Thursday, June 20, 2024



Well dear kids, by time you see this post I should be coming into the seaside town, Rehoboth, or Rehomo as us gays call it.... and ready to grasp the fun...and be checked in to the Rehoboth Guest House. No more work till next week, great words to hear. Nothing but 5 days of relaxing, just a few libations, watching near naked men, and relaxing on a sunny, sea breezed sandy beach, listening to surf. Of course, if you have ever wondered my vacation mode, here is a clip....

Tootles kids...see you next week!!!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


With Pride Month here, I often wonder where we would be without drag queens in the community.  Now that the centuries old art of drag has become a preferred target in the current culture warfare, I'd be remiss if I didn't share what queens and performers have put this art form on the map. From a formerly enslaved person who donned drag in the late 1800's to the queens of Drag Race, this art, typically characterized by gender impersonation and exaggerated forms of gender expression, and over the top fabulousness. Has a long and lasting legacy. While drag is not new what is new is the tidal wave of state legislation seeking to restrict where and in front of whom drag shows can be performed. Now over 16 states have introduced such measures. Screw them! Without further ado, here is part one of some of the queens who have added and put drag on the map.

Madam Pattirini, the drag alter ego of Brigham Morris Young, was one of 57 children of Brigham Young, the founder of Salt Lake City, Utah, and the second president of the Church of JC of Latter-day Saints. It was noted that Morris Young performed in drag as Madam Pattirini, an Italian prima donna, at the birthday celebration of the church's then president, Lorenzo Snow. Morris Young showed himself to be a "prime entertainer" and had been praised for his good falsetto voice and the ability to sustain a female character. 

Julian Eltinge was the Queen of Drag Queens in his day, and his fame as a female impersonator "rivaled that of superstar RuPaul's status today. He reportedly started performing drag at saloons as a teenager before finding his way to the vaudeville circuit, Broadway and eventually, Hollywood. In 1912 The Eltinge Theater on New York's iconic 42nd Street was named in his honor, and during this time he was said to be one of the highest paid actors in America. His performances were known for his convincing portrayals of women, and he would remove his wig at the end of his routine, shocking the audience with the reveal.

Danny La Rue was an Irish born entertainer known for drag performances that incorporated over the top glamorous costumes and wigs. He spent lavishly to outfit his characters and has been described as "the grande dame of drag." His on-stage characters were his own, and he did parodies of historical and celebrities alike. La Rue went on to be one of Britain's highest paid entertainers in his heyday and he performed for Queen Elizabeth II , who in 2002 made him an Officer of the Order fo the British Empire, for his AIDS charity work.

Gowongo MoHawk, born in the western New York village of Gowanda, was one of the first Native American actors to perform on the American stage and the first
 known Native American male impersonator.

Marsha P Johnson who would cheekily tell people the p stood for "Pay it no mind" was an outspoken transgender rights activist is reported to be one of the central figures of the historical Stonewall uprising of 1969.Along with friend and fellow trans activist Sylvia Riveria, Johnson helped form Street Transvestite Action Revolution, STAR, a radical political organization that provided housing and other forms of support to homeless and gay youth and sex workers in the city. She was also a huge AIDS activist and performed with eh drag troupe Hot Peaches. Marsha was sadly found dead, floating in the river...and to this day the culprits never found, and an investigation of any kind was a joke.

Arguably the most famous queen of the modern era, RuPaul will go down in herstory for selling drag to the masses-and making a pretty penny in the process. Never mind the fracking! There's almost no sector of the entertainment world that the statuesque queen hasn't touched: She has penned three books, appeared in over 50 movies, pressed 15 studio albums, and started a world franchise of RuPauls Drag Race....not to mention is the most Emmy-winning Black entertainer in history.

Long before the queens of Drag Race embraced wig reveals, a high wire performer from a small town in Texas made a career of removing his wig of curls. Barbette found fame in the 1920's and 30's performing darling, elegant and stunning acrobatic shows in full drag regalia at world famous venues like Moulin Rouge. She ended these acts with a signature move, removing her blond wig to reveal a man. This flair for the dramatic and her elegance and huge ensembles in the air attracted the attention of Europe's elite, among them, Manray, Coco Chanel and Jean Cocteau. If you ever get the chance read the book of Barbette's life.... I highly recommend it.

Vesta Tilley was one of the highest paid performers in the British music halls during the Victorian and Edwardian eras and is "indisputably the most famous male impersonator of all time perhaps. Tilley, whose first appearance as a boy was when she was just 5 years old, would go on to impersonate soldiers, sailors, policemen, judges and clergy among many others and highly visible male personalities of the day.

This cow! Lady Bunny got her start go-go dancing with her friend RuPaul while living in Atlanta in the early 80's, before moving to NYC, and Bunny spent much of this period in the city's nightclubs, a place where other "club kids" were experimenting with outrageousness, gender, art and fashion. Unlike RuPaul, Lady Bunny decided to stay local, accessible, far more political and a activist for many issues, outspoken, and remains very community minded. In 1984 Lady Bunny organized the first Wigstock, an annual drag queen festival that went on for more than 25 years. With a wide range of tricks in her bag, Lady Bunny in now considered one of the most legendary drag queens working today.

Jinkx Monsoon is now considered a Broadway actress, singer and then a self - proclaimed tolerated drag superstar, writer, comic and an award-winning podcast host, a two time Drag Race winner and a practicing witch wrapped in an orange wig. She could possibly surpass RuPaul herself in invading all forms of art, as Jinkx has appeared on Broadway, and will be reprise her role of Mama Morton once again. She recently ended her run in Little Shops of Horrors and is currently starring in the new incarnation of Doctor Who. Dancing, comedy, Film, tv, Broadway, and singing with that voice. She just might be the first drag queen who could be a part of the EGOT club!!!

Perhaps no other drag queen in history has had such an impact on mainstream culture while existing in drag resolutely on its fringes, Divine. A lifelong friend and collaborator of fellow Balitmore native John Waters. Divine helped define the trash film genre, and had touched all form of media...acting, singing, writing and immortalized in art over and over again. She definitely defined the odd, bizarre drag style. And can we have Christmas without Divine and those infamous Cha Cha Heels?

For decades, drag king Murray Hill has been an essential figure in New York's late nigth cabaret scene, hosting shows at legendary Manhattan venues like Joe's Pub. But he New England native, who describes himself as a "Jackie Gleason-Borsocht Belt comic from Brooklyn" didn't become a household name until the last few years, when he began making regular cameos on queer projects. Murray is credited for pushing the needle for trans masculine men representation, and lesbians in the drag world with humor and style. His shows are complete HILARITY.

When Crystal LaBeija, "don't call me darling, DARLING" a black drag queen and trans woman, was announced as the third runner up in a National Beauty Pageant, she was having none of it kids. Before the winner was even announced, LaBeija stormed off the stage to protest against the competition, which she said favored white drag queens and beauty standards. Watch The Queen if you haven't seen it. Highly entertaining and a gay must henny. Frustrated by the apparent racism in the drag culture, LaBeija founded her own drag event...exclusively for Black queens in 1972...leading the house and leading other black and Latina queens to do the same, and alas...ball culture had arrived girls.

Happy Pride🏳‍🌈

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


A quick reminder that with Pride month in full swing, now is a good time to remind all to stay safe, not just on the streets but in the sheets!! Make sure with all the celebrating and gaiety, we are keeping ourselves and our concubines safe as well, Take the precaution kids. Now here is Sapphira Cristal, yes her singing... and the boys from MISTR with a fun commercial break. 

This has been a Casa du Borghese PSA.


Monday, June 17, 2024


I can't recall how I got into Grant Knoche 's music, but since I found him, while not my usual fare of music, I surprisingly fell for his music and chorography. A baby at 22 years old currently, Grant is a Dallas-bred and LA- based artist and producer. At the age of 11 he became obsessed with Logic and taught himself to write and produce his material in his bedroom. Grant's synth-driven, deep bass, intimate pop singles and his albums have all been written and produced by him...and he is also proudly recently out as part of our LGBTQ community.

I think I could watch him dance all day.

Happy Pride🏳‍🌈


Don't think for a minute I wouldn't wear the above head piece to a Pride Festival. I have already and some of you probably saw it on the blog a few years ago during the pandemic!!!! Here's it is Monday, but no bitching and griping from me this's to be a three days' work week, before taking off for the first of three vacations this summer. I'm so happy, I might burst. Seems forever since I got back from the Amalfi Coast. I'm long overdue kids! A restful weekend, some shopping, some gardening, a trip to the market and a casual date of sorts, read sordid time.... after the last several...but ready for some more pride. Never give up hoping.

Happy Monday...Happy Pride 🏳‍🌈

I think the lovely Rozalla and her dance anthem sum the month up very well.It always been a great pride song for me! Shake that ass!

Sunday, June 16, 2024


We sure can't complain about the weather this weekend. It's been downright beautiful, sunny and comfortable. Being away the last couple of weekends, I did have some tending to do in the garden. There was a bit of shopping, a market trip for dinner being grilled later tonight for my uncle who's coming to dinner, and just taking in the garden. It's been a flurry of bird activity that weekend...and the garden is continuing to take off. I was a bit worried at first about the Cassia and Datura Ballerina's at first, what with so much rain, but now the warmer, not as wet weather is doing them just fine. Even the coneflower and dahlia are way more grown then normal for this time of year. The coneflower even has buds already. And the wildflower garden I seeded looks like a huge weed bed right now. The lawn guy almost mowed it over, but luckily, we caught him just in time. Blooms abound. The only thing up and bloomed already in it is the borage. And of all earthly delights the blueberries are in!!! They've been great in granola, over vanilla ice cream and muffin, not to mention just popping them in my mouth. Here's some snaps from the weekend.

Baby fledglings are all over the yard. Here's a baby robin in the lilac outside my boudoir window.

Delish!!! The bush is yielding many berries. I have to keep it covered with net. The thrasher, robins and catbirds are avid berry eaters.

Cassia, one of three plantings.

Catbird. I love their song.

Since my clovers went outside, they have double in size.


The Fushia so far has been putting on a show and hasn't stopped. Once our hot weather gets here it will make or break it. We generally haven't had many survive after mid-July.

New to the garden this year. Jacob's Ladder
Nuthatch this new color.

This bed has many roses, sages and lavenders. Smells heavenly.

Coming to get their nuts!

To the dismay of the squirrel patrol.

Sweet William

Yellow columbine

This rose has a magnificent scent.

Most days I still have no idea what in hell I'm doing or if I'm even planting anything correctly, except for the type of lighting and sun it needs. My mother says I have my grandmother's green thumb. But don't ask me to grow indoor plants. I am pleased so far with the results. Now on to getting the fish prepared for dinner. How's your gardening growing?