I can't believe September is behind us already!!! The Mistress has been very hectic of late with work poto-types and fashion styling last week and then had to ready her own store for a huge visit yesterday which went very well. So today I took the day off to recharge and relax, and it couldn't have been a better day to take a nice end of September walk. It would do me and Buster Bolfig Borghese good to get out for some nice cool air and enjoy the scenery. After a few chores here and lunch I got myself ready. I believe Buster thought I would never get ready and get us out for a walk.
Annnnnnywho, I did manage to get us out of here by noon, right after a cock-a-tail. I grabbed my trustee camera to take out this afternoon with the intent of taking lots of pictures of the fall foliage and scenes around the park, but I got distracted by the stunning architecture in Doylestown. It's funny, but having lived here for almost ten years, I never really noticed the front doors of homes before. When I look at the doors, I believe they can really set the personality for the family that lives there and the doors really give a great focal point of the homes. I love images of doors, gates, porticos and paths. And I am always a sucker for a good-looking doorway, as evidenced by some of the pictures, so while walking I decided to scrap the pics of the park, and I though I'd snap some of the most lovely doors of Doylestown to share with y'all

I absolutely adore the shutter doors on this house. It reminds me of a southern home.

It was amazing just how many different doors could be seen. And they varied from the very simple to the very ornate, different shapes, window panes and every color from the Benjamen Moore paint store! Another reason why I like these little towns opposed to the cookie cutter developments. There is so much more personality, don't you think?

A very nice day all and all. A favorite of mine in all these pictures? I love them all. Next month Ill share some of the houses with y'all on a tour of Doylestown. Tootles!