Tuesday, February 13, 2024


Well... I made it in for a half day as the weather this morning made the roads very slick with a heavy wet snowfall. I was more than happy to not have to rush around as we weren't opening till noon. It gave me some time to go out and clean the walk and driveway and get a few snaps of the picturesque winterscape. The opening picture was the first capture at 4:30 am... then I went back to bed for another 2 hours. I was beyond tickled when I got back up and it was heavier covered in a world of white!!!  I always think the trees look the prettiest. The birds were out too. It is the Robins I felt for...just returned and been fooled by Mother Nature...as this snow hit. 

A pair of Cedar Waxwings.
A lone junco. They have the prettiest songs when they are all chirping together.
The gardening shed.
Robins and starlings up high in the tree tops.
This garden is where in the spring and summer months all the roses, columbine, Sweet William and dahlia grow.
The ham! Just look at the attitude from this dove.

It was a good day...a late day, fastnachts and snow!!!! I think Dean Martin had the perfect song for today me thinks.....


  1. In one sense, it looks beautiful out there, although of course it isn't, in another sense.

    1. Oh I know is I'm glad I didn't have to be at work first thing in the morning cuz the roads were very bad I heard.

  2. Anonymous2/13/2024

    Tundra Bunny here...

    At least you didn't get the snowmageddon storm that hit Nova Scotia last week... Your bird photos are always so clear, you must have the patience of Job or a good telephoto lens! And I didn't know that doves could be such hams, LOL!

    1. I'm glad you noticed. I used to get a lot of pictures with my cell phone and digital camera, but for Christmas I got a very nice camera with a telegraphic lens, although I'm still getting the hang of it.

  3. Surprise! You have the same wrought iron that I do!

    1. So I assume you're the stiff and swirled too then?

  4. Here's one for you and your robins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zue9C_wWOt8

  5. So some birds don't go south for the winter.

    I love that Dino's tux is poking out of that overcoat.

    1. Well robins generally head south here where we're at, and did I'm not sure why they return so early. Unless all that warm mild weather fooled them. And the little juncos usually will leave at the end of winter and won't return till next winter. We generally have bluebirds too but I don't know if they migrate or not I haven't seen any lately.

  6. Spectacular photos! I miss those birds. I don’t miss that weather.

    1. While winner is not my favorite season, I can't lie and do think when everything is blanketed in white it's so pretty And calm. And there's just something about after you get a snowstorm, the air , smells and looks so clear and the sky so blue. It's almost like Mother Nature's Way of cleaning the atmosphere.

  7. A pretty morning, I hope it melts off as fast as it fell. We had snow for an hour yesterday morning, then it went to 50 degrees.

  8. Everything is so beautiful with all that snow!

  9. Yikes!!! Beautiful to look at but that's all I'd want to do.

  10. See, you do have robins in the snow! Ours have been pigging out despite the rain.

    1. American robins are a very different creature - ours are little flycatchers that don't seem to be bothered by cold, and theirs are in the thrush family, like blackbirds. Jx

    2. Yes we have Robins but they returned way too early this year. They usually don't head back till the end of March. And I agree John you're Robin so much different than ours, and I also think they're smaller. They look more like our junco only a different colorway.

  11. That looks beautiful out there. Not sure if I'd want to drive in it, though.

    1. It was awful to drive in yesterday thank God I didn't have to go until late.

  12. I am so pleased we're off to Spain on Saturday - even looking at those photos makes me shiver! Jx

    1. That's right, rub more salt in the wounds. And just maybe you'll need a matador!


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