Monday, July 11, 2022


I just want to throw my hands in the air.  I saw over the weekend a hypothetical race poll for 2024 where Trump leads Biden in a hypothetical race 44-30, with 12% claiming they'd vote 3rd party. For those of you who despise Trump more than anything, yet, scream bloody murder at progressives who fault Joe for urging Joe to do what he campaigned on, would you feel differently if Biden's inaction ushered in Trump's second term? Would you rather lose and then decide it's time for Democrats to go back to the drawing board, or look at the drawing board now, and see that a party that won't deliver may not win in 2024?? It's time to start getting things done me thinks...and as much as I like Biden and Harris, for all the loud talking they did, I'm not seeing deliveries and getting very frustrated. While I do like many progressives and would vote for them...on one hand why shouldn't I? We need to start somewhere getting people in there to do the job of We the People. But on the other hand, since the R's and the D's seem to have a strangle hold on everything I feel as though it's like wasting a vote, which infuriates me beyond belief further. I feel Biden and Harris need to be replaced by much better candidates. So, do we vote for them again, in hope they win and just "hold" the position for hopefully better candidates that will get the job done on so many promises they campaigned on? We are already seeing how that's going considering they have three parts of the government now. 

And even more infuriating is the emails of the D's I got over the weekend alone, asking to make donations. " Folks, we need to dig deep"

Huh, excuse the hell out of me? When I was laid off, not working during the pandemic I gave WAY much more that I should have to Biden, Harris, Klobucar and Mayor Pete. I have also given to Brian Simms, and that got me nowhere when everything blew up in his face in Philly and then the gays started turning their backs on him in Center City.  Don't get me wrong, I love the democrats, and they mean well, but not one more dime. Let's talk about how we have the presidency, House and Senate and still can't get anything done on basis living issues like way more affordable, or universal healthcare, prescriptions, minimal wage, fixing voting rights. We backfired greatly on not stacking the courts, or codifying Roe Vs Wade. What's next Gay Rights?  I'm utterly sick of our milquetoast party. You WANT US TO DO SOMETHING???


From now on, I'm only helping and volunteering for PA only politics.


  1. Anonymous7/11/2022

    Tundra Bunny here... I feel your pain, Mistress Maddie. I live in a part of Canada (i.e., the prairies) where electing Conservative politicians provincially and federally has been the norm for the past 150+ years. A sack of shit would win here as long as there was a "Tory" sign on it! Urban ridings tend to vote in centrist and left-leaning candidates, but in my riding, the liberal and socialist parties end up splitting the vote and the Tory candidate wins every f***ing time! I haven't bothered to vote at all for the last 5 years because it felt like my vote was wasted, but so many suffragettes and war veterans sacrificed so much for our right to vote in Canada that to not vote is a huge disservice to them. So I've decided to vote in all future elections again, if only to register a protest vote against the Tories! Complacency, apathy and ignorance are the real dangers to democracy and I suspect "getting out the vote" is key to American elections too. Keep your donations, but keep voting, LOL!

  2. I know who I would like to see run for President, Pete Buttigeg. Or we need younger ones leading our country.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  3. First off, never, ever believe polls because the opposite of what they're predicting always happens. 2nd, I donate sparingly because it's so very easy to get overwhelmed with the emails every Democrat and his / her cousin sends asking for a donation.

  4. I'm with Dave. Polls are so misleading. But I do want Democrats to SHOW me what they are gonna do, other than reach for my wallet.

  5. Cap Chasen7/12/2022

    In my opinion....the Democratic party needs to het it's shit together. This party has been an utter failure. And this from a life long democratic. Both parties are a slap to the face of we the people.

  6. The Dems can do squat when the Repugs get on their way every single time.
    Not even having a supermajority could help do everything people want them to do. America is a greedy, selfish country, entrenched in consumerism and capitalism. THAT is hard to beat.
    People also treat elections like a fucking Prom night. I can't believe they turned of Brian Sims!


    1. Yep, I hear ya. Im thinking I may be better suited to moving out of the country!!!!! LOL.

      And poor Brian....such a sweetheart, but he got into hot water in Philly for several things, got a bit to "big headed". Not sure what happened with the gays, but many in Philly started disliking him, and friends in politics in Philly said he and his office were just getting sloppy and lazy...which is exactly what knocked his predecessor Babette Josephs out of office. She was nicknamed in Philly " The Queen of Solitaire" A huge waste of space....hence why Simms ran in a primary against her and won.... but then went and did the same.

  7. Anonymous7/12/2022

    Unfortunately government moves slowly. When you only have REAL control over the executive branch and the House you have to choose your battles. Given that, I do believe that you should bring up bills in the senate and force the repugs to vote against them and show that to the voters and vote them out.

    Then you have the frigging activist SCOTUS 😡

    But there have been a number of accomplishments in Joe’s first year:

    1. Biden has done some good...but I'm still waiting for the things the most Americans need and fast....otherwise we are not going to have a middle class left. Buden handled the pandemic better that anything. I don't know what going on the last couple months.

  8. Polls are garbage. Who are they asking? Where? But you are right. If we progressives don't come up with a candidate who is Maga Dynamite... then we are screwed. Come on, America. Give a shit! VOTE.

    1. I'll vote for the Democratic ticket but won't be happy about. And won't give a dime to any national candidates anymore...except if Mayor Pete ran. I truly think he would be great.

  9. My fear is that if a Republican wins the white house again, they will make sure a republican always holds the white house forever from now on. Voting for the lesser of two evils may suck, but at this point, I'm voting out of fear and I hope 3rd party supporters accept reality for now and have learned from the repeal of Roe v Wade just what's at stake if the Rs win. We can't take the risk of splitting votes again and losing to Rs...our very lives depend on the Ds winning. I'd rather have a lame duck Democratic Pres than a proactive Conservative one. Democracy can't survive another Orange Disaster. And neither can we.


    1. Your right. If they get back in, the democrats may as well fold it in. I just wish and hope we get a better democrat candidate for President. I feel like this country has stalled his Obama left.

  10. Pat Lark7/12/2022

    I understand your frustration. I do. BUT - they can only do so much. It's the way the Democratic Republic of the United States of America was devised to operate. The real hold-up is in the Senate where the Dems have 2 right-of-center politicians voting "No" on everything that Biden-Harris campaigned on. Even Schumer's hands get tied because his "majority" isn't large enough. This November ---- the Midterms ---- are the most important elections we've encountered in YEARS. 3rd Party candidates and votes is what gave the election to tRUMP. We cannot make that mistake again. If the country does that, we are screwed for good.
    I'm with Upton when it comes to polls ~ they are not to be believed. They are no longer trustworthy. But, if it makes you feel any better, a new poll shows Biden leading Cheeto by 3 points.

    1. "The real hold-up is in the Senate where the Dems have 2 right-of-center politicians voting "No" on everything that Biden-Harris campaigned on." That is my big problem with Nancy in the House. She needs to stop supporting ones like that. She is still throwing support for a anti-choice pro-gun candidate in Texas. I don't need another Manchin or the like, and same with the Senate.

      Like I said to Helen, a shame a third party has no chance in hell because the two main parties suffocate them.

    2. Hey George7/12/2022

      I see both your points, but regretfully disagree. We truly need a grass roots build up for third party candidates. I'm sick and tired of hearing it's " a waste of a vote" when my options are either choosing for active violence from one party, or a passive, weak mediocrity.

    3. Pat Lark7/13/2022

      I hear you both on that score. I, too, wish that 3rd party could be successful. Sadly, wishing ain't gonna make it happen. Yep. Pelosi & the DNC put too much effort into candidates like the idiot in TX - and ***don't*** support candidates in other "red" states where Dems could actually get elected if they had help and support from top leadership. It's aggravating to say the least.
      Dems are TOO NICE! And sometimes they do stupid stuff. But, given a choice between authoritarian theocracy with one party ruling for any foreseeable future and the mediocrity of the Dems...well, I'll take the mediocrity.

  11. That's exactly what I'm doing over here. At least the Congresswoman where I live is a good one that actually tries to do things, so I have no problem voting for her if I'm still where I'm at in November.

    This poll proves that someone like California Governor Gavin Newsom needs to primary Biden. He's not perfect by any means but he's not afraid to stand up to those GOP bullies.

  12. Keep in mind what Pat Lark said about the Dems being stymied by the two DINOs in the Senate. If it weren't for them, MUCH would have been accomplished by now.

    1. More deep and mean pleasure has to be put on the Senate to get these things passed. Harris and the rest are being to polite.

  13. I don't think Biden would win in 2024 - he's hardly likely to energise the crowds. As for voting for third parties - that's a good way to let der Trumpenfuhrer win which is why Putrid would love it if y'all did it.

    1. Your sentiment is correct Helen...and that why I say it's a shame a third party can't make a break of it. Third parties have no chance in this country and the first two parties will see to that.

  14. I don't want either party or president to deal with. I don't know if there is anyone at that level, I feel I can trust with my freedom.

  15. I feel the same way Mistress. But what do we do? We don't want Trump and the Dems aren't what do we do? Who or what should we put our energy into? I had much higher hopes with Biden, but he did a much better job under Obama.

    1. We have got to get behind stronger and better candidates that won't just push the line...they will fight and shove it!!!!

  16. They can all fucking kiss my ass. In all honesty, is there any difference now? Dems have done shit to protect our civil liberties. Makes me wonder if they all aren't working together in secret.

    1. Anonymous7/18/2022

      Bill Clinton's group, the DLC, was funded by Koch Industries.

  17. Mads, I FEEL your frustration, the Dems are like herding Cats to get them Unified in any way for a Unity of Purpose and The ReTrumplicans hijacked what used to be a Party that perhaps had Conservative Values... so now they just run obstruction and want a Fascist Theocracy. As a Moderate Independent, I was tired of wasting my Vote on Candidates not of either Party who would never, ever Win... it wasn't even proving a Point I was trying to make that our Two Party System isn't working anymore and Partisanship is just tearing the Nation apart by the seams. I'd like for once that a Candidate be about Serving the American People and preserving Democracy for ALL, rather than elitist Power hungry Capitalist Greed at it's worst. Billionaires and their Corporations receiving huge Federal, State and City Subsidies while Small Biz Owners can't catch a break or get a Loan to keep solvent or grow their Businesses. I don't like the direction we're going, yet, I know if the ReTrumps get to run the Country again we're fucked and doomed for sure. I will not waste a Vote, too much is at stake, and yet, I KNOW the Dems are counting on those of us who aren't devoted to The Cult, to Vote Blue no matter who.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!