I've arrived safely back home Tuesday to much dismay. Trying to get me away from the beach is like trying to, well, pry gin from my hands!!! It was a nice long weekend and much needed. Although the weather was very up and down, Mother Nature just couldn't decide what she wanted to do. There was no pleasing her... Me thinks, maybe she was hitting my gin. None the less, whether sunny, hot, cold or rainy, it is always nice to just be at the beach to hear the waves and feel the sand...something very rejuvenating about beach time. And I'm sure to Cali Boi's dismay... no square cuts shots...it was to cool for me to bear skin...on the beach anyhow! But I did get a nice myriad of beach pictures.
I heard of getting crabs, but this is ridiculous.Where's the butter?
They don't call it the Blue Moon for nothing. Chandler always make the Mistress happy.
Had a photo moment with a really big bear!!! Who says the Mistress only like pretty boys?
There was shopping with the clan. They have finally learned the Mistress likes to bring the matching wide brim and handbag realness.
The sun tried to finally appear and the skies opened up our last day... for part of it anyhow.
After shaking the sand out of my bloomers and cracks, it was alas, back to work today. It took some ABBA to get me going today.
I'm in Rehoboth Beach with "the Clan" to have some fun and relaxation to welcome in summer. We have a cook out planed and some time in town having some cock-a-tails and mingling...but probably no beach time running around in my square cuts......too cool! This is summer no??? Anyway, I'm checking out for the weekend and will return sometime next week. Have a lovely weekend and remember to be so thankful to all who have sacrificed so much for this country.
Well,the Mistressis still patiently awaiting for the hot and humid weather to get started....I reckon it feels more like late fall than summer being around the corner...but none the less, with Memorial Day and the kick off of the summer season just around the corner this weekend, if there is one thing the Mistress enjoys it is something very orally fixating and pleasing. You may remember these gems I have made several times. They were a huge hit on Fire Island last summer. Well thanks to my good friend Dagny, I can bring you a new treat just in time for the holiday weekend. It's time to get creative and up your popsicle game this summer. Spice up your frozen goodies with some real fun stuff. G & T's are already so refreshing in the summer right next to my old stand by Pimm's Cup, but why not turn them into popsicles? These gin and tonic popsicles are super easy and the perfect treat for anytime during the week or morning, or how fun could they be with that special man, running them down between those pecs, and then lick, wait, what was I saying??? Oh yeah, Gin Pops!!!!
With any recipe, you want to be able to make it your own!If you prefer a gin and seven, substitute the cucumbers in this recipe for limes. If your like me, you'll want to try 7-8 different gins first, just to ensure the flavor. Follow along for a delicious and fresh beverage!
Gather your ingredients.
3 cups of tonic or 7 up, 2 oz of gin, or just use half a bottle like I do, half a lime and cucumber.
2. Cut very thin slices of cucumber
3. Mix all the ingredients together.
4. Place the cucumber slices in a popsicle tray. If you don't have a tray, you can use disposable glasses with sticks. I check in periodically to see when the liquid is stiffening, then place the sticks in.
5. Pour in the liquid. Place in the freezer for at least 12 hours. Or if your like me a week for the all that gin to freeze.
That's it!!!!Sit back, enjoy and watch the fun and hilarity unfold. I bet you'll have those boys eating right out of your hands!!!!! Enough of these, and your sure to have more then a few Good Humor men!!! Nothing like frozen liquid enjoyment.
Lilies of the Valley are one of my first flowers I love in the spring.....and have you ever taken a whif? They actually smell very good. I picked oodles of them as they were coming fast and furious. Of course I too love the other variety as well......
Lilith of the Valley.
Lilith. My mothers' dog. A Ridgeback. Probably not as demure and delicate as the flower, but very loyal and cute none the less. Here... she is probably upset. Upon my last visit you see, she was outside doing her thing. When she got to the door, where she sits waiting to get in, I said to my mother,"I didn't know she takes her toys out with her". My mother replies, "She doesn't take her toys out." To our horror, she was proud as a peacock at the door, for she had caught and killed a squirrel. It was just hanging there limp in her mouth. Well, out came a treat, as to get her to drop it, upon which we disposed of the critter. She is still puzzled as to where the thing went. Being a breed bred in Africa, and hunt and live on plantations there, she has unbelievable speed, I'm here to tell you. She has in the past also got a rabbit.
Hard to believe this face could go after anything....
"That will teach them to enter my yard"
Meanwhile Buster Bolfig Borghese was having none of it. As he thinks all creatures are his friend and welcomes all. Hell.... mice have walked right pass him and he just stares. He even napped with cats already.
And he is the one who looks more mischievous you ask me!
Hannah Conda is originally from Perth, Western Australia, but she has now taken Sydney by storm working all over the city and at many of the venues on the iconic rainbow strip that is Oxford Street. Boasting a massive following in both Perth and Sydney, Australia, Hannah is a shining example to so many young people out there that hard work and a leap of faith can pay off massively! She has been doing drag for about 6 years and it has become a huge passion of her's and one can tell Hannah lives and breaths this amazing art form!! But Hannah had another crazy path that she thought she was going to follow... that of becoming a Priest!!!!!!! Hannah was very religious as a young boy and felt that the Catholic church was going to be her calling in life. But as you guessed....drag won out. Her best advice to people all over is to just to live each day as if it’s your last day. Live it to the fullest and allow yourself to experience everything that you can. Enjoy all that the world has to offer and allow yourself to be loved and to love.
As you can tell by the Mistress's tone, I am yet again thrilled it's Monday. I'm just a wee bit exhausted from being out and about this weekend with Pride festivities. It's the first one I attended in two years' don't go every year to the festival and parade since there are so many to go to around here. On Saturday, May 21, was the big day..... the fraternal twin cities of New Hope, Pennsylvania, and Lambertville, New Jersey, hosted the New Hope Celebrates Pride Parade. The nationally recognized parade is the gem of the Annual Pride Festival, which drew an estimated 15,000 people this year and is said to be the only Pride event that crosses state lines. This one was really a good one and probably my favorite to attend as New Hope recognizes and celebrates diversity and different everyday. The vibe on Saturday was one of just that — a multidimensional celebration of diverse identities free from discrimination and celebrated in the streets. Bands, motorcycle clubs, floats and more sashayed their way through the streets of Lambertville and across the Lambertville-New Hope Bridge into Pennsylvania. Although rain was in the forecast, participants and viewers alike came out to celebrate as if the only possibility was sunshine all day. Their energy was enough to stave off the bad weather for the duration of the parade, which ended in cheers and a breakout moment of dancing in the streets under a light drizzle. Followed by ample cock-a-tails around town, a huge drag reception, and a the Raven's legendary Wet and Wild Pool Party and Show. Seen around town.....
This year the HUGE 15'X25' Pride flag and all the flags around town were placed this year in honor of it's creator, the late Gilbert Baker.
Two YES boys from the Raven!!! Who needs NO boys?
Even Thunder Showers helped keep away the rain
There's always time for a cock-a-tail or three at the Mansion
Diva extraordinaire Dorothy Bishop entertained at the drag reception. Loved her Hillary verses Trump !!!! You should see wear she pushed the pins!
A parade goer who we met, and later joined us for drinks and hopefully a new friend. The trans community turned out in huge force and it was nice to see the reception they got....and deserve.
The town love Miss Richfield 1981!!!!!
I even throw on some old frock with China Cup for one of the charities shows last week.
While the town frowns on any chain business, it's a cold/warm relationship with Starbucks, there in the background. But they are huge supporters of the town, gay community, and most of the events and drag shows. There's their flag that will fly all month long.
New Hope's Grand Dame Miss Pumpkin, huh, in a Pumpkin
The Fabulous Sherry Vine at the Raven
Some of the Mistress's Clan
Even the horses around here get into the act
Our Pop-Up LGBTQ Community History Exhibit also put together this amazing video of the town, the Raven and it's pass characters together. It was so cool to see and a bit sad, as so many colorful people are gone. But worth a watch. You can just sense the community
Hat tip to the hunky Preston for helping take some of these photos.