Thursday, July 27, 2023


What else? Politicians. Luckily, I don't mind the heat and actually like the feel of the heat, but many don't and have health reasons to not like it. But we're cooking kids. And yet our politicians are still taking bribes from fossil fuel titans as the world burns.

And while most of the Democrats and Biden are and have done some initiatives for a cleaner atmosphere... I'm still on the fence with Biden being a "green" president.

I feel Biden has broken promises when he said no more drilling during his campaigning to stop giving out new drilling permits and has now given out more permits than the Great Orange Oaf. Yet in some corruption-friendly news outlets, Biden is laughably called the "climate president." It's a boiling point in many countries-including ours. July was one of the hottest months in many parts of the country, and others included, and has only gotten worst. Not to mention average thunderstorms seem to be getting more volatile. Shame on this!!! Republicans are done, and don't give a shit, simple as that... and some Democrats, greed is so short-sighted that I guess they don't care. Especially those in my boomer generation and beyond who simply take the tactic to dismiss the climate catastrophe we are on the verge of. with " I'll be dead. So what?"  We still need to Biden to do better, then just imposing a higher cost on the companies who are drilling. That won't even make a dent to these big fuel companies. He NEEDS to stop giving out permits to stop the drilling, not to mention tearing up and down beautiful, natural forest, under the guise of "fire control." One of the biggest controversial approvals he gave out was a massive drilling to take place on beautiful federal lands in the Alaskan Arctic- a move that drew heated, fierce and immediate condemnation from environmentalists. I still feel as though Biden is a extremely conservative Democrat.  He needs to remember his promises. We should not expect the fossil fuel industry to lead us out of a crisis caused by fossil fuels. Only our government and politicians have the power to cut demand for these fuels, and they haven't even made a dent yet. Green President? I use the term extremely lightly.


  1. Honestly.. I don’t see what all the conservative fuss is about Biden. He’s separating families at the border again and has pretty much kept intact all the Trump era immigration policies. They’ve ramped up oil production to highs the Trump admin could only dream of and are selling oil directly to Europe, another policy the Trump admin had trouble with. Police departments around the country have been refunded. Homeland security, FBI and CIA are operating under record budgets. The military budget is higher than it’s ever been. The military industrial complex is making money hand over foot at the cost of European lives, and not American. The buy American push and chips bill is probably the most protectionist policy ever signed by a U.S. president. I just don’t get the political division other than the fact they just need something to be mad at. In my book all these politicians are corporate politicians.

  2. Maddie, what is wrong with you. This is America, of course we have to start drilling and destroy pristine, beautiful and stunning Alaska!!! Why would we want any land left anywhere left or untouched?

    1. Oh what was I thinking? How dare we have any free land and natural beauty left anywhere.

  3. Bun-Bun7/28/2023

    And your "liberal" and "green" president said- "And, by the way, no more drilling on federal lands, period. Period, period, period,”

    Joe Biden 2/2020

  4. Overall, when it comes to the Environemtal issues, I would not call him a green president. And he keeps talking of electric cars, which I'm all for. But how will this happen to convert most to electric cars???The electrical grid can't support millions of electric cars being charged up daily now barely.

  5. HA!!!! America claiming to be on top of climate change is laughable. More like leading contributor.

    Let us ask RuPaul about this!!!

    1. You got that right. We should be leading it as usual we're leading in the wrong category. Oh and the shade at RuPaul!

  6. The Russian/Ukraine war, sanctions and price-gouging oil firms are the reason for high prices and our drilling. There is no 'oil shortage,'; just industry manipulation. We should stay the course on renewable energy, waste reduction and energy efficiency technologies.

    Why is Biden giving out permits and selling out to the oil industry, while they enjoy record-breaking profits? This is not what I voted for. I guess he's going for the money, because he thinks our votes are in his pocket. He should think again. I sure hope another democrat shows up to the party.

    1. I don't know, but I do know the people that are in the younger generation that are into the environment and environmentalist may be rethinking their votes at least there would be another Democratic candidate jumping in which I don't see. Could he be doing more? Yes he should be doing a lot more, but it's still better than what the other side would be doing, which is nothing.

  7. Everyone should be for transitioning away from fossil fuels, whether you believe in science or not, the fact is these fuels are limited, they'll eventually run out, or really just get so expensive that only the ultra-wealthy will be able to afford them.

    The sooner we move to renewable energy, the better.

  8. Goody, goody, now the oil companies can tap into more oil much of which they will sell overseas in order to obtain higher profits and at the same time gouge Americans for the oil that they do sell at home.

  9. Yep, we're all buggered.

  10. As a green president he DOES need to rethink some decisions especially at the rate the weather and such is deteriorating.We now have renewable energy that is cheaper to produce than electricity from coal.

    The next steps will be developing better ways to store it.

    Once that's complete, we won't need fossil fuels to sustain civilization.

  11. Just yesterday Glenn Beck [I know, he's an asshat] said it's hot because the sun is a ball of fire.
    This is the kind of juvenile ignorance we're up against. I only hope when Mother Earth finally tells us all to fuck off that the Republicans are the last to go so they can suffer the most for their stupidity.

    Happy Friday!

    1. I believe Mother Nature's already telling us that the jigs up. Unfortunately the powers that be either don't care dragging their feet or simply ignorant.

    2. I can see Glenn Beck has not changed his way since he was fired from Fox News

  12. You do know that it's difficult for him to do anything when all legislation has to go through both the House of Representatives and the Senate and the Far Right has enough of a majority to shit on everything the Democrats try.

    1. Well yes I realize that. What I'm upset about is Biden even giving the permits out to do it I don't think you need a house or Senate approval for that. My next question is why was it more being done whrn Obama had all three branches of the government. And by bigger leads?

  13. Greed will destroy us all.

  14. I just read all the comments and the idea that the Dems have people 'in the pocket' is prevalent. I think more reading and knowledge of how the government works in this country is needed. The president is not a king. Also, this is the United States, a capitalist, consumerist, greedy, corporate-driven country. And they expect that one president changes all that in what? *consults watch* two years?
    Also, read Dave's response.


    1. I agree about the expecting one president to change things quick... but I too was just a bit shocked and fell off my chair when Biden approved these permits for more drilling, disturbing beautiful natural lands. I agree with Chet...I think we should be pursuing more how to store renewable energy, and be a first for something instead of the last.

  15. Oh, dear... a politician who has broken a promise? Say it isn't so! Why, I have never heard of such a thing. Are you saying greed and money have swayed one of the rank and file to hypocritically go back on their word? What IS the world coming to? Next thing you know, the oceans will be boiling and the coral reef will be dying! Oh... wait... a... minute...

    1. No, that wasn't my point, but you're right I don't know one politician to ever keep the promises. What makes me mad about this is Biden calling himself the energy green president. But I don't think he is my blows my mind is in approving these permits for more Drilling .. that I don't understand.

  16. I'm all for getting as green as possible. There are some things even "the most powerful man in the world" (ha!) can do and still take so many thousands of other factors into consideration. But you hit the nail on the head, Maddie: The alternative will be a disaster. It won't have to be Cheeto in that chair, either. The Repukes "Plan 2025" has it all planned out should a Republican get elected. Go give it a good thorough read. See if it doesn't scare the crap out of you.

  17. Us oldies who will be dead before the worst of the worst happens and this green and pleasant land turns into satanic hills and sewage laden rivers (with apologies to William Blake)....wait, that is happening already; we talked about this at coffee morning earlier today. We are concerned about the future we will not see, but we see the changes now. Compared to much of the world we have got off lightly weather-wise this side of the pond this summer. But people are dying in our cities from the polluted air, our rivers are riddled with sewage, thanks to the water companies making billions out of selling us H2O. It is the greed that drives the climate explosion and governments are too short-sighted to invest in dealing with climate change, because it is not going to affect next week or next week and certainly won't happen before the next election when they can blame it all on the other party.

    1. I think you summed up exactly what I was trying to say. And I find it hard to believe that there is not one politician who is not greedy. And if there is it's got to be very rare. All of them need to be replaced, but that will never happen because most times we're going to the point where we're faced with one candidate who takes the whole ball game. Once people get in office voters keeping like the same ones over and over for far too long.

  18. Basically, we're all fucked.

  19. I'd love to own an electric car, but you know we're not ready for it when the state tells us not to recharge them until after 9pm when the power grid is stressed.

    Biden plays both sides. I've said this since forever, so this is not shocking.

  20. Well as always, I always enjoy your Insight and outspokenness. I'm a Democrat and I have no problem telling you I am not happy with the party. And if we're not happy why lie about it. At this point I'll always vote Democrat, so what's there to think about anymore. I basically just go in and pull a lever. It's not like we have much choice. I was highly surprised that no Democrat opponents were going to challenge Biden. And not that he's bad by any means I just wasn't behind a 100%. And if you are supposedly supposed to be an environmental president far too much has gone through that's actually the complete opposite that would help the environment. Even though we have a slim majority Republicans seem to be getting away with far too much. The other thing that shocked me was just how many plans and things Trump implemented that Biden actually kept. How was that good?

  21. I can't understand the people in charge of corporations thinking climate change won't affect them. I've always suspected they are actually lizard people in disguise who would love a shriveled cinder as their new home.

  22. I'm not totally satisfied with Biden, but he was handed a shit sandwich and pretty much turned it into something edible. There's just so much he can do and every little thing is a huge battle. It exhausts me just knowing about it. I'm very worried about the lack of young Democrats stepping up to take leadership positions in the party. How many promising younger Democrats can you name besides Pete and a few others? AOC makes Republicans too angry. Of course, Biden does have one opponent for his party's nomination: that nincompoop Robert Kennedy Jr. Republicans hate Republicans In Name Only. Kennedy is a DINO.


  23. I've been Green since my Hippie Youth and with my Dad being Native American he was always concerned about how the Mother Earth was being exploited and ravaged by Cultures who were not so in Touch with their Natural World and all it's Creatures. Most people my Age don't seem concerned and they don't realize the Earth does not belong to us, it is loaned to us by Future Generations to be good Stewards of so that 7 Generations forward what we did makes a Positive impact and not a Negative one for those who will Inherit it and then have it Loaned to them. Short term Greed is evident everywhere and it's a pet peeve of mine how easily Sold Out most people are for a brief Gain even if that will cause terrible consequences in their wake. All of our Politicians are in the Pockets of somebody and have been Bought and Paid for Mads... at all levels... their Donors dictate what they do in the long run... their BIG Donors run the show really and we all know that. Those with obscene amounts of Wealth didn't get it being Boy Scouts and they're insatiable and want more, even if they've made Billions already.

    1. That's why I adore you you're a kindred spirit. Very few get this some days when I think about it it gets me so upset I can just cry. I couldn't agree more with your comment.


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