Saturday, May 27, 2017


What are you guys up to this weekend?
I'm in Rehoboth Beach with "the Clan" to have some fun and relaxation to welcome in summer.  We have a cook out planed and some time in town having some cock-a-tails and mingling...but probably no beach time running around in my square cuts......too cool! This is summer no??? Anyway, I'm checking out for the weekend and will return sometime next week. Have a lovely weekend and remember to be so thankful to all who have sacrificed so much for this country.

Have a Lovely Memorial Day Weekend Everyone!


  1. are you going to catch up with mark and his cute spouse too? it IS waaaay too cool for beach weather. hoist a G&T for me!

  2. Gin-joy the weekend!

    See what I did there?

    I'll stop.

  3. Happy start to a fabulous summer may you and everyone have!

  4. Replies
    1. O can't believe how unseasonably cold it is. But we will march on and have a BBQ this weekend....the kids are coming. Have a lovely weekend Mistress! Love you photot with the tiny flags!

  5. I hope you have a lovely weekend with the clan. I'm not sure what I'll be up to. My family is not doing anything together, and I don't know yet if my best friend will be in town. All I know is I'm watching auto racing on Sunday morning.

  6. This is memorial Day isn't it??? So different from last year. Have a great weekend and enjoy!

  7. Have a lovely time. It's hard to make plans with this weather of late. I am so ready for hot sunny days. Love your tradition of the little flags again.

  8. The thought of you mingling brings a smile to my face, Mistress! I shall imagine you saluting the flag as flutters proudly on its tall erect flagpole!

  9. Happy Memorial Weekend! I am making the gin pops tonight, so I hope they turn out nice. Enjoy the beach time.

  10. Are we at least gonna get you filling out a square cut shot anyway? Have a good Memorial and don't drink the town dry!!!

    1. since cold, they will probably get the shadow puppet show. its,worth a see.

  11. Where ever did you get those little flags, there adorable. Have a great weekend.

  12. Have a wonderful, wonderful weekend, and save some gin for other patrons!

  13. Have a fun kick off for summer. I'll be enjoying a long banking holiday here, with a couple of Pimmd cocktails. And just relaxing.

  14. nice to see you took the other ride out of the garage instead of a houseboy like usual.

  15. Oh, Rehoboth Beach! Hope you're having a great time.

  16. I can only imagine you waving old glory at the beach! Have a wonderful weekend. I have some shows to attend and then hitting a festival Monday.

  17. Love your festiveness of the holiday above. I will be going my memorial,day plantings of annuals around the house, hoping that the cooler weather is now behind. Throw back a few beers......Have a fun time with the boys. Happy Memorial Day.

  18. Safe travels to you and your friends. Have a wonderful weekend. Sending you special thanks and love for your friendship and kindness.

  19. What we would do for some hot weather. Hope you are having a swell time.

  20. Happy Memorial Day mistress! Hope you having a wonderful time. As cool and over cast as its been here in Ptown, it is none the less mobbed!!! One show down 52 more to go!!!!

  21. I have a seafood cook out to go to tomorrow and its a beer themed cook out. My mouth is already salivating! Here's to a wonderful Memorial Day🍺🍺

  22. Happy Memorial Day!!!!

  23. The day to remember those who gave EVERYTHING.

    Have a wonderful time, mistress. Hugs!!!

  24. Here's hoping your Memorial Day is deliciously fun. Oh behave.....

  25. Its even cool here too. Hard to believe its Memorial Day, but I do love the small of a loooooong weekend.

  26. Happy Decoration Day Mistress! Love you erect flag poles.

  27. Cool car! Hope you had a great time!

  28. Yes, i am looking at the car too!


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!