I just bet you thought this was going to be my age right??? Well, it is my birthday month, but not for a couple weeks yet. No, I'm here to follow the suit of four lovely bloggers, Anne-Marie, Jon, RJ, and Debs, who all did a post of forty questions. I always love these things. And like Joan in the boardroom..... bring it on boys........
1-Are you named after anybody? Not my whole name, but the middle name of George is a standard.
2-When was the last time you cried? When I was told I was out of gin!
3-Do you like your hand writing? Yes...i still write hand written letters. Remember them?
4-What's your favorite lunch meat? I generally love to sink into anything tubular, but a good smoked honey turkey I love.
5-Do you have any kids? Nope. Probably a good thing gay men can't get pregnant!!!
6-If you were another person, would you be friends? I would like to think so. I'd probably be checking out his ass too!
7-Do you use sarcasm? Me? Hell no why would you even give a crap if I did!
8-Do you still have your tonsils? Yes. I have everything I was born with. Never even been in a hospital or broke anything.
9-Would you bunjee jump? hell no, at least not sober. I don't mind heights though. I actually have a gift certificate from a good friend to take me up in a hot air balloon. Up up and away. My luck, I'll end up in Oz.
10- Do you untie you shoes when you take them off? Yes, always. Unless the sex can't wait in the heat of a moment.
11-What's your favorite cereal. Always granola with fresh blueberries in it. Yeah, I can get earthy.
12-Do you think your strong? Mentally yes, physically no. Although I'm scrappy, so I could defend myself. But I've always considered myself a lover, not a fighter.
13- What's your favorite ice cream? By far...chocolate chip mint!!!
14-What's the first thing you notice about people? Their expression and eyes.
15-Red or Pink? Pink. Real men aren't afraid of pink. I use all red at Christmas...and it looks like the Red Light District. Maybe pink this year no?
16-What is the least favorite thing you like about yourself? Probably my impatience. Some days at work I'm Miranda Preisley. " By all means, move at a glacial pace, you know how that thrills me"
17-What color pant and shoes are you wearing right now? Grey jeans and bare foot.
18-What are you listening to right now? Horror movies . Its Halloween after all!
19-What was the last thing you ate? A pumpkin whoppie pie!
20-If you were a crayon would color would you be? Probably a shade of blue.
21-Favorite smell? Skunk. Just said that to see if you were paying attention. My favorite smell is probably my aunts thanksgiving dinner. The smell brings good memories.
22-Who was the last person you talked to? My neighbor, Bricon.
23-Favorite sport? Sex
24-Favorite food? Pizza!!!!!!!!!
25-Hair color that's real? Yes, dirty blonde.
26-Do you wear contacts? nope
27-Scary movie or happy ending? Scary movie
28-Last movie watched? Pans Labyrinth
29-What color shirt are you wearing? Navy blue
30-Summer or winter? summer. You know I love hot weather, beaches and wearing as little as possible!!!
31-Hugs or kisses? Depends..is there tongue with the kisses?
32-Sweet food? I not a big sweet person. My go to is usually cheese and nuts. But if I crave sweet, its usually a milkshake.
33-What book are you reading currently? At the moment nothing. But I do enjoy reading Tomass Hawkkes nature photography books with stunning photos and some of his passages.
34--What's on your mouse pad? Nothing, I don't have one. I have no mice in the house and sure don't want to encourage one to pee on a pad if they are.
35-What did you watch on tv last? Ruruns of Midsummer Murders.
36-Favorite sound. By far the crashing of waves, since I'm at the beaches alot, and the sound of the crickets and katydids at night . With so much time spent in summer at the beach and mountains, when fall arrives, I have a hard time at first falling asleep. The crickets are almost done at night here now.
37-Rolling Stone or Beetles? I guess it would have to be Beetles.
38-What's the farthest you have traveled? The Netherlands to Amsterdam.
39-Do you have a special talent? I need more clarity..is this in or out of bed???
40- Where were you born? Earth.
Now that was a big meme.......excuse me now dears....I need a gin and tonic!