Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Graffiti Artist

 Do you remember Desperate Housewives and Wisteria Lane? Well, that pretty much sums up the neighborhood around here. So last night while walking Buster Bolfig Borghese and the Russian, all the hub bub yesterday was about a overnight graffiti incident up at Chestnut Street Park. You know summer is coming if the kids are hanging out late in the warmer temps already.  I don't understand Mormon's defacing child's play equipment and walls and fences. Boys write things in school toilets you wouldn't believe. I don't understand it, a generation literate only on walls. I always thought it was a mistake to have obscene words of only four letters, I mean...... if all the obscene words had a compulsory minimum of eight letters, most of your graffiti freaks would have to retire overnight. And you can't get them to use a dictionary.

And for God 's sake....if your going to do graffiti go big and artistic like in Philadelphia's center city...........


  1. Make it art, not an eyesore.

  2. Anonymous4/10/2013

    Street tagging sucks. Someone did that to the walls and fences on my block not too long ago and I was angry.

  3. The other day I was at a craft store for a project and wanted the *high end* spray paint (better spray control, etc) I had to get a clerk with a key to open the display. Why? Because the graffiti *artists* had a habit of stealing them.

    1. yes, they do the same thing here and I wasn't aware of why at first.

  4. Your plan to extend swear words to eight letters and thereby defeat illiterate graffiti artists is BRILLIANT!

  5. The murals here is Philly are quite incredible. I only live about three blocks from the second picture.

  6. I remember when I had my trip to Philly and saw some of these! I was amazed how many there were. And the kids who did them were very talented!

  7. Philadelphia does have some amazing murals and graffitti! But when not done with care and insults it sucks.

  8. "if all the obscene words had a compulsory minimum of eight letters, most of your graffiti freaks would have to retire overnight" What a hardy laugh you gave us!!!!!!!!! And how true!

  9. i agree with Bob make it art not just random writing

  10. You know, graffiti has it's place like on the back of gas stations or railroad cars and truck stop trailers. Places where people like me often visit and have something to entertain them while otherwise occupied.

    1. it even worst when one reads their own number, while otherwise occupied. Not that I know of course, but it happeded to a "friend"

  11. Bad Graffiti to me... is like interperative dance... It takes me a while to work out what it is that they are trying to say... even if it is half legible...

  12. Anonymous4/11/2013

    No doubt they whizzed for the exclamation point!'s a primal type thing -to mark one's territory!! This look only works on abandoned warehouses.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!