I sure hope all you love bugs had a lovely weekend!!!
You be happy to know the Mistress survived another fabulous time up at the Woods Campground for their very fun Illuminations Weekend. I also survived, the disco inferno, the heat and humidity inferno, numerous bear traps(they thought they could lure me in with honey), and with my gin in take, managed to not get scolded by any open flames!!! Illuminations is my favorite weekend up at the Woods..so pretty with all the candles, luminaries, torches, and lanterns that light up the night. I give them credit to be brave enough to have so much flame around my gin breath. But this year, I had a new surprise in the form of a guy named Cooper. Cooper is a blog reader of mine and was up from Louisville to come to the Woods. He left word on my blog post, and Ms.Moorecock tried to get word to me, but alas, cell reception is terrible there. After a round about, and asking where a Maddie could be found, he located me. I must admit to being just a tad smitten with this handsome hunk, as he took my breath away! I don't recall, but I may have even dropped my ostrich fan. And my cock-a-tail. And ever so nice too! It was a real pleasure meeting you Cooper!!!! So glad you enjoyed your visit. Now about that glamping......

Some of the beautiful illuminations....
Have you ever wondered what becomes of all the empty gin bottles I go through???
Some of the camp signs and oddities....
Some of the beautiful flora's....
Just four or five people in the pool this weekend...
A gratuitous shot of the Mistress's tanning legs and new square cut....
The Mistress's mode of transport. Not driving mind you....but has his ass carted in the back sidecar!!!!
But the Awwwww moment happened when the Mistress told company and friends I thought I saw a guy just walk pass with two squirrels on his back? I of course, thought I just had to many stiffeners much heat.They all said your drunk!!! Well...and this is the part where if the Dogs Mother is reading...WARNING...tell Abby to leave the room.......

Yes indeed! This gentleman, in every sense of the word, had two baby squirrels on his back! Well, being that I love my Bouvier, I had to know the story. We told me he thinks they fell out of their nest, and the mother hasn't been seen. The day they saw them, every time he and his friend would leave their site, the squirrels would follow them. Then right away, they crawled up the back of him to his shoulders and neck. Needless to say, they were quite the cuties, and crowd pleasers. They even let me pet them, and they were just beyond adorable. Later that day when I saw him, they were still on his shoulders, curled up together, fast asleep. It was pretty oblivious he was getting attached to them too, and I asked what he planned to do when he leaves for the weekend. I have the feeling he might have two new pets!!! It was so sweet, and proof nature works in mysterious ways.
So it was yet again another fabulous time glamping. A huge THANK YOU to the staff of the Woods Campground and my dear old, old, and I do mean old friend, Winfred for putting up with my ass, and all their wonderful hospitality, and what a pleasure meeting new friends and seeing some old ones. It was a trip to remember! To read other posts on the Woods, just click the link in the tags.