Dear Santa.......
Please bring me this year-
A very sexy Brock Yurich......
or the dark, handsome mischievous Marco Dapper.

I just can't make up my little ole mind! Since I have been a extra good Mistress this year, could I please have both? Just make it easy on your self. If you give me your word on this I 'll see to it that you get a double batch of my delish sandtarts your so fond of, and I'll leave two shakers of Ginger Sidecars to wash them down with. And some of my creamy rum balls for the road. And don't give me that old " I have to be flying rotuine", because you and I both know the reindeer do all the work! Just like when I'm passed out on a dog sled being pulled! But if it isn't at all possible, then one of your many helpers will do in a pinch! I guess their is always next year. But I would really enjoy one of them. Thanks so much in advance Santa Baby!Kisses!
Your loving minx-
The Mistress Borghese

Ha! You're great!
ReplyDeleteI'm not picky, I'll take whatever he doesn't give you! But Brock's ass......is sweet!
ReplyDeleteLOL, You are so funny. Your such a minx you probably have seduced Big Red himself! Love these!
ReplyDeleteMISTRESS,ARE YOU WHEELING AND DEALING WITH SANTA!!! You are sooooo bad. But after seeing any of these I would too!
ReplyDeleteAnd a very Merry Christmas to you too! Bing;) Have a sexy Christmas!
ReplyDeleteMistress, your so naughty!
ReplyDeleteWe'll take either one of them here! Well any of these would do!
ReplyDeleteWell if you don't get any of these, I do have a stocking filled for you! Very nice mens!!!!
ReplyDeleteKeeping my fingers crossed that Santa will be good to you, Mistress!
ReplyDeleteLove the letter! But I agree, I'm greet and insatiable, I would need both too!