Well, the Mistress is back at the Casa du Borghese, and happy to report the weekend at the Woods Campground was another rousing success. The weather was nice,the place packed, boys everywhere, and yet again the Mistress and her Aqua-Net@ and gin, didn't get to close to the nightly bonfire. Otherwise it would been like Shelia Matthews Allen in the elevator from the Towering Inferno. God, I love the movie. But I digress. Illuminations at the Woods is one of my favorite summer time events. To start with, there are about close to 5,000 luminaries bags that line the pathways. The people who have permanent sites there and the "weekenders" all do themes, candles, torches, lights, and lasers to layer on to the candlelight. It ranges from the simple to the elaborate of set ups. Some sites even invite you in for desserts, or shots....so you know everyone is good and lit! This year, I was joined by the Lad, who'd never been, and a faithful reader of my blog Cooper, who was very smooth and entertaining, and might I add, is quite handsome, with legs that could crack a walnut, and an ass you could bounce a roll of quarters off of. Oh dear, where was I? Oh yes......some recap of the weekend.....

Just for Anne -Marie....
When you have queens who are creative, technology savvy, and have time on their hands....I understand this took five hours of threading.
Simple but elegant....
The mistress even donned jewels!
Under the Sea....spectacular...
A drag friend of mine Gloria Hole had her own drag mini golf set up, you know for a hole in one.
One site had a variation of the Plinko game from the Price is Right...Drinko. One would drop two disk down through the pegs. When the disk lands, you do a shot of the libation and a mixer it lands on. Your's truly got caught up in the fun and tried. What did I get? Vodka and bacon juice. Yeah.
I love me a VW bus! And the two guys are adorable hippies. I played the tambourine there one night. Or sometime.
And of course the Lad just had to capture a afternoon dip into the lake one day. And Cooper said if I blurred the face, I could post it. I hope you ate first, Cooper and my bare ass is coming... I told y'all he had nice legs...among other things. And I'll leave that there.
Now were all back to the Casa tonight before Cooper leaves tomorrow, and we head to P-town to meet up with Pearly Gates on Wednesday. Cooper was going to get a room before departure, but what kind of hostess would I be, so I invited him to say with us. Service is much more legendary at the Casa anyway. We took Cooper over to The Raven today then showed him the town some. Then Ms.Moorecock tells me there is 8 guys at the door waiting for me. I says, I'm exhausted...send one home.
A huge thank you yet again to the Woods Campground for putting up with my ass, our hosts, and to Cooper for coming so far to meet again. Not to worry, my heart is as pure as the driven slush.