Thursday, June 23, 2011

From the Desk of Cali-Boi

The Mistress will be the first to admit that I'm not the most savvy on the computer and I mostly use it for blogging and reading blogs,payments and the sort of thing. I'm terrible at checking my email and I'm not sure why, but I really should check it more. One of my first readers Cali-Boi, who lives in West Hollywood and whom I haven't done yet, I mean, met yet, but have the feeling he is a hand full, sent me a lovely picture of him and his friends from the White Party. I only recently opened his email while on vacation and he thought I could use the picture in some sort of Mistress kind of post. They were there supporting and giving exposure, or were they exposing? a club called The Abbey. After seeing the picture, hell with a witty post.

I believe Mr Cali-Boi is on the left in the navy blue trunks with the sunglasses on. Honey you send me more pictures, and you'll find yourself in the Mistress's Candy Shop!!!!! And a big Thank -You for reading for so long and a nice wet kiss to you!


  1. Sweet Baby Jebus! Pretty Mens!

  2. Oh. my.Goodness! We so have to have one huge party! Bali-Boi, you need to collect yourselves and head east!!!!! Like yesterday!

  3. Ah, that was a good day! And for not meeting him yet, you have him pegged! Beside I do believe he is smitten with the Mistress!

  4. And when are you coming for a visit?

  5. And aren't these quite cute too!

  6. Even for a old queen like me Cali-Boy you give me some tingles!

  7. I vaguely remember a club called The Abbey in San Diego. Wonder if this is the same kind of place.

  8. You guys make me blush....Now you see you need to come out here and bring that eric and deisel boy with you!

  9. Nice of him to send this. I'm ready to go meet them all.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!