Friday, July 14, 2023


I came across this story and found it to be fun, inspiring and heartwarming. With a big blonde bouffant wig, thick cherry-red lipstick and high heels and a full summer dress. Stockholm Sweden's deputy mayor Jan Jonsson looks nothing like the picture on his campaign poster or the one hanging in his office. The 45-year-old Liberal politician was prompted to get dressed up in wig and high heels to show his support for reading events at the Swedish capitals public libraries hosted by many local drag performers, which like many other cities and countries has come under fire in recent months. One thing deputy mayor Jonsson found out was it is not always so fun to be in drag, being pulled and tucked! So he decided to get professional help from Sweden's drag Grande Dame Admira Thunderpussy. His idea came about after seeing the worsening situation for the LGBT persons in general, but specifically for drag queens and transsexuals. Like everywhere else he has witnessed the funding getting cut to libraries who host drag story hours and the backlash in general against drag queens. So he decided to make his own drag protest!!!!

And apparently his story hour was a huge hit!!! With children and parents alike. Since America seems to be at the forefront of turning back the clock on LGBT issues and banning drag shows... Jonsson decided not in his country. While there was some backlash from the public and members of both political parties there, over all it was met with great success!!!  And even drove up the library memberships. Jonsson added that the whole world deserves love...everyone can be who they want to be. And then said -"You haters should be ashamed." I for one say Bravo to Jan Jonsson. You'd never see a politician here doing that.


  1. Yes, big cheer for Jan Jonsson! His protest echoes how Nazi-occupied Sweden in World War II handled the German demand for its Jewish populace to wear yellow stars. Sweden complied -- but every person in Sweden, Jewish or not, including the King, wore those yellow stars. The Nazis rescinded the order since the symbol was thereby rendered meaningless for its hateful purpose. This is what true solidarity means and can accomplish.

    1. Sweden was never occupied by the Nazis. It remained a neutral country throughout the War.

      The story you refer to was about Denmark, and is actually not true (although it is true that the Danes never imposed restrictions on Jews in their country). Jx

    2. Oh well, if it's not true, it should be!

  2. No-one should ever try to stop children reading. Reading helps teach kids about the world they live in and no minorities should be fake-wiped out of existence by removing the books that refer to them. You can just imagine if atheists tried to remove all books on religion from libraries!

  3. Thank heavens! A politician with integrity... Jx

  4. Well, no surprise that Sweden is in the top ten countries to live in, right?
    Good for Jan and the initiative to get kids to read and fall in love with reading. And also learn about diversity and differences among people. That's something that the religulous wrong and the conservatives in the United States will never accept.
    And that face is BEAT!


    1. "And that face is beat" What would we expect from him being painted by Admira?!?! Stunning!

  5. He looks great in drag, and even better because he's doing it for such a good cause: kids, books, and drag!

  6. Jan Jonsson is a true queen!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. It both anger and makes me sad. How some people on how they treat and act towards drag queen story hour at local libraries.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  9. Anonymous7/14/2023

    Tundra Bunny here...

    Kudos to Jan Jonsson! I'm always amazed at the transformations achieved by drag queens -- it almost makes me wish I had learned to apply make-up!

  10. That's probably the most inspiring thing I've read all week! How great is that. If one of our politicians did it they'd probably be crucified.

  11. Good on him!! On the day that Russia have banned gender transformation, and lots of other gender stuff. No surprises there, I guess.

  12. That is truly amazing he did that! I will never understand why story hour is so upsetting. Kids seem to really love it.

  13. Now there's a politician to look up to. Amazing!

  14. here a short wiki bio. Nice also as a man!


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