Tuesday, November 12, 2019


We've been hit tootes!!! 
 It seems over night the Casa du Borghese was hit by the fucking troll who has been graiffing many blogs. This person has hit over 80 post with non sense. My Social Director, Ms. Moorcock has spent a better part of two hours deleting their dirty and nasty comments, not to mention a spam bot hit. Some keep these comments there, but i dont want litter amongst the comments! Unfortunately like Debs, Anne Marie and Mildred comment moderation will be on. I hate to do this as it cuts in on the fun banter we have....but it will be on temporarily. So far Ms. Moorecock said only one comment showed. As you can see she is busily working.

Any ideas why this is happening would be welcomed to hear.


  1. It has been at my blog, too, but I just delete them as I find them.

  2. Yes, that totally sucks! Which is why I had to do the same with my blog. These scam comments are sent via Bots. Why? I guess they find it fun. Problem is, some of them carry nasty code with them. They then infect the computer of whomever is gullible enough to click on a link.
    Thank you Ms. Moorecock for the tedious work of removing the flotsam.

    1. I really don't know what all this is. It's never happened before. Ms. Moorecock is the one who brought it to my attention. She earns her keep every now and then.

  3. *shakes fist at spam bots*

  4. BOBDAMN MUTHAFUCKA SONS OF BITCHES! I think it started on debra's blog, then went to mildred's, then mine, then dave's, etc.

  5. oh! dear! better go check mine own blog!
    xoxooxoxoxoox :-)

  6. How dare such odious people descecrate this sacred place?
    Sweep them away, mistress, with one wave of your fabulous hand!

    1. Stand back Christina and let this fairy godmother whisk her wand...…..

  7. They hit my blog too. Those fuckers.
    I have a system that I have to approve older comments. That way they cannot go spam older posts 😎


    1. I wish you were here to show me that. How does that work cutie pies?

  8. I got hit by "Selena Gomez", too - in your "dashboard" menu you can mark these crappy messages as "spam" and then delete them from the spam folder.

    I also reported the spammer to Google. People in Thailand must be very bored if all they feel the need to do all day is scatter-bomb blogs that feature drag queens, objets d'art, man-totty and general musical nonsense...


    1. I've been tapped by half of Hollywood tootes.

  9. Yeah, it's on at my place too....

  10. What a shame. What comments are they? And who has time to sit and comment on the many post?

    1. The comments have been painstakingly deleted by Ms Moorecock Agnes. It took the poor thing 3 hours to clean the joint.

  11. Fuckers. It takes one asdhole to ruin it all.

  12. Oh my goodness. It isn't just a bot, or if it is a bot then it is pretty clever. I left a snarky comment on Blobby's blog and the spammer responded to me!

    1. Oh my dear Lurker!!!! I'm so happy to have you stop in. I wondered if it was a She-bot? What's this world coming to, when the spammer is responding? It must be your charm for sure tootes.

    2. I can only respond here because the CAPTCHA is gone. I think the common denominator is that you are linked to from John Gray's sidebar.

      On the other hand: maybe I am the spammer? It is so difficult to tell these days.

    3. The CAPTCHA?!?!? So THAT was the houseboy's name at the door.

  13. don't ever let it be said I don't earn my keep around here.

  14. I haven't had anything on my blog, but then again I post about once a week. If I had to guess, it's the run up to 2020.

    Back in early 2016, a number of gamers had their EA accounts hacked, and those of us who didn't made sure we turned on two-step authentication. If all of these Blogger blogs are getting hit, there's a good chance this is a test to hack other things.

  15. I had notice that. A royal pain in the ass... and not a good pain. I’ve been able to manage spam better work th WordPress. I mark it as spam once and then it never appears on my blog or even in my email. I also report it. I used to always report spam and bots to google and that SEEMED to help, although I had never had response from google on any thing else.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!