Monday, March 17, 2025



There's an Isle, a green Isle, set in the sea,

Here's to the Saint that blessed it!

And here's to the billows wild and free

That for centuries have caressed it.

Here's to the day when the men that roam

Send longing eyes o'er the water.

Here's to the land that still spells home

To each loyal son and daughter.

Here's to old Ireland-fair, I ween,

With the blue skies stretched above her.

Here's to her shamrock warm and green,

And here's to the hearts that love her.

And yes...corned beef and cabbage and a shamrock shake will be enjoyed today ma 'dearies

Happy Saints Patrick Day readers!


  1. Now I want a Shamrock tattoo on my cakes.

  2. Top o' the mornin' to ye, Mistress!

  3. Happy St Patrick's Day to you! Our corned beef is ready, our Irish Potato cakes will accompany it. And, perhaps something to drink with a bit 'o green liquor in it to spice it up.

    1. Yummy! Why don't you both get seduced by absinthe!!!

  4. I will wear my Robyn Hood shirt proudly. Her name is Robyn Locksley after all.

  5. This is so not my mood today! Let's see, my oldest granddaughter turns twenty today. She is mourning the fact that she is no longer a teenager even though it looks like a twelve-year-old is driving her car whenever she takes the wheel. Her father, my youngest, turns forty-seven tomorrow and still gets carded when he has no beard. As of the thirteenth, my age has become a sex position, figuratively speaking of course. All is well though. I just haven't had my second cup of coffee yet, hence the unhinged spew. Yes, I'm blaming it on the lack of caffeine! Delete me. I won't mind.

    1. I always think of you on this day because of our past conversations of OG, from Finian's Rainbow. And 69 is still better than 96. LOL!!!!!!

    2. I'm with you Deedles, where oh where does the time go? Here is this old bag now at 83, and my kids in their 40's, grandkids in their early 20's. I love my life, but still, not a day goes by I don't think of my William.

    3. Old bags are the best bags, Ms Agnes! Somebody told me that once. Funny, I never asked their opinion. Hmmm. Sending you hugs, sweetie!

  6. Beautiful Monday collection!

  7. What kind of green animal was turned into that fur coat?

    1. Milleson3/17/2025

      Kirk, that was an envious Mongolian lamb jacket by YSL for his "Scandal Collection"

    2. Damn Milleson knows his fashion kids.

  8. Milleson3/17/2025

    She's the Mistress who's our Lassie, she's the Maddie who's saucy and sassy, and a Happy St. Patrick's Day to you and yours. On the menu today is a Reuben sandwich piled high with sliced corned beef and Swiss cheese, in between grilled marble rye bread slathered with Russian dressing and a bit of horseradish sauce, deli style with a slice of dill pickle and a side of slaw. Yes, all made at home, no take-out for this guy. This evening a Midori Melon Ball cocktail while watching My Fred Astaire still going strong at 70 in 'Finian's Rainbow." Irish Good Luck to all, make sure your horseshoe is hung like the letter "U" and may all your clover have 4 leaves.

    1. One of my favorite sandwiches too. My corned beef turned out quite nice...everybody had seconds! I'll be thinking of you as I watch Finian's Rainbow tonight. I just adore Fred and Petula together in that. And your little Irish ditty at the beginning? You know me well.

  9. Anonymous3/17/2025

    My the last man fills his thong well, must be that luck of the Irish ! ☘️
    Happy St Paddy’s Day :)
    -CA jock

    1. "The cock of the Irish"! I'll drink to that. Jx

    2. And I'll second that drink and chase it with a beer back!!!! Me thinks if you rub that thing, one is sure to be granted three wishes.

  10. St who? Isn't he the one who cast out all the snakes in Eire?

    1. Anonymous3/17/2025

      Not the trouser snakes Dear, just the regular ole snakes. That's why we still have Irish people!

  11. I knew I’d see at least the hint of a Shillelagh. A great mood board, as usual!

    1. Hint? That looks like a HUGE shillelagh.

  12. Somehow, my dear Mistress Maddie, I don't think you can just have one Shamrock shake. Methinks you probably have a dozen in your freezer, LOL! Happy St. Paddy's Day to you too, hope you got the card I mailed!

    1. No cards yet...another surprise? And you know me well. I just may have two in the freezer on stand by! You know, for emergencies.

    2. Yes, and I made it with my own little paws -- enjoy!

  13. Only you could slip a bit of 1970's Yves Saint Laurent into a St. Patrick post.
    Love the whole shenanigans of your post dear and Viva, Saint Laurent !

    1. Hope you had a lovely St Patrick's Madam.

  14. I directed Finian's Rainbow once... enough said. I adore that little drawing of the ginger with the shamrock tat. Hope you have a lot of fun today and who knows... if you don't already, by the end of the night you may have a little bit of Irish in ya! Kizzes.

    1. Dear I'm already half Irish....I wouldn't mind a bit of South American in me!

  15. Happy St.Patrick's, babes!
    And you brought Endora out! Yay!


  16. Look, look, look to the rainbow. Follow the Maddie who follows the dream. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Please send me the mug in the first photo. Everything in this mood board looks cozy, except the poor, unhappy t.p.


    1. The truth about the tp though. Will you be enjoying Corned Beef tonight Janie?

  17. Happy St Patty's Mistress! I see the last guy has got a pot of gold in them their briefs! Wholly cow! I wouldn't mind a cupcake either.

  18. A beautiful mood board for the day!!! I too am making a corned beef and cabbage dinner. That bathroom? classic, chic and stunning!! I like this mod board.

  19. I like this board....but man, how is that fine man getting all that cock in that thong???? I'm willing to find out for inquiring minds.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!