Sunday, June 16, 2024


We sure can't complain about the weather this weekend. It's been downright beautiful, sunny and comfortable. Being away the last couple of weekends, I did have some tending to do in the garden. There was a bit of shopping, a market trip for dinner being grilled later tonight for my uncle who's coming to dinner, and just taking in the garden. It's been a flurry of bird activity that weekend...and the garden is continuing to take off. I was a bit worried at first about the Cassia and Datura Ballerina's at first, what with so much rain, but now the warmer, not as wet weather is doing them just fine. Even the coneflower and dahlia are way more grown then normal for this time of year. The coneflower even has buds already. And the wildflower garden I seeded looks like a huge weed bed right now. The lawn guy almost mowed it over, but luckily, we caught him just in time. Blooms abound. The only thing up and bloomed already in it is the borage. And of all earthly delights the blueberries are in!!! They've been great in granola, over vanilla ice cream and muffin, not to mention just popping them in my mouth. Here's some snaps from the weekend.

Baby fledglings are all over the yard. Here's a baby robin in the lilac outside my boudoir window.

Delish!!! The bush is yielding many berries. I have to keep it covered with net. The thrasher, robins and catbirds are avid berry eaters.

Cassia, one of three plantings.

Catbird. I love their song.

Since my clovers went outside, they have double in size.


The Fushia so far has been putting on a show and hasn't stopped. Once our hot weather gets here it will make or break it. We generally haven't had many survive after mid-July.

New to the garden this year. Jacob's Ladder
Nuthatch this new color.

This bed has many roses, sages and lavenders. Smells heavenly.

Coming to get their nuts!

To the dismay of the squirrel patrol.

Sweet William

Yellow columbine

This rose has a magnificent scent.

Most days I still have no idea what in hell I'm doing or if I'm even planting anything correctly, except for the type of lighting and sun it needs. My mother says I have my grandmother's green thumb. But don't ask me to grow indoor plants. I am pleased so far with the results. Now on to getting the fish prepared for dinner. How's your gardening growing?


  1. Gorgeous! You certainly do have a green thumb!

  2. You're doing something right, the flowers are gorgeous.

  3. A beautiful Sunday post!!! And all glorious! My mother loved Borage. I haven't seen it in years. Love the Cassia. Is that what they say smells like buttered popcorn? Always nice to see Buster. Smiling with thoughts of squirrels no doubt? Be proud of the garden, I miss mine. I don't have all the space anymore.

  4. Absolutely beautiful display! Well done for all your efforts - they're certainly paying off... Jx

    1. I'm from you that is a high compliment.

  5. Don't mind me if I do take a pew!

  6. Either me or my girlfriends have patience or a green thumb to garden, but your suggestion of a potted garden has been very easy and paying off. We have upward of 25 pots of different stuff now, and it's all easy to tend to, adds color and doesn't break our backs. But yours is like a flower and bird oasis. I can just see you sipping a cocktail on that chaise.

  7. I heard through the rumor mill your talented with making things grow? That Cassia is awesome looking. I wish I had a place outdoors I could hang out. I don't even have a balcony.

    1. It's always been a talent. I can make anything grow bigger.

    2. Do you suck plants, then, Maddie? Jx

  8. Anonymous6/16/2024

    Tundra Bunny here...

    Your garden is always a visual treat, Maddie -- it's one of my favourite places to visit! Love your photos of the Nuthatch, Buster and the squirrels too. Does Blanca still visit your garden? The Borage's hairy leaves and stems reminded me of crocuses, so of course, I looked it up on Wiki... did you know that Borage was traditionally used as garnish in Pimms Cup cocktails? There is method to your madness after all, LOL!

    1. Why do you think I'm growing it??? LOL!!!!! Actually, I didn't know that, how interesting. I have not seen the white squirrel recently not sure where she got off too. And take a look at the comment I wrote to Ms Scarlet. We had carnage last night!!!!!

      I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures Thank you toots!

    2. It's great with G&T, too - tastes of cucumber. Jx

    3. Oh, now that my gin blossom agrees, you know Im going to have to try it.

  9. such lovely things! It is 40C and nothing is alive growing for the next four months.

  10. What beauty, and a nice garden too. The landscapers do a wonderful job here, we are a month or so ahead on the bloom cycle.

  11. Someone's been watching TDWP recently!!! Your garden is gorgeous, sweetpea!! I am in LOVE! xxoxo

    1. This year I kept most flower annuals in a potted garden, so everything in the gardens will come up every year now. For the most part.

  12. I did not know clovers got that big. You'll have to somehow save them for St. Patrick's Day.

    1. These were given to me last year in 2023!!!! I've had them now for a year and a half!!! I can't believe it either.

  13. Those are gorgeous flowers, and it's nice to see Buster again.

    1. He is getting up there...17 now!!!!!!!!

  14. Your garden is beautiful. You have such creativity. I do like the yellow columbine in particular, its so delicate.
    The roses are doing well this year, here in the north of England but the veg garden is a washout. It's been too cold and wet. Things are the same size as they were 6 weeks ago. Very disappointing.

    1. It seems all my Brit friends are saying the weather this spring is very cool damp and soggy. What a shame no veggies Christina...but I bet your flowers are glorious. I hope the new puppy is coming along nicely?

  15. Glorious, Mistress!! The Blackbirds are picking off my strawberries as they ripen - you are wise to cover the Blueberries with a net.

    1. Oh Scarlet I have too, otherwise the Catbirds and Robins and others will strip the bush bare. And we had a horror last night. My uncles dog discovered and got into a rabbit nest and got a bit rough with the babies tossing them to and fro. We couldn't get her away, and she sadly killed three of them. I hope the mama takes care of the last two.

    2. Anonymous6/17/2024

      Tundra Bunny here...

      Oh Maddie, how awful!! The doe may have abandoned her nest and her last two baby bunnies out of distress, so you might want to keep a watchful eye out for them. Hopefully, she'll just move her remaining bunnies and nest somewhere safer!

    3. I was very upset. And Sophie isn't much bigger then a rabbit herself. The two babies are still in the nest but have seen the mother carrying bits and bobs out of the gate by another bush. Perhaps a new nest??? The babies are wiggling around energic so perhaps they will survive.

  16. Gorgeous! Your garden photos always make me smile.

    1. Im glad they made you smile. You too have a green thumb.

  17. what are you fertilizing the yard with these days?

  18. I sure could hang out in your yard! I'm a rose gal, so I love all the roses. So much color and bird, it like a garden arboretum I swear. I tired at looking at all the care it takes. And I adore lavender...the smell is so calming.

  19. Lovely!
    One of the advantages of living in a house, no??

    Also, the Squirrel Patrol!!!


  20. You make me want a house....almost. Gorgeous garden. Did you always know how to harden or is this all new hobbies? Love seeing Buster too. I wish I was there too small the garden.

  21. My garden is overwhelmed with borage and I also have that Polemonium, but then I am a sucker for blue flowers and dark purple leaves.

    1. Well apparently bondage is a good garnish I learned in these comments in a Pimms Cup!!!!

    2. "Bondage"? You have a very interesting spell-checker, Mads! Jx


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