Monday, November 19, 2018


.....what are you looking at?
It's just another day at work....getting the girls ready for the holidays.


  1. This is my kind of week: work from home Monday, go in Tuesday, go in for a half-day Wednesday, the rest of the week off.
    I need to tell my boss that this should be my permanent schedule.

  2. I have training today, so I not only have to be alert but I have to be on camera too. The same may happen tomorrow. The rest of the week may be easier on me. We'll see.

  3. Have a good day - don't let those bitches get the better of you!

  4. We have freezing fog this morning. Hope the girls are nice to you today!

  5. I always freeze up whenever I see a cockeyed person, because I'm never sure which eye I should be looking at if they talk to me. So I end up avoiding them or pretend that I don't see them. It's an effort to not be rude that ends up making me look snobbish and therefore, rude. No win situation.

    Have a fabulous Monday!

  6. I have never seen you surrounded by so much tit.

  7. Mannequins have creeped me out ever since I was a kid and watched that Twilight Zone episode where they came to life. At least I can tell that this isn't a real person. You have a good Monday, ya hear?

  8. I love when you post random work things like this. It's like a behind the scene peaks.

  9. I often wondered what became of Spagna! Jx

  10. full work days monday & tuesday, 1/2 day wednesday for me. make those girls sparkle!

  11. It was super cold this morning and now it’s settled into a very chilly 31 degrees. And I couldn’t find my fav hat and scarf combo. Time to take a trip to Zara. Oh and I’d love to see how those girls end up.

  12. That is already stunning. I hope you'll share some of your finished product again. I love seeing what you do in the store.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!