Sunday, December 31, 2017


There is nothing I'd would rather do.
Forget about the rules tonight- sweet- thing,
forget about the rules tonight,  sweet- thing,
I wanna dance with you... until the sun comes creeping through.
I wanna dance with you, I won't stop pleasing you...
Honey for a while,  give a girl a chance to show some style,
if you got no love to spare, tell me lies, I don't care...
You better believe that I, I know a good guy to try,
because there is nothing I would rather do,
forget about the rules tonight, sweet - things 

Hello everyone! OH dear...looks like the Mistress slipped into a musical again... 5 points to anyone who knows the musical.

Ready or not the New Year is finally (almost) here! The Mistress has gotten an early start....
I can't complain for much this year and have been very lucky. Yes, I did loose my job, which at the time was scary as hell, but it all worked out, and enjoyed a whole lovely summer off, and finally got to go to Argentina!!! But remind me why I came back??? But then half way through the summer my old job wanted me back, in a bigger location, more pay and kept my vacation time! Take that boys!!!! I may not be rich, but I consider myself lucky to have family and good friends, yes... you included. So long as all are healthy and happy, it has been a good year. I wasn't even sick once all last year...not even a cold. I chalk it up to all that gin dear!!!! I have a nice comfy abode, and ever met some new friends this year.
I don't know what you do for New Years Eve. But this year if it's just you or your with others , end the year with doing something new or fun. Like smile and kiss a stranger, pinch the cheeks, which ever ones are available on you friend or loved one, put on a dance song you like and get up and dance, blow a new years horn for no reason out the window, spend the night naked if your by yourself, take a short late night walk and listen to nature, make a huge food spread, make a toast to someone...there's lots to do to be silly and impromptu fun.
This year will be the first time in years, the Mistress won't be hosting my intimate New Years Eve dinner party. Daddy Warbucks is here, and we were invited with the clan, to a tux and high heel party, but never New Years Day dinner will be on!!!! I got my monkey suit yesterday and did a dry run to make sure all looked right.
And don't worry about me in heels...I walk much better in them dears.!!!!!

So here's to us all, each and every one to having a better, peaceful and happy 2018.

Have a WONDERful 2018 and
HAPPY New Year Everyone !!!

Saturday, December 30, 2017

MEANWHILE .... the Casa du Borghese.

Something's got into the punch.


Well after a one day work week....yes dear ones.....looks like my work life is back to normal again, the Mistress is grossly behind in blog reading. But today I'm relaxing after a nice long snooze and a breakfast with homemade Stollen and coffee. Here are a few snaps taken during the holiday this week seen around . Its been a more relaxing week than a normal season for me....and I am not complaining.

City Hall Philadelphia

Buster and Lilith. "We didn't do it we swear"

Farms Market. Picked up my pork roast and sauerkraut for New Years Day.

For a Christmas gift, the Mother got a me a gift....a day at the Spa at Hotel Hershey. The day was spent on the 23rd being pampered... getting a facial, massage, deep body exfoliate and cocoa wrap and a mani/pedi! I didn't know whether to relax or lick myself. The place is so relaxing and elegant. 

In between treatments they serve you hot drinking chocolate....Hershey style!

Followed by martinis at the end of the day. Mine was a expresso chocolate martini.
One night while coming home from New Hope, I saw a dog wondering all over the back roads. I pulled over in fear someone may hit him. He ran right to me and he jump in the car. Once I got to a location to pull into, I saw his name was Boone on his collar, so I called his very happy owners. They came to pick him up. A happy ending.

Independence Hall on a cold day.

Beautiful snap of City Hall through the lit trees.

Philadelphia Art Museum rotunda.

Meanwhile at work pictures...PLEASE!

One of the stores better clients.

Dinner a few weeks ago in beautiful Lahaska

It was a good season. To me it's not what's under the tree for Christmas, but who's around the tree.

Friday, December 29, 2017


In this weekly feature, I'll share a weekly guest and you tell me in only three words what comes to mind.

In three words....
Dina Merrill

Thursday, December 28, 2017


While the Mistress is absolutely bushed I tell ya from festivities and travel from the holidays, there is no rest for the weary. It has gotten cold so the furs have been broken out of the vaults, and now we're breaking in the newest houseboy, Errol.

He's fond of wearing period chapeaus....apparently.

Monday, December 25, 2017


compliments of the Usual Suspects.
comments closed

May you all be enjoying the festive day!
Merry Christmas To You all- each and every one.

Sunday, December 24, 2017


Well dear Readers, by the time this post, I will have been at the ancestral home since Friday. For Christmas Eve, we will spend it at my aunt's house for her Roast Beef dinner with Yorkshire pudding...and enjoy a nice relaxing candle lit dinner. And I plan to enjoy my time off. And I couldn't think of a better and festive way to share Christmas Eve then with some pictures of my good friend's, the Capital Street Duo's lovely home from their party I went to.

Purely talented and stunning!
On that note....I will return sometime right before the New Year.

May you all have a magical, wonderful, memorable Christmas! Thank You for you constant kind words and for visiting... I'm truly grateful for all of your friendships DARLINGS...and as is tradition here, let's enjoy Bucks County native Christina Perri in a truly beautiful song.

Saturday, December 23, 2017


As you can see, Ms.Moorecock and myself can balance balls quite easily on our heads, and a smart holiday party look.


In this weekly feature, I'll show you a weekly guest and you tell me in three words what comes to mind.

In three words....
George C Scott

Friday, December 22, 2017


Here, in what's bound to be a new holiday classic is the fabulous Manila Luzon, Peppermint and Alaska Thunderfuck....with We Three Queens.


 Dear Fat Boy. Ah, Santa-

         It's that time of year again, cold weather, warm cockles and lots of holiday love when I think of you. Now I don't know what you have heard, or what technology you use to check up on people, but take my word on this, I have been trying for years to get off the naughty list. This year, I was done several things, wholesome things to get off the list.
Well, I'll fill those in later. Is it really that important at this late date? Take my word tootes, I have been very good this year and have yet again written you this letter of my holiday gift requirements.
Now pay attention here, this year I have even gave you pictures to go by so can we get this right this year. I don't want another vibrator, underwear, sock or sweet treats.

Now, I would love and need this stunning dressing table for the boudoir

I want these lovely items....
A vintage Citroen convertible
Gin infused bubble bath.

While were at  it, how bout a gin advent calendar.

This boudoir ensemble for the stated reason.

I also want this kitchen I saw on Bob's blog...preferably installed by shitless contractors.

On my gimmie gimmie gimmie list.

Willie Gomez

And if it can be arranged, could you possible remove Sarah Huckabee Saunders mouth...or at least give the poor creature a ounce of fashion sense.

See, I just put someone else's' needs before mine.

I am looking forward to a special Christmas Eve with you. I really love your tight Santa suit, and I love being caught under mistletoe. wink wink. I will be sure to have some yummy cheeses and some gin for you and an extra surprise that's I'm sure you'll love!!! Thanks for letting me share my Christmas list yet again. Let's make this happen stretch. 

Ciao for now...
Your sincere minx-
the Mistress Borghese