Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunday at the Casa with Bennett and Gaga

It's another Sunday soriee at the Casa du Borghese that, as always, has gotten out of control........ I blame it on the arrival of Bennett and Lady Gaga, not the libations!


  1. Wow! Another campy sunday I see! I also have heard many of the duets on his cd The best collaborations with are Gaga and Amy!

  2. LOL! Another wild party with all the fabulous. Did anyone see any nudes yet? Gaga has an amazing Jazz voice as well as a theatrical-pop vibe, nice to hear finally......another side to her!

  3. I love that Tony Bennet is still going strong! He is truly one of the last Crooners there is... and at the Casa!

  4. Complete with animals to I see! Love Gaga, but she should stick with the Madonna act. Not bad though.

  5. These parties are crazy! If you find my animal tail could you send it to me honey!

  6. I'M A TRAMP too!!!!

  7. Who doesn't love a camp sunday soiree!!!

  8. Great duet! But these parties at the Casa never end clean.

  9. Batina9/18/2011

    Do you also play the keys in the fish bowl game? Love the song!

  10. Anonymous9/18/2011

    Really, M! I don't know who's more of a challenge to keep up with - You or Gaga!!! ...wink!

  11. Great duet! Sounds like they're both having a blast!

  12. Anonymous9/20/2011

    MsGaGa and TonyB do make an amazingly good comb., He obviously had a blast and she can sing a bit - but her roots dahling, her roots!!


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!