Well, the Mistress is back from a lovely weekend in New York City where I was spending a weekend with my good friend and sister, Mame and the ever funny and fabulous Miss Ginger Grant, who it is always a pleasure to see and break a cock-a-tail with! And did we d have some of those! Unfortunately we were to go to the Bronx zoo, but got rained out on Saturday so we managed to make ourselves busy with a quick shopping trip and a tour to the Arby's only to find it had closed. I thought David was going to cry. That poor thing. They keep closing those darn Arby's up there. But don't you all worry now, her spirits were lifted when that night we arrived -finally to The Urges Lounge!

Ok. I will admit it. We did hit the Urges both nights we were up there. What else would you expect from us ho's. We like our papi's. And did they have them there. I especially took a liken to Fernando, but I tell you this, they were all hot and muscled and even in parts you couldn't see!!! One of the other go-go's gave us a little peek-a-boo. OH MY! What was that? We did have a very lovely time there. Although Sunday morning was a wee bit ugly, and poor Kailyn even got a "dronk" call from the Mistress. And she wasn't hearing any of it. I think she was putting moves on some young thing because she was off the phone quicker than a New York minute! Next day, we decided to take Miss G to see Chinatown since she wanted to see it, plus Mame and myself could get our wicked hang overs soaked up with some delish BBQ-Pork Pies, as I call them.

They are actually called Pork Buns and they are SO DAM GOOD! We went to our favorite place the Excellent Dumpling House where we par took of a huge feast of like 7 appetizers, pork buns, Thai rice, and all kinds of other little delish nibblies! The table was packed full and the food just kept rolling out! We also saw some poor ho and her tool who should definitely apply for the next season of Tool Academy. They were the lunch time entertainment. After lunch was over and we were like three stuffed pigs off to slaughter, we then took Miss G to the Pearl River Mart.

Pearl River Mart is a huge emporium of items and collections of the Chinese lifestyle. There is everything from novelties, clothing, food items, housewares, dishes, lighting, bath good and sundries. One could spend hours looking in there!

Every time I go to see Mame, I always like to go there and see what's new and get myself a new fan. I also was very pleased at my major purchase of a lovely sugar and creamer set for a whopping price of $5! That's the beauty of the mart. There prices are unheard of. Miss Ginger also cleaned house with some purchasing from it seemed every department. After Chinatown, we headed back to the Village by way of Little Italy where we enjoyed some refreshing Gellato and then headed to Garage for a cock-a-tail or two and a light supper and enjoyed the wonderful jazz of the place. I think by this time "the Urge" from the last two nights was catching up with us, as we were all a little wiped out. So I bid farewell to Miss Ginger, and then did a quick powder at Mame's and changed into my travel attire before hitting the train back to Philadelphia. It was a lovely time girls and it is always nice to see ya. Should we plan on the Urge for the week after next? And cake. Lots of cake.Tootles!