Monday, December 30, 2024



Happy Last Monday of the Year, and it's Mood Boards!!!! 

Another year of Monday Bitch-festering has come and gone. But not much to complain about on this one...Another two-day work week, and Warbucks is still here till after the New Years Day. He and the Mother have gotten along fabulously, if not for some good, fun, old fashioned sparring. I have been cooking dinner most nights, and Warbucks took us and the Duo out of a lovely dinner one night. He saw just about all five sites in Harrisburg before we hit the happy hour Saturday night. The year, let's say, is ending an a few good bangs. More soon....

 How fun is the above picture and its other partner further up? I came across them some time ago, and was shocked to read it was none other than Marilyn Monroe posing as Clara Bow! They were part of a series she did for famed photographer Richard Avedon for Life magazine.


  1. Love this mood board. I want some of that cranberry bread! Interesting images of Marilyn.

    1. When I came upon those images, I couldn't believe it was Marilyn Monroe!

  2. Tick-tock, don't hurry the clock. 2025 will arrive soon enough. My home could use a good bang or two, but the only shooting here will be from the guns of fools.


    1. We mostly get the fireworks here. Thankfully no guns to my knowledge.

  3. Anonymous12/30/2024

    Joli mood board, la nouvelle année approche.
    Amuse-toi avec Marlene Dietrich et Marilyn Monroe au Show Room East Side.
    Ce doux chat montre ce que nous ressentons tous lundi :)
    -Beau Mec à Deauville

    1. Normalement, le chat me résume tous les lundis matin, mais j’avais un peu de vie supplémentaire aujourd’hui, avec une semaine de travail de deux jours. N’adorez-vous pas Marlene Dietrich ? Pour être honnête, je préférerais être dans la salle d’exposition de l’East Side avec le gars bien membré !!

      Bonne année à toi mon ami !

  4. If that's Daddy Warbucks in the white skimpies, I'm not surprised he's a welcome house-guest!

    One more day to go, and we'll be joining Marilyn and the rest to wave bye-bye to another "mixed bag" of a year. Clink, clink, sweetie! Jx

    1. Daddy Warbucks is a bit older...but I have nothing to complain about in his penis department with him! Clink clink dear!

  5. Perfect Monday mood, sweetpea! Cheers! xoxo

    1. I rather liked this one myself tootes!

  6. Teensy briefs, eh?

  7. happy new year darling !

  8. Have a Grand New Years!

  9. The cat sitting there, tired summed my day up...till I got to the very filled white briefs!!!!

  10. Beautiful and timely mood board! Having met Warbucks once I can only assume the year is ending an a few good bangs. A wonder anyone in the house is getting any sleep.

  11. So pretty the board is if not exciting! Love how the East Side Showroom, that says drink, eat is followed by the hunk with a cup of overflowing cock! Always love your segue .

  12. A great last Mood Board for the Year! By damn...was Marlene ever so glamourous and sultry. She just reeked of class, mystery and sophistication. And of course, what kind of mood board would it be without some desserts?

  13. That cat screams you on Monday!

  14. Milleson12/31/2024

    Debbie, Marilyn and Marlene, with a little "boop-boop-a-doop Miss Clara Bow for good measure. Can't think of 4 other women I'd like to join tomorrow evening for New Year's Eve. Happy New Year to you all! Now, where did I put that damn boa and long strong of pearls that go with my Jean Patou flapper dress???

    1. Jean Patou!?!?! I knew someone in this dump had good taste!!!!

  15. Milleson12/31/2024

    string of pearls, of course!

  16. I love those two Marilyn photos. So glad you explained them. I stared at the first and tried to REMEMBER who she was. The face was so familiar and I assumed it was an old-time actress whose name I had lost. Happy New Year. May it be a great time filled with love and joy. The cat and the coffee is priceless! The men of Spain wish you a prospero año nuevo!

    1. I need to visit the men of Spain. I hope there is enough to go around!?!

    2. I think maybe we have enough to go around for you. But only for you.

  17. Marilyn was more talented than most thought her to be.

  18. What you need are some real Erté drawings for your retrospective.

  19. Love the Art Deco Xmas tree illustrations! And that white chocolate cranberry loaf might just get me out of my post-yule funk -- I feel like that poor cat at the coffee bar, LOL!


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!