Tuesday, March 4, 2025


As is tradition here at the Casa du Borghese.....

 While this day is not really a holiday, it always gives me fond memories of both grandmothers. Today is Fat Tuesday or as we call it here in Pennsylvania Dutch country, Fastnacht Day!!! A Fastnacht is a fluffy pastry similar in texture to a donut but does not have a hole and is not filled with any fillings. Most Fastnacht's are plain, sugar or powdered and are of a rectangular shape. So, if you imbibe today and it has a hole, it's not a true Fastnacht. Although a true Pennsylvania Dutch person will tell you they are served best warm and plain. The exact history of the Fastnacht seem to be a great debate, but Fat Tuesday is one day before the beginning of the forty days of the Lenten season that will lead up to Easter in the Christian tradition. There are many ingredients in them, including flour, fat, eggs, and lots of butter. Most of these items are given up for lent, and during this time, aren't consumed. The problem came about what to do with all these contents in the meantime before they spoil. So, the good people in Central and Eastern PA, where this day seems to be the most popular in the country, make tons of Fastnacht's to gorge the family on before fasting.

Every year since I was in my 20's, I can't help but think of the Mistress's maternal grandmother who was always in the kitchen this day making and frying hundreds of these things for the ladies' church function that they would have that day. Plus, she made extra generally for the whole neighborhood and our family. I can still smell them. In the later years, they took the Fastnacht making to the church kitchen and would sell them four to a bag. So even though she is gone, I always have to partake in at least one... or four Fastnacht's for the day. I headed over to Oak Grove Farms after work yesterday to pick up 8 boxes, 7 for work and a box for myself. The best part? I feared with egg prices being up, they might be more, but Oak Grove didn't up the price at all. I admit, I enjoyed one already...OMG...so light and airy.

Happy Fastnacht Day!


  1. What a grand tradition! Enjoy!

  2. I am not a person who craves sweets but I want one!
    Happy Fastnacht Day!

  3. They look delicious! Be round shortly! X

  4. Milleson3/04/2025

    Family traditions are some of our happiest recollections of people and days gone by, and often have a food connection . I'm happy for you to have this is your memory bank, its value is priceless.

  5. Oh, what i wouldn't give for some of those....


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