Wednesday, September 18, 2024


With a busy work schedule, I only just saw snippets of the MTV Music Awards. And I shook my head in appalment again. Katy Perry seems to attract both success and controversy. Her latest? Semi-scissoring and kissing featured rapper Doechii at the VMA'S. There's a long list of performers who "spice up" their acts with same sex kisses and such. Madonna famously kissed Britney and Christina 20 years ago, but that got less attention. Conservative media called this act raunchy and depraved by Perry, but what I hate is the fake. To see Katy revive lesbian love on the screen annoys me because she's not a lesbian. But Doechii may be Bi, not sure.  Neither is Madonna, Britney or Christina. A same sex kiss has joined the list of "wild" onstage antics, and one I find irritating just like non gay owned retailers selling LGBTQ product during gay pride month.  Some see this as LGBT representation. Right...WITHOUT the queers! I see it as straight artist using the gays as, yet again, trend. Katy, Bad Bunny who I can give a past being gender fluid.... and Madge use gay as a schtick to seem outrageous. But gay to us isn't a's our life, our sex lives and our passion. We're a minority who lack equal rights still and face some serious challenges ahead. None of these are addressed by this buffoonery.

Katy's song is called "I'm His", so this sapphic scene she did makes even less sense. Since many straight guys love girl on girl action, I wonder if this show was put on for them rather than us. Are publicists telling these stars to do this because they know it gets headlines? Straight artist: stop using our sexuality as  as a way to spice up your tired old routines with empty controversy. After seeing Meghan Thee Stallion recreates Britney's snake routine from 2 decades ago, it really drove home the fact that they're out of ideas, just like the movies who have to keep adding sequels upon sequel, or remake of movies. And what really sucks is that you don't need gimmicks at all if like Jennnifer Hudson, Lediai, Alex Newell and Adele, etc, can thrill with just a beautiful voice. But the very idea of the Video Music Awards reminds us that before MTV, music was and could be appreciated with your ears, not your eyes.


  1. Hear, hear, Mistress! I agree with you.

  2. well said - again!

  3. Damn! This is everything. Brava!!!!

  4. First off, who even watches the VMA'S anymore? I show some reviews on the news. Katy Perry is straight and married to a man, and also needs to desperately boost her career which is stalling out, so of course she pulled out the old “I kissed a girl” antics. Yawn.

    But you raised some good points. And your girl Sabrina Carpenter had a cute routine though.

  5. Katy Perry has just never felt genuine to me, which is why I’ve never enjoyed her work. And this performance was downright overcompensating. The song isn’t even original. It’s using the music from a better, legendary Crystal Waters song. The VMA's as certainly fallen from when Madonna did the best ever performance the venue ever saw... with that of Vogue.

    Which makes me thinks awards show in general are passe'.

  6. Here Here!!!! And let's face it...these kids only hope to have a long career like Madonna or Cher.

  7. I am surprised MTV can even have a video music awards show nowadays. Do they even play videos to quantify this? But I tend to agree with your points.

  8. Sigh. It's all so very, very shallow. Anodyne artists perpetually stealing the work and the image of others who came before because they themselves have no talent, with a captive audience of equally anodyne, phone-obsessed morons who are unable to process anything beyond the immediate moment - who neither know, nor care what genuinely good, creative music is and allow these lesser beings to get away with it. Katy Perry has to do "stunts" like this, mainly because she has absolutely zero personality and is desperate for some kind of attention. Jx

  9. Well done! I agree with you completely.

  10. She may not be gay, but there are a lot more Bi people out there than you can even guess.

    1. Oh yes there are bi.Many. But this is more about "oh look at scandalous kissing a girl and scissoring my kootchie to another girl"..when in fact they are straight artist. Its oblivious it was done to boost yet again a faltering career. It she was Bi....i wouldn't have done the post.

  11. Bravo for telling it Plain and Simple... The Truth!!!!

  12. t’s 2024 and Katy and the media... they’re acting like a gay kiss is controversial or provocative or that it’s still some taboo thing not to be shown in public. It’s a little insulting that our community is seen and being used as a circus act.

  13. Agree! I get sex sells but Katy and other artists just use it for shock value. I’m from the MTV trinity era Prince, Michael, and Madonna. When all types of music like rap, pop, R&B, even rock was just SPECTACULAR ❤️❤️❤️ because those artists represented who they were and it was no fake crap!!!! I’ll watch a replay of the MTV VMAs but it’s nothing like back in the day

  14. I'm STILL trying to figure out why they even have an awards show considering they never play any???

  15. Pearly Gates9/19/2024

    Give her a break Mistress. She’s in her “pop star trying to stay relevant” era. And this Doechii is already trying to stay relevant.

  16. For me it's about the double standard. Never been a Katy fan. In my experience 99% of women have experimented with bisexuality. Yes 'girl on girl'' action is a turn on for many str8 men whereas if 2 men kiss, everyone goes running for a barf bag.

  17. Oh, Katy?
    She had her moment. Isn't she in one of those talent shows? And this was for the straights. No LGBTQ representation at all. She should go sit with that Chappel woman.


  18. I gave up on MTV ******YEARS******* ago. Was never a fan in the first place. if I'm gonna watch a singer sing, that's what I want - not some antic BS loosely tied (if at all) to the lyrics. I'm there for the voice - not the antics. Even Babs (OMG, am I really about to say (write) this? (shhh, please don't tell her!!) shouldn't have strayed into it. Except maybe the video for "Somewhere," which really was just her standing on a stage and singing.

  19. I gave up listening to "modern music" decades ago, preferring stuff that has stood the test of centuries, back when the music was all important, although the stars were just as self-centred back then as they are now.

  20. Katy Perry should be nicknamed Diamonique because that's how genuine she is. I also expect her to headline off the Strip in Las Vegas at some point since she's not relevant enough for the bigger casinos.


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