Love this movie. It was on last night and just had to watch it. How can you not love a movie with Vannessa Redgrave, Lauren Bacall, Jacqueline Bissett, Albert Finney and Ingrid Bergman. I have always loved a murder mystery movie, a huge buff, ex specially an Agatha Christie mystery. After this week of being on the run it was a treat to watch this and other movies. The Mistress was a big ole hermit this weekend. The weather was actually very nice, with lots of melting,yea! We love that. But after seeing and dealing with people all week, I just wanted to stay home and have three days of relaxing and vegging out. I did manage to go to the market, but the produce didn't look to good. Their were signs posted there about the lack of and condititons of the produce due to the weather conditions around the country. So a trip to the Whole Foods was in order. I also made a trip to the kitchen shop to get some new paring knifves to shapren my claws. I also decided to order the dvd September Issue.

I can't wait for it to get here. I find Anna Wintour very fascinating and being a visual stylist it will be neat to see all the behind the scene going ons.
While I was out of the blogging last week what did y'all think of the whale attack? We talked about this one day at lunch. I have to say it was awful and I feel sorry for the poor woman and her family, but I'm glad they didn't have the whale destroyed. When we will learn that after all, these are wild animals and are meant to jump hoops and do "tricks" for our amusements. And even though they can be trained, they will always have that switch in the back of their heads that triggers their natural instincts.
I guess the Oscar's are around the corner. I have never been able to watch awards shows. I guess the reason is I don't understand why a committee picks a winner for the best acting, singing etc. Whose to say if their are four actress in a Best Actress category, which one is best? Often times when I have seen movies I have found all their performances to be great. Same with Best movies. I think it just raises the salary of those winners. When I go to see a movie, and a actor or actress has made me laugh, feel anger, cry, get chill bumps from fright, I think they did their job. I just feel their is way to much talent for just one person to win I guess. Lots of pomp and circumstance. After all it's all art.
I was also pleasantly surprised and appalled this week that Boy-Toy and Kailyn got me watching Amazing Race, and that I know who Angelo on Tool Academy is!!!! I was so appalled by Tool Academy I don't know what to do. But I did watch over the weekend Kell on Earth. And I have to admit being a little fascinated and surprised to see a different side to Kelly Cutrone. Kelly Cutrone is a public realations icon and the founder of the public relations, branding and marketing firm People's Revolution, and the show follows the daily going ons that happen their. I found it to be mildly entertaining. Have you seen this show yet? What do you think of it?
Some long hot baths and some cooking was also part of the weekend festitivies. Last night's dinner was really delish and my month watered. Some lobster long over due.

Today was much lounging and relaxing. Now that I'm re-charged I'm ready for another fun filled week! Tootes.