Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!
Any romantic date for you?

Since I just saw the Lad, I will be at the Casa du Borghese after work to myself.  Flowers arrived from Warbucks yesterday. In honor of the day, I have made chocolate covered cherries to take to work today!!!! If I keep this up, I'll have them spoiled!!! Believe it or not, these are not as hard to make as one might think.
As for me...I' ll get home, get naked and take a long hot bubble bath, a few G & T'S, and  order a romantic dinner in...all for myself, and listen to some classical music. Well, it's the perfect background music for me this lovely evening! Of course nothing wrong with a little bit of the sexy David Zongoli this holiday either!!! He can hit me but good with his arrow! David is a  Pole dancer ❤ aerialist ❤ dancer ❤ art model and dare I say sexy as hell?!?!?! This was in my email from a clothing company JJ Malibu featuring sexy David in their Valentines campaign.
A few good questions above,  especially the Sex or Chocolate!!!! I like the way he thinks!!!!! What are you doing for Valentines Day? While it is nice to do a little extra surprise and the day is fun, I believe we should tell people and our loved ones, we love then all year long, and not take a special day to do so. Valentines Day was never a huge day for me, but that being said in the past, I have done some creative things. When I was with the ex, one year, I made him a five course dinner, dressed in JUST A APRON.....and then got him a bubble bath.
Another year, I had a row of tea light candles lead back to the bedroom, where in the shape of a big heart of lit tea lights was me naked!
With Warbucks one year, I made him go on a scavenger hunt, with each location a note, and another hint to the next location. And with each location, he also had to remove another layer of clothing and in the end received his gift and myself!
With the Lad, we have taken two trips for a extra pinch of fun. But the one in particular that stand out was the night I did a ice cream soda jerk for him. It was basically us eating and smearing ice cream, whipped cream, cherry juice, and chocolate all over each other and eating it, licking it and having fun in it!!! Hey don't knock's quite messy...but OH, SO MUCH FUN!!!
Hey💗💗💗.... I can't help I'm a very sexual's the Scorpio in me! When the Lad gets home, he'll call me, and who knows, maybe he'll be treated to a live on-line solo show featuring me on Skype!!!!!! I'm naughty like that!!! And speaking of cupids......what cupid would you be!?!
click to embiggin

Much Romance, happiness & you ALL!


  1. flowers from daddy warbucks; aren't YOU special! those cherries look dee-lish! and your evening sounds just perfect!

    1. PS - I'd like to pop your cherry (into my mouth, that is; sweet sweet chocolate)!

    2. I am here to tell you, his cherries are melt in your mouth goodness, I have had his cherries, wink.

    3. such a lucky boy you are!

  2. Why aren't we dating??????

    Your cherries look amazing. Happy Valentines!

  3. Davide Zongloli and company would make a lovely Valentines gift.
    In fact, I already have a heart on.

  4. You're a romantic at heart, Mistress! Happy Valentines Day!

    1. Shhhhhh.....dont tell everybody.......

  5. With all the drama in my life, I think I'm in the Booty Caller category this year. Happy Valentine's Day!

  6. This whole post just set off the alarms here.........

  7. Happy Valentine's Day. You are,quite something. I have heard about you scorpios!!! Gay or not...ill marry you. Those cherries are insane!!!!!!!!

    1. The Scorpio rumors are all true! Get yourself one, just don't get them mad.

    2. Eipr your chin dear.

  8. Chocolates! Hot guys! Maddie naked in a tub! All would make a great Valentine's gift! Ah ha, a Scorpio, I should have known. I am too, say no more, wink wink! I know which cupid I would like to be but clock is ticking is what I feel like most days, lol.

    1. Two Scorpios can be very hot and smouldering or dangerous.

  9. You are for sure going to have your co workers spoiled!!! I also love your creative in the bedroom with sex and food. You must make a excellent sundae for the Lad.

    1. Very filling it is........

    2. I don't know about you, but I'm thinking I need to be working with the Mistress.

  10. The wife and I have never done anything special for VD. But, I think everyone should do a bit of cuddling today - with themselves if no one else is around. Hey, we need to love ourselves before we can love anyone else, right? ;-)

    1. self love is the best love of all! :)

    2. My Valentine's consisted of me and a vibrator.

    3. I thought I saw your lights dimming up and down. It was like watching a bad prison film.

  11. Happy Valentine's indeed!!!!!!

  12. The cherries look great... but are they virginal cherries? Or did you have the joy of plucking their stems?

    Me? I spent my morning being probed... and when things were finished? not a single chocolate in sight.

  13. Oh you know me, of course I'm partial to filthy rich cupid...he's so lazy he doesn't even have to fly!

    Your cherries are incredible looking. Pass me one of those and a isde of David!

  14. Between David's legs and ass, your Valentine's scenes and your sweet cherries.......what a Valentine's post. As far as cupid well, we know you must be a well endowed fashionista!

    Me? I'd have to go with No strings attached at the moment.

  15. My Gawd - you made those chocolate cherries?? I thought they were from some fancy store.
    And your romantic/erotic creativeness is deliciously intriguing.

    As for cupids, I think mine is the old fashioned-type.

    Have a fantastic V Day!!!

  16. I really just fell in love wirh this blog Between the eye candy and your personal stories!!!!


    1. if you ever met maddie in person, you would fall head over heels in love!

    2. Are you whoring me out Anne Marie???? 1

  17. Those chocolates, David, and myself in bed right now, would all conspire to make for an evening of enchantment.

    You never cease to amaze me Maddie. Happy Heart Day!!!

  18. Happy Valentine Mistress.

    If I may be as bold..... Your sexy, creative and fun in every way! Love it!

  19. If I keep reading this blogs this week, I'm going to easily be 300 lbs by the end of it!!!!!!

    I have always wanted a guy to cook me dinner in just a apron....but none seem to confident to do it. I have your fun side Mistress...don't ever let that change.

    1. One just has to watch when serving, ones junk isn't hanging in an entry.....unless you like sausage with your pasta?

  20. Well....from what I've seen of your underwear post...and this Valentine’s post, it has definitely aroused my interest… Eh eh… I’m a terrible person haha! But I love that you talk about sex as much as love! My cupid would so be Booty Call Cupid.

    1. From those stories...things are looking up here too.

    2. I feel two eyes on me.

  21. You're so sweet to feed your coworkers your delicious, tasty treats! The chocolate cherries look fantastic!

    Happy Valentine's Day. The world can always use a little more chocolate and a whole lot of love!

  22. Well, Happy Valentine's Mistress! William and I went out for a lovely early bird dinner....doesn't that sound romantic? Then we went for dessert. But I still have room for some of those delicious looking cherries!!!! My favorite!!!! You are quite something.

    I think your evening sounds simply nice to me...Hope you enjoyed it.

  23. Nice post! I’ve got great ideas for bedroom fun with my boyfriend after reading this post!!!!!

    I can just bet your a wild child.

  24. Why haven't we met up yet?!?!?!

    Hope my Valentine´s day will be as chocosexual as yours, wink , wink.

    1. You mean that,wasn't your jock strap left on the bed post?

  25. Of course your cherry would be deliciously smothered in chocolate... and you've have more than one. But, really, those chocolate-covered cherries are works of art. I'm very impressed.

    1. Another satisfied customer who like my cherry!!!! Jokes aside, if you have the cherryshell mold, there so easy. Just time consuming.

  26. It was safe to same my cherries all went. I took in 160. They all went. My cherry never saw so much action!!!!!!!

    Thank you all for your hreetings

    1. What cherry???? That was gone years ago.

  27. Ooh, chocolate cherries - my favourite! But there all gone, you say? I guess that'll teach me for being late to the party...

    1. Don't worry none. I still have some hard candy just for you cutie.

  28. I'd be lying of I didn't admit to have a run off to those scorching hot pictures of David. GOOD GOD!

    Your stories got me interested too, you are very naughty and romantic. If you have the chocolate, Ill bring the cherry juice?!?!?!?!


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!