Late last night I had received two calls about a friend of mine. I was saddened and shocked to learn another of my friends died Wednesday night. And only 33! The cause has not been revealed yet, and he was discovered by his room mate. Kyle was in top form, hardly ever sick,and was very active, enjoying sports up in the Big Apple. Kyle Spidle was a native of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, like myself, it's where we first met. Kyle was also a graduate of The American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York City. Since his graduation, he has been involved in theater throughout NYC. During his last semester at The Academy, Kyle started writing his own works and has penned over six original plays and was working on many more. His love for the art of the theater kept him inspired to act, write, direct and produce new and original works that are intended to incite thought and feeling within the audience. He didn't become involved in acting until 2004, which is when he realized that performing was his passion, and he moved to the Big Apple to pursue that career and did it. He starred in the play Fallen, which he also wrote and starred in the movie, Half Share, a movie created by Jessie Archer. But one of his favorite parts was playing Stanley in Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams. And in amongst all that, he was a very popular bartender in the Village at the legendary, Monster. Doesn't surprise me though, as Kyle was a very sweet, kind and a welcoming person.

I can still remember my first encounter meeting him. We met through Phoebe Snow, a friend from Harrisburg. While out one night, her and I got a wee bit drunk. She later introduced me to Kyle who was cute as a button! And so sweet. We had a great time out, and he later offered to drive my car back to Phoebe's house all together since he wasn't drinking. We got to Phoebe's place, and went swimming in her gorgeous pool, and then the three of us just sat talking for hours about anything and everything under a beautiful summer sky. After a while Kyle went to shower and then said he was going to make us all breakfast. Phoebe calls for me later to come in the house, so I went in to find Kyle cooking in just a towel wrapped around his waist. Mind ya, the boy was build like a brick house. He was cooking up eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, potatoes, coffee, it was a Golden Girls moment. And every time he flipped the pancakes in the skillet his muscles would pop, sending me into over dramatics. I pretended I was fainting, and would fan myself with my wicker fan that looked like a palm leaf-it went everywhere with me!!!!!Good times! After that he said he knew I was going to be a hand full! He hung out with us almost every week after that, with our group, and came to all the soirees. Eventually Phoebe moved to California. Two years later I left Harrisburg for greener pastures with the Boy-Toy to Philadelphia, and Kyle followed suit two years later to New York City. We still kept in touch, and I would stop to see him in the city every once in a while. I also found out he even worked with my good friend and sister, Mame, aka David Dust's restaurant. Kyle was very handsome, and some thought intimidating to approach, but he was one of the nicest, sweetest and gentle souls one could know, no big ego or snottiness here, he welcomed everybody. And whilst there were lots of good times, my first encounter will be the one I will always remember, under what was one of the most perfect star filled summer skies.

Good night to our sweet friend, Kyle Spidle 1977-2012.
**** I was going to close comments, but since some mutual friends will be reading this, and not knowing of after life arrangements yet, I have decided to keep them open for y'all, if you want to add any thoughts or memories.