Sunday, November 23, 2014


Most mornings around here are very active with excitement, besides me trying to get ready.... between all the birds and Bouvier. In addition to the doves, finch, nuthatches, chickadees, Tufted Titmice and the Jays, some new faces showed up this am!
Here's Bouvier today. I thought for a minute he was contemplating a flying leap over to the window. But no, he did come down to the door for his daily helping of nuts.
This shot cracks me up.....Bouvier stretched out long on the side of the tree. He stayed like that for what seemed like forever.....

In addition to the Red Headed Woodpecker I now also have a Downy......
 The yellow finch are still hanging around in search of thistle......
They too have landed on the sill to feed...very unlike finch to feed off of. They prefer feeders or sock bags
I have no idea what kind of bird this is...research required, but he was beautiful with a brilliant yellow and red stripe as one can see.
Mr. Cardinal is back on the sill. They are around year round, but when it gets cold they tend to show up at the trough with the rest.....
Bonnie and Clyde high up in the maple...keeping a watch over the Casa....
off to the left of them you'll see Bouvier's nest in the crook.
 Bonnie roosted on the window sill for about an hour after feeding. Can you believe this???
Out by the mailboxes yesterday I noticed the Black Eyed Junco's have returned to our area, and will soon be on the sill with the others. That is good evidence winter is coming,if you need more evidence.


  1. What a active morning there!!!! I too have one of those birds with stripes. Have no clue either what it is. AND THE DOVE ROOSTING......what trust, that is adorable.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. With so many critters hanging out outside the glass, the houseboys must be putting on quite a show indoors!

  4. Mystery bird seems to be a red-winged blackbird. Female I expect. You can just see the smidgeon of red at the top of the wing. Likes to hang out in marshes and nest in cattails. We get them every spring. They have a pretty distinctive call.

    1. Thank you!!!! That would have drove me nuts.

  5. Wow...what awesome little critters you have hanging out! Great pics! I believe animals instinctively know which people will be good to them. And having all the food handy helps! Has your Mr.Fox made an appearance lately? :)

    1. No Amanda , I haven't seen the fox lately, but I know he's around as some nights I hear the cries. A sound you DON'T want to hear in the middle of the night. I miss seeing him too.

  6. TDM has it correct - she wins a prize!

    with a post title like that, I figured there was a gang bang involved...yes, I WENT THERE! perhaps amongst the houseboyz during their free time...

    1. Wouldn't surprise me if he was involved. The Mistress has been mia all day.

    2. Someone douse these two with ice water!!!

  7. Where is the fox? I miss him already.

  8. What a special morning!!!! Right now I have a ton of cardinals myself! ITT cracks me up you essentially have a pet squirrel named Bouvier!!!!! They are adorable though aren't they?

  9. We have a hairy woodpecker and a red shafted flicker that visit often in the yard, which surprises us since we don't have the suet feeders up yet. Very cool birds you get there. Love Bouvier!!!!!!!

    1. "hairy woodpecker and a red shafted flicker" - sounds like nicknames for 2 of the mistress' houseboyz!

    2. "hairy woodpecker and a red shafted flicker"? I think you both may require the services of a doctor.

  10. You make me so jealous with the collection of birds you get and the wide variety. I love your bird post!!! What kind of food do you use might I ask?

  11. Mistress , these are quite lovely shots!!!!! Could that black bird with stripes be a magpie?

  12. My fellow birds tell me they are enjoying your blog too. I love these post! I was also wondering about the fox. Any siting's?

  13. Very nice birds Mistress. You sure do know how to deliver the shots!

  14. So far to see the birds. Even the cardinals come to the windows, amazing!

  15. Very nice post Mistress! I see you really do have lots of wonderful bird there! Loving the woodpecker!


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