Cubans that was like a subliminal message I was sending out.

  3. Such a great place. You should run their tourism campaign. Lumbersexual has a pussy? I learn something new about you every day.

    1. Oh Mitchell you're so bad. Thank heavens he has a cock. I knew your joke!!!!!! By out of the bag I meant my other four friends did not previously know that me and him had clandestines. They were like you lucky bitch.

  4. Replies
    1. I no it's shocking that I would put anything thick and long near my lips. My uncle and grandfather were cigar aficionados. I love the smell but I only enjoy a cigar once or twice a year, that's it.

  5. Lovely!
    I would settle next to that canal, too!
    And it does not surprise me you had a a cocktail or six to start...


    1. Boy I just adore this town. And were there's some hot men out this weekend in addition to nice scenery.

  6. I had no idea you were a cigar smoker.

    I would move into that carriage house if I had a first choice. I've learned to exist in under 900 sq ft and it's the perfect size for a home.

    1. I would say I'm as far from a big cigar smoker as you get, but yes my grandfather and Uncle both smoke them and I always love the smell. I only enjoy one or two cigars A year that's it. And that Carriage House is lovely. When we were walking back to the car that night you can see inside and it was so swanky.

  7. I think it says a lot about your drunken state that you wrote "I think I down six" in present tense rather than past. Keep on drinking and having fun for me! My life is so dull.


    1. In a famous words of Tallulah Bankhead- "I'll have another."

    2. “I like to have a Martini,
      Two at the very most.
      After three I'm under the table,
      after four I'm under the host.”

      - Dorothy Parker


    3. I come here for the fun and the poetry.

  8. Oooh a restaurant in an old church!! Do you have pics of the before carriage house?

    1. If I go back to my blog pictures I'm almost certain I have a picture of what look like beforehand.

  9. Absolute heaven! I envy you every inch of this wonderful place - and the cigars too!

    1. I have been Steve...I too must say, I have never either experienced a place like it.

  10. Leave it to you to find the biggest cock!!!! I was just in New Hope last week, during all the rain. But it was a nice get out of the city moment anyhow. I too adore that town. That first drink looks AMAZING!

  11. "no other place I've been that's like New Hope. When you have a community of artists and literaries, mixed with the LGBT community and people interested in the occult and witchcraft it makes for one hell of a community" The perfect sum up of this town. And it's the one thing I'll miss the most from moving to the beach the most....New Hope. It is such a gem of a place. If only the rest of most of the country could adopt it's view and welcome all. Great pictures too.

    1. Oh I don't think a week goes by that I do not miss the Doylestown New Hope area.

  12. i hope you and the lumbersexual didn't keep the other hotel guest up?

    1. Well, those who are shocked should be shocked more often.

  13. You had me with the view looking across the river. I think I've heard of New Hope, but I'm now intrigued enough to go see it, and the history is both very historic and interesting and yet eerie. Love seeing the old canyon and the idea of the church as a restaurant is so cool.

    The Mickey mask gave me the willies...but adored the witches.

    1. I'm long said it is beyond me why a movie or a television show has not been set in New Hope yet. Between all the different angles of the communities and the historic significance alone it could be the next Twin Peaks.

  14. Beautiful and inspiring pictures!!!! You said HOME away from home...except I think it is your home!!! I can see and feel it. We await your return!!! I was wondering if you knocked ankles with the lumbersexual sexual.

    Can I be you for just a few months? Not permanently, I wouldn't have the energy.

    1. Oh I know you're right. Even though I grew up in Harrisburg, New Hope definitely became and feels more like my home. I already know I'll end up back down there.

  15. I still have fun memories of my visit when you took me there years ago. I always love their pictures and the post, because our autumn and history just is not the same as it is on the East Coast as it is the West. And we're going to need more details of exactly what you and lumbersexual did!

    1. My lips are sealed....at least for this moment.😂😂

  16. I don't have any USA trip(s) planned, but if I do manage to get across the Big Water and then across the Big Country I'd love to treat you to lunch somewhere. Or maybe you'll do a reverse trip and it will be my pleasure to treat you here.

    1. I always wanted to come to Australia so you never know honey. Wouldn't that be fun!

  17. You got me in the mood for Autumn now. I swear one day, one day, I am making it to this little town. I like bizarre towns like this And they have a Playhouse!!! When you lived there I was always amazed by all the wildlife there.

  18. I always enjoyed you post from New Hope! If memory serves don't, they go all out for Halloween? What a always enjoyed is that old time train with locomotive. You sure don't see those anymore, so how nice to keep one going, if not for more than nostalgia?

  19. A steam train and macaroons, we have to go there.

  20. One of my favorite places to dine...in a church ...drinking discussing sex and swearing.

    you look to me like a slut! 👏👏👏👏 well done!!!!

  21. I think it's terrific that you still hook up with the Lumbersexual when you visit. What show was at the Playhouse?

    1. Their current show just ended...and they are gearing up for the Rocky Horror Picture Show for the holiday...that starts I think Oct 11.

      And yes the Lumbersexual is a great guy.. if he wants to be Bi and experimental who am I to complain? He is a fun guy. Very chill.

    2. I can see you aren't complaining about him being Bi...😁
      Rocky Horror is a great money-maker.

  22. Cue Otis Redding's Sitting on the Dock of the Bay

  23. I told two of my friends to read your blog for your take of New Hope and places to to. They are heading there this weekend.

    Love the pictures....I bet your friends and neighbors must miss you.

  24. I need a New Hope weekend too. I haven't been since you moved. Your pictures make me want to go.


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