Sunday, December 8, 2024


The Grand Ole Dame is back and looks better than ever! I saw some of the coverage of the reopening on the ceremony of the Cathedral of Notre Dame yesterday. It was quite moving I'd admit. Having never even been to Paris or seen the cathedral, I was very moved and overjoyed for the people of France to see it back again. A shame if was marred by one who shall not be named. Otherwise, what a joy to see it again with the work of such talented architects, restorers and artisans.
A video sent to me from a friend currently in Paris for the holiday. The same light show company is also the ones who do the lightshow at City Hall in Philly. They are amazing.


  1. It is really beautiful!

  2. Yes, France's political scene may currently be a helluva mess, but France has had two spectacular triumphs this year -- the Paris Olympics and the reopening of the gorgeously restored Notre-Dame.

  3. Anonymous12/08/2024

    Le Miracle.
    Notre Dame, la grande dame des càthedrales françaises retrouve sa gloire :)
    -Beau Mec à Deauville

  4. You've never experienced Paris?! Better put that on your "travel list", sweetie - you'll love it! Jx

    1. Never...not yet. My bucket list so far has been more obscure places....but Paris will be on my next bucket list!

  5. Beautiful building. Good that it's back.

  6. Visiting Notre Dame was moving, even though I am no longer a Catholic. (I did light a candle for my dear departed SIL who never had the chance to see Paris.) It was dark and truly a gothic experience, so to see photos of it restored is something I hope to see again! You really should plan a visit, sweetpea! xoxo

  7. How dare Justin invite that fool to the reopening. It's an insult to God and the Universe for a person with the charges he's been found guilty of to be sitting in a holy place.

  8. A miracle really what they did in just the five years. Looked so stunning and I too was moved. But just why was He who shall not be named invited??? I swear everybody kisses his ass.

  9. What is amazing is that these artists are putting their sweat into this work which will outlast their lifetimes. Imagine their descendant 20 generations from now saying, "my ancestor help to rebuild this place."

  10. Merci les américains, et tous les autres pays qui ont participé à faire renaître Notre Dame 🙏

  11. I visited Notre Dame in 1985. My bucket list has to revisit the building again before I die.

  12. Rising like a phoenix from the ashes, the “aged queen of French cathedrals” as referred to by Victor Hugo, is so beautiful and awe inspiring! A labor of love by thousands of artisans and craftsmen!

    The light show was incredible. I wonder if the same lights show company did City Hall.

  13. That fire was such a heartbreaking scene, but the effort to rebuild has been beautiful to watch. It sure is beautiful again.

  14. Vive la cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris!

  15. Cap Chasen12/09/2024

    It turned out so beautiful! Notre Dame is a sacred place in the sense that it is a Human place. It was built to commune with the Divine, and we continue today to seek Infinity. This cathedral has stood through changes in government, schisms in religion, upheaval in society, and has withstood time. It stands while we change, and so we respect it as a monument to something greater than ourselves. You do not have to be Christian or religious to appreciate the importance of Hope and Humility. I'm happy for France and Parisians today.

  16. I had the great honor of going to church at Notre Dame in 1986. Good to see it rebuilt. It looks amazing and the ceremony was moving. I love seeing all the pomp and circumstance.

  17. Oh you must see Paris! It's a beautiful city. I'm pleased to see Notre Dame rebuilt.

  18. Have only seen pictures and video. Not religious at all but I revere this building not only for its architecture, but the times and history in its walls. It is a symbol of humanity itself, and I would love to see it some day.

  19. Notre Dame rises again!

    Does this means Disney could still do that live action Hunchback of Notre Dame?

  20. Being involved with architecture and city planning, this project is quite amazing for us these days, as we never implement such craftsmanship anymore. I know some will bitch and complain it looks to new, but it would have never looked like it did before, except for some of the older parts that didn't burn. It's miraculous how men and woman restored this incredibly beautiful cathedral. It is breathtaking. The art and the structure is a blessing is jaw dropping.

    1. We should just be glad it is still with us.

  21. You simply have to go and walk down the center aisle, it took my breath away 20 years ago. I can't wait to see it all sparkling a bright inside. We were last there Christmas eve 20 years ago. Wanna make plans for 2026?

    1. It has been low on my bucket list. Once the current list of must sees is will be on the next bucket list im sure. Reminds me of some of the huge cathedrals I saw in Buenos Aires.

  22. Just think, poor ole Pope Frankie couldn't go because he had to make a trip to Corsica. What was so urgent in Corsica that the trip could not be delayed? Does the Vatican owe money to the Corsican mafia?

  23. It's an incredible and stunning piece of architecture. I hope someday I will get to visit. (A side attraction to visiting the Louvre!).

  24. Now that is one beautiful building!

  25. My word. How lovely to see it all aglow once more. I understand they unearthed a number of things during the restoration. Hopefully I will get to see this in person in 2025. The only damper on this whole relaunch? A certain orange ogre had to insert his ugly butt face into the proceedings. That's right. I called him a butt face and I stand by it... but not too near - he has cooties.

    1. Yeah I agree. And didn't Jill Biden look THRILLLED to be seated so close!

  26. Anonymous12/09/2024

    Attended mass at Notre Dame memorializing the dead of both world wars, sad when it was destroyed by fire, glad to see it restored from the ashes :) Though I personally loved the Paris church of La Chapelle with its fine gothic tracery laced around its stunning stained glass windows. -Rj

    1. I know I've heard of that. I off to Google that.......

  27. What an absolutely stunning restoration! I've watched a few NOVA episodes about the restoration work since Notre Dame burned and the care and attention to detail by the restoration teams is mind-boggling. I can't get over how bright it is now inside the cathedral (8oo years of dirt, incense and candle smoke under the fire damage) and the paintings and stained glass shine like beautiful jewels now! Let's hope it stays like this for another 800 years...

    1. I think I saw the same Nova is indeed mind boggling the talent and know how.


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