Years ago when I was living in downtown Harrisburg and met the ex, and we decided to move to the Philadelphia area, I was over joyed I'd be living in center city Philly. To my dismay he broke it to me that we would be living in the rural countryside of Bucks County. Needless to say, I wasn't over joyed at first. Luckily, and by chance, a love affair took place with me and the charming, quaint area...now one would have to sand blast me out of the area. It really is the best of both worlds. The picturesque, English like county side, the little river towns, fresh farmers markets, and the eclectic and eccentric characters that live here. On the other hand one is only 40 minutes to center city and an hour and half to NYC. After spending Easter away with family and visiting with me dear old, old, and I do mean old, good friend and sister Mame, aka David Dust, I came back and got my ass out of doors to enjoy the breath taking weather we had last week and got back into my outdoor exercise regime. In the warm months I head up the road by 6 minutes to Lake Galena, to do my jog and walk around the lake, a lovely, picturesque park, a 7 mile, heavily wooded trail around the lake, and frankly one of my favorite outdoor spots in Bucks County. The whole place encompasses around 356 arces.

On that run I also took my camera to capture the continued awakening of spring...and see what are not my Usual Suspects. Being only minutes up the road, its's amazing the different birds that habitat there.
Eastern Bluebird
The trails I jog on
The flowering trees were beautiful, and just about finished now.
The lake is home to numerous Blue Heron
A common Merganser
At one end of the lake is a very nice nature preserve. The tortoises were out getting a early jump on tanning!!!
I was lucky to spot this Kestre, the smallest of the falcon family. There are several up at the lake and this one caught a field mouse.
A Lesser Scalp I believe, not sure
One of many docks around the lake
I have no idea what these bird- crane like species is, but they all stick together and just sat there. They had long bills too.
A Yellow Rumped Warbler. Had a very pretty song.
After two runs this week, my legs are feeling it, so I took it easy this weekend, with exception of going over to Lambertville for the annual Shadfest yesterday. Today, one of the usual suspects, a dove has been roosting for an age on the sill.
The only time he left was when the carnage happened. A Red Tailed hawk swept down and caught a poor tit mouse right off the branch. I heard the loud tweeting, and reminments of feathers flying. The dove then came back and has been roosting ever since. The Casa attracts all types. It's also nice to be enjoying a nice spring for a change.