I'm already to depart for the long Thanksgiving weekend. I'll be departing tomorrow for my ancestral home, complete with Buster Bolfig Borghese, three houseboys, suitcases, two hat boxes and the.....well you get the point! You just never know what kind of ensemble you will be in the mood to wear. And the smelling salts are for my estranged, traditional aunt, who we have not really seen in years!!!!! A long story. She shocks easily, and reminds me of Aunt Pitty Pat from Gone with the Wind. With my other eccentric aunt, my mother and I one never knows what will come out of our mouths! We will be attending dinner at my favorite aunt and uncle's home, where she is like Martha Stewart. We will also be joined by some of her kids as well. She is having the traditional bird, with all the sides fixings, all made from scratch. She started making the breads and pies yesterday I understand. The dinner usually starts with cock-a-tails for two hours before we eat, so everyone is lit before dinner.

Since I like to cook, I'm one of the few the aunt will allow in the kitchen to taste test, I mean , help with preparations.

Of course we will all be there when the bird comes out of the oven, and this is where my aunt, from the gin, will start yelling at everyone to get the hell out of the kitchen!

Then later after seconds and thirds, cock-a-tails, some wines and dessert, the Mistress will retire to lay about swanky in some corner on a chaise lounge, trying to hold in my stomach. So a bid you a farewell and will return in early December, as I'll be off for a week, and then have some travel, and some sights to see in New York City at our store and others to view their holiday windows, not to mention a busy social season starting.
So I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!