Sunday, October 8, 2017


The fall season is shaping up to be a busy one I can see it now. While I'll be OUT and about in Philly today for their always fun Outfest in honor of National Coming Out Day, it was an early start to the day. I had just enough time to get in from Saturday and rinse out my bloomers and get back out today for the festivities.  But Saturday morning I was grateful to have time for mu usual big breakfast while watching to see what Usual Suspects might drop in.

As usual, the doves always show up first.
A cute little house wren
The Red Bellied Woodpecker visits quite often during the day. And he is adamant about getting every seed no matter how tight it may be under the sill.
This Cardinal was a young one in August/September. Then he molted into his brilliant red.
A Starling. I actually think their quite cool looking.
I still have my gaggle of Blue Jays. THE NOISE!
Look at these little piggies. Ten of them on just one side of the window sill.

I have no idea what this bird is, but a neighbor has been putting pieces of fruit and tomatoes on the fence near our mail boxes, when I finally caught a picture. It is probably about as big as a Robin.
I also sent a friend of mine a video I took of all the sparrows the one day feeding and chirping around the sill and he went and played it for his three sphynx cats. When I first met them, I was a bit startled, but they are the sweetest cats and feel like velvet. I assumed they liked the video.
But those faces


  1. I do love me some bird porn! Thanks.

  2. I too always love your bird porn, lol! I have tried to do what you have done. William places seed on the windows sills, but to no avail will they come to the sill except the sparrows. You must just have the touch. Could it be because your higher up? They will use the feeders though. I always love your dove shots. THOSE CATS!!!

  3. Beautiful pictures as always. I have no idea the last bird, but's its beautiful. I just hope there not watching you scramble eggs when there peering in!!!! Your friends cats are don't see them much.

  4. Just how many birds were on the sill if that was just one side!?!?!?!? Love seeing the woodpecker up close.

  5. I juts know one time, your going to slip your bird in here to see if were awake.

    Those cats are beautiful, but those faces look like they'll cut your throat out.

    Enjoy Outfest!

  6. Lovely as always, I was hoping you had a birder post coming soon. I too love Starlings. They are actually very pretty up close. That last bird I'm thinking might either be a barn swallow or in the Oriole family. If you find out let us know.

  7. Without the sound of birds nature life would be dull. Nice your pecker.

  8. I love the blue jays for their colors. Those sphinx cats are cool, but I still have to get used to them as well. Same for manx cats. I don't think I can handle a cat without a tail.

    1. I have a friend who also has a manx cat as well. He is the most cutest, affectionate cat.

  9. The yellow bird Audubon says might be a Scott's Oriole. If it is - it is outside it's usual range.
    It must have heard that Maddie has the bestest seed. :-)

    1. I will have to check that out. If so, this wouldn't be the first time a bird was way off course. Remember my little owl?

  10. birdies and all we need is a cock!

    1. oh...just you wait dear..........

    2. don't encourage the mistress.

    3. the mistress doesn't need my encouragement; with her, it's all cock all the time!

    4. You both better be awake tomorrow.

    5. ok, I'm what?

  11. Nice post! My mother had that same bird. Her's was a Baltimore Oriole. We had one stop by this summer & eat orange halves we had out for the birds. It is definitely in the Oriole family I'm thinking. They can be hard to get I understand.

  12. Your feathered friends always put a smile on my face! I'm not au fait with North American birds, but that lovely yellow and black one certainly does look like some sort of oriole.

    P.S. Just a rinse of the bloomers, was it? You didn't have to put them on a boil wash to get rid of some of those more crispy of stains?

    1. not this time. I wasn't at the Infomanaic this time. I only do that after visiting MJ.

  13. I do love a Cardinal ... and the bird, too!

  14. That is quite nice to see all those birds up close. Most of us probably never even lay eyes on them.

    And those cats...if looks could kill.

  15. What a wonderful collection of feathers! I especially like the woodpecker, cardinal, and that gorgeous yellow bird.
    And the trio of sphynx cats is amazing.

  16. Cap Chasten10/08/2017

    Smiles from Palenville in New York State. We loved your post!

  17. Oh so brighter than our uk birds

    1. That's cuz the birds here have better schools! Oh, wait, that's fish. Never mind.

    2. I think Deedles got into the liquor cabinet!

    3. she didn't touch the gin, so we are OK.

    4. Ooooh, I love gin! You are very fortunate that it hates me. What else you got? Oh, I forgot. Nothing is a good mixer with insulin, rats!

    5. Well Deedles, we do have a special candy dish in the foyer.

  18. I adore your bird photos. If it weren't for the squirrels, my birdseed would last a lot longer!

  19. I love watching the birds in my yard and on my walks, but can't seem to get good pictures of them. These are great! You have a good variety of pretty little visitors

  20. Those poor birds wouldn't stand a chance around those cats.

  21. Love the bird photos!! There's a Facebook group you can join and post your bird photos on. It's called Wildlife Photographers Worldwide. There's another for more amateur photographers as well as pros that's called Worldwide Clicks

    1. I'm not on Facebook fortunately. But I ll bet their stunning pictures.

  22. A fine flock of feathered friends... that Cardinal is spectacular in colour... how could anyone not see it?

    1. So nice to see you Prinny....and with your garden you just may get some feathered friends.

  23. Love your feathered friends! One thing I missed about living in the US the last two months. We don't have all the birds varieties here. But those sphynx cats are stunning. One of my favorite breeds. I have had one and they are more affectionate than other breeds.

  24. I always love your bird-feeder window! As for your friend's Sphynx cats, that's what my mother would have called "a face only a mother could love."

    1. I mother always says the same thing when she see's a ugly baby. They are sweet hearts though.

  25. Pretty birds, keep watching for the flightless-waterfowl to show up.

  26. Lovely photos indeed and nice of you to share. Greetings.


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