Thursday, November 5, 2020


It's been a rough couple days. Until the Mistress get into a better mental place, or shoots my mouth off and have said something to go to far, and snap out of this evil side...I'll return soon. If you enjoy flowers and the meantime,  pop around to the Annual Informaniac Garden Event being hosted this year by the handsome Mr DeVice. It's sure to be a classy event to take our minds off stuff. Mistress MJ was to busy this year playing with her own bloom to host it.  If you like gardens and tomfoolery, you'll love seeing some of your bloggers gardens and such.

And this just in....


  1. Your own submission is the latest feature, dear. You should grab a gin and a houseboy and troll over there to take a look. Everyone seems to be keen to prune your buds... Jx

    1. Prune her buds! One of you two is going to have my wet yet.

    2. I've only ever had my buds licked, not pruned.

  2. Oh thank heavens...I was beginning to worry. the meme! One of these days Im going to wet myself. Now Im off to the Garden Event! Thanks for the link and take good care Maddie. Dark times indeed.

  3. "keep the faith." - uncle joe

  4. Yay!!!! A post and a good damn good laugh!!!!!! Keep your chin up! But I did google...and saw where Bucks County was a red wave. That's suck big time balls. I feel it hard to function, but best to keep distracted.

    1. That is actually very typical. But Democratic Presidents usually swipe Bucks County. Even though it's more red, many of the republican here are very liberal. It drive the rest of the states Republican nuts. Many repubs here actually vote Democrat for governor, president

  5. Yet again, I ask myself, "Did I make the right decision leaving the US years ago? And I still answer, yes, yes I did. I'm hoping for the best here for the US. Now what's this garden event about?

    1. And I saw that pain in your ass was back again in the last post. She must love you?!? I hope Biden wins to shut her up.

    2. that bitch needs to hit the bricks.

    3. I have the feeling we won't be hearing from her much longer.

  6. Yes, nerve-wracking, isn't it? And I'm not even an American!

  7. So nice to see Karen! Isn't her polling place Walmart? Hope she brought herself a Big Gulp slushie and a bag of red vines. That bitch is gonna be standing in line a looooooong time. Good to hear from you, love. Big kizzes. Mu-wah!

  8. Sentiments shared....nasty situation to bear... take care...

  9. We will be fine, sugarpie! xoxo

  10. i just came from the event. there's much talk about you taking small pricks.i thought you were a size queen?

    bout time you came around...i didn't recognize you with a beard....your usually the beard.

  11. I'm anxious for you all. There does seem to be a pale blue light shining in the distance......

    1. Looks like he will take it by the skin of his teeth. From the beginning I didn't care who replaced trump....Democrat or Republican ....but this evil human has to go!!!!

  12. Gardens and tomfoolery? Yes, please.
    And this counting and recounting has got me on edge! Not to mention Cheeto's lies and deception.


    1. Yes.... the garden events is always entertaining.

  13. What Debra said.

    Hang on in there, Sweetie!

  14. Take your time and take care.

  15. Take your time. But, take heart. Biden is overtaking the Cheeto in GA, PA, holding the lead in NV and AZ. Of course, Cheeto is going to litigate because that's what he's always done. We knew this was going to happen. So...hugs and smooches, my Mistress.

    1. Biden is taking Bucks County by a huge lead, mostly like won. But this is not new here. Most of the local and state reps seats are always republican...while the higher seats go to democrats. Even Republican's here vote for democrat's for US senators, governors and president. I just wish we'd have won more of the state house rep seats.

  16. Who would have thought the yours and Anne Marie's state with be one of the two bloody battlegrounds??? I think he finally on the verge of getting rid of the vile stench.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!