Monday, February 3, 2025



What a sickening weekend! Brace yourselves and grid your loins. The Mistress has sadly ended her proud and longstanding record of being sick or any nasty head cold since 2017!!! Tis true. I felt something coming on Friday a nasty head cold with sore throat, congestion, and stuffed up nose. no energy. I even called out today, the first time since 2017. As a regular reader here you tell you, I am never sick and swear by my juice bar.... nightly gin and tonics. You know your Mistress loves her juice. the last two weeks, I've had one, and a few glasses of wine. See what happen when I let my gin guard down??? Not again will I! So, it's been much sleeping, hair up in curlers, hot tea and buttered toast and broth soups. I'm already on the mend. Hence my lack of post on the weekend. Sleeping. But I didn't think anyone would mind staring at Rudoph Neuyeau sizable penis. Well, maybe Shirley who thought he needed a manscape. And the houseboys got lax...I saw today nobody has dusted off the ming vases..... Back soon!


  1. Milleson2/03/2025

    Bummers Maddie, sorry for your downturn, but as Robert Preston as Carole "Toddy" Todd said in "Victor/Victoria", "Oh, God, there's nothing more inconvenient than an old queen with a head cold."
    I'm just quoting here, not a thought of you being in the "old" age territory. I also remember the Eliza Doolittle quote about "Gin was mother's milk to her" so start ladling that spirit into your tea, the Gin Industry is counting on you! Love you, dear.

    1. "Oh, God, there's nothing more inconvenient than an old queen with a head cold."- I think my social director and houseboys would agree with you!

  2. Chicken soup, rest and Gin IV's should have you back into your glitter heels in no time... feel better soon, Maddie!

  3. Oh no!
    Get well soon. You must keep up the gin levels. You have been very lapse, obviously. Will send gin if needed. Chin up! Xx

  4. I think hot tea, hot house boys, and a bottle or two of Hendricks might be just what the doctor ordered!

  5. You'll be up and on your back, legs up, in no time.

  6. Oh Mistress!!!!!! Take good care!!! Going that long since 2017 not being sick with the flu or head colds is nothing to sneeze at! No pun intended. That's amazing. I enjoy this mood board. Over the weekend I caught an episode of Planet Earth- Frozen World...they featured snow riddled forest which pretty amazing looking. Your post reminded me of it, minus the curlers and men.

  7. 2017!!!!! You have got a freak immune system or there really is something to all that gin?!?!?!? Hell, I get at least three head cold a winter. Take care and feel better.

  8. Hope you feel lots better soon.

  9. Hahahahahaha, the gin I.V.!


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